On November 10th, 1793, there was an activation of Goddess of Reason and Liberty in the Notre Dame church in Paris:

That church was the location of the temple of Isis in Roman times:
Where initiates into the Goddess mysteries still meet today:
Exactly 225 years after the activation of Goddess of Reason, certain Goddess priestesses of the Resistance Movement came to the surface in Paris and did a special planetary kundalini activation.
The activation was taking place from November 8th to November 11th, 2018, during the meeting of the world leaders in Paris. The second basement DOES exist, although the waitress denied it.
This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the Dark forces.
One aspect of this planetary kundalini activation was for women to start reclaiming their sexual energy and expressing the beauty of their bodies.
The effect of the activation was felt immediately on November 10th in Louvre:
And at Arc of Triumph:
And the next day, November 11th, a few meters away from Donald Trump:
Since November 11th, 2018, the Paris Goddess vortex is continuously triggering kundalini activation in all human beings on the surface of the planet. This is the occult reason for the success of the Yellow Vests movement, which is a grassroots movement against all oppression.
The movement is quickly spreading globally and is expected to have a drastic impact on global geopolitical situation:
You need to understand that we are now very close to solar minimum and as the solar activity increases in the coming months and years, the revolutionary spark in humanity will only get stronger:
This weekend, more women protested in Paris topless:
They were evoking the archetype of Marianne, Goddess of Reason and Liberty, whose energy was activated in Paris 225 years ago:
Goddess wants liberty and liberty it will be!
Source: 2012portal.blogspot.com
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Yes, indeed , the courage , the virtue of the heart of the Goddess, love all that is . Standing with the Goddess, initiate the liberty for all and all that is and was always good . Thank you dear Cobra, very very much and blessings of ” MAA”. SITARAM. So be it. So it is . I AM. Victory of the light.
Merci au premier commentaire
A vous croire telepathe ou devin
C est exactement ce que je pensais hier
Que la lumiere soit
Merci a toute l aide qui malgres n a pas reussi a me faire bouger de ma chaise
Chacun sa facon
L essence ciel et que le message passe
C est la torture de moi meme et de ma mere aunsi que l agression constante de tous ce que j aime qui m a fait tomber
Sans compter la volonte assumer des persecuteurs de me faire tourner en rond
Le soldat inconnu
Que revive enfin eve
Que la femme “humaine “se déifie et la gente féminine accomplira non seulement la prophétie d’Aragon: “La femme est l’avenir de l’homme” mais- par effet de causalité – la femme serra aussi porteuse de l’ avenir de notre ‘Nouvelle humanité unifiée’ en gestation.
Courage my friends! Stand tall; stand together. Wake us all up! It’s time.