In anticipation of the posting of our recent interview with Robert David Steele, we are sharing his latest book review of David Icke’s 2018 book “Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told”.  Robert’s chapter by chapter review is an in-depth summary of David’s 750 page great work that completely covers the entire perspective of our global and cosmic reality.  We will post this review in three parts.  It is posted with the permission of Robert David Steele.

Chapters as Summarized with Quotes & Comments

  • Executive Summary by Robert David Steele 3
  • Preface 5
  • Chapter 1: The Biggest Need to Know 5
  • Chapter 2: The Inversion 5
  • Chapter 3: Log In / Log Out 6
Chapter 4: One Big Problem 7
  • Chapter 5: Archon Visitations 9

The above chapters were summarized on the first PFC post.  The following chapters are included in today’s post:

Chapter 6: Software Elite 10
  • Chapter 7: Mind Control and Shapeshifting ‘Royals’ 12
  • Chapter 8: Casting the Spell 12
  • Chapter 9: Holding the Spell 16
  • Chapter 10: Advancing the Spell 20
  • Chapter 11: Terrified of Truth 22
  • Chapter 12: Before Your Very Eyes 24
  • Chapter 13: War, War, War – We Love It 27
  • Chapter 14: Saying the Unsayable 28
  • Chapter 15: Is It Hot or Is It Me? 31
  • Chapter 16: The Assimilation 32
  • Chapter 17: Synthetic Human 34
Chapter 18: Perceptions of Freedom 36
  • Postscript 38
  • References 39

Chapter 6: Software Elite
This chapter and the next are “on the edge” even with me, but I have to give the author credit for making sense in an insane world. I take everything he writes with great seriousness and I believe that his view is one that everyone needs to consider whether they ultimately agree or not. I am inclined to agree.

“Reptilian shapeshifters,” like “conspiracy theorist” and “fake news,” are “shut-down” terms intended to censor by diminishing and marginalizing those who contemplate the esoteric and paranormal.

QUOTE (195): Shapeshifting works on the same principle as demonic possession.

QUOTE (196): Archons [are] a robotic race of ‘artificial intelligence’ which can imitate by not innovate.
The author makes an excellent case for considering the possibility that most elites – including Royals and US presidents (or Vice Presidents with the actual power) – are psychopaths who have been possessed. They are a hybrid in some fashion. I for one believe in this possibility, excluding John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Donald Trump. [The author is vitriolic on Trump, I have more faith in Trump and those behind Trump – by 2024 we will know which of us had better sources and instincts on this one point.]

QUOTE (200): As the colonialists officially departed they left behind their bloodlines and secret society and satanic network through which they manipulate events. . . . The British Empire never ended, it just went underground. The United States may fire most of the bullets [today] but where and when they are fired is decided by the bloodline inner circle in Europe.

The author discusses the overall structure of control, both secret societies and the overt elements with secret components, in this chapter. This is the chapter that establishes that Zionism (not to be confused with Judaism) is the ultimate enemy of all humanity.
The author equates Zionism with Rothschildism. I am not so sure. I believe that the descendants of Caesar and the Vatican have at least co-equal status if not superior status, and the jury is still out on whether the British Royals are above or below the Rothschilds. As an intelligence professional, I would rather put all three under the microscope and not focus exclusively on Zionism alone.

The author covers in summary fashion the use of secret bloodlines and “crypto-Jews” who publicly converted to Christianity (particularly to the Jesuit order) and to Islam (particularly to Wahhabism) so as to manipulate those religions as part of the larger plan for global domination and the subversion of humanity as a whole.

Satanism is the over-arching “faith” of the elite.

QUOTE (210): The philosophy of anything goes is at the centre of all that they do. This ‘anything’ includes paedophilia, sacrifice, and incest. Depravity to Frankists is a form of worship while compassion and empathy are sacrilege.

I am absolutely convinced that the Democratic approval of pedophilia – and particularly the manner in which California is now teaching pedophilia in schools as a “normal” sexual orientation – demands the eradication of this political leadership but would hasten to add that the Republicans in Name Only (RINO) are just as evil and also need to be eradicated. Herbert Marcuse called this “repressive tolerance.” The elite seek to destroy communities, cultures, ethics, families, nation-states, in order to eliminate the cohesion that comes from goodness at the local to national levels.

QUOTE (211): Our world is controlled and manipulated by those for whom the reversal and inversion of everything good is their very religion.

Sabbaean Frankism is the inner core of Revisionist Zionism and Zionism owns Wahhabism.

I am persuaded that the day must come when both Zionist Israel and Wahhabist Saudi Arabia are “put down,” and the holy cities of Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina all liberated and made international zones of faith that are completely demilitarized.

The author summarizes earlier lengthier works on the intersection of Reptilian-hybrid bloodlines, elite Satanic rituals, and the torture of children to produce adrenochrome, and their murder with impunity. I also recommend Joaquim Hagopian’s book being offered free online in chapter form, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State.

QUOTE (217): …the energy of children before puberty is the most prized by Archons and Archontic Reptilians.

The author goes on to explain that the traumatization and torture of children, not just sodomy but actual instrumental torture most cannot begin to imagine, is how they literally suck the life force out of children – this is separate from the trauma imposed on children intended to mature into sex slaves and controlled assets of the Empire.
From Jimmy Savile to Jeffrey Epstein to the British Royals and US presidents to the upper levels of the military in the US and the UK, the author is provocative in describing a range of human trafficking and child sex abuse and Satanic ritual murder so deep, so broad, that one must consider the mainstream media and the US and UK intelligence agencies to be actively criminally complicit in this local to global crime against humanity.

QUOTE (227): Satanism is fascism.

I helped shape this book by West Point graduate Joachim Hagopian, now up to Chapter 25, both free online and via Amazon Kindle at 99 cents each, access all of it via In brief, everything I have ever read supports this author’s views.

Chapter 7: Mind Control and Shapeshifting ‘Royals’
This chapter opens with a summary of CIA’s MKULTRA mind-control program and Project Monarch. It omits mention of the National Aeronautical and Space Agency (NASA) investments in this same area – the alert reader will recollect that the Operation Paperclip Nazis were evening distributed between CIA and NASA. For a complete indictment of NASA, see a book the author recommends that I have reviewed, Cathy O’Brien’s TRANCE: Formation of America. I learn something I did not know: that the US Army Chemical Corps Special Operations Division has been heavily engaged in mind control operations that I consider to be torture and a crime against humanity – and certainly treason in the context of the US Constitution.

The author draws a distinction between mind-controlled assets who can be used for sexual pleasure, assassination, or other dirty deeds, and mind-controlled celebrities and politicians (I would include judges and prosecutors).
Citing a specific witness, the author provides such terrible specific indictments of the British Royals that I wonder why he has not been suicided – perhaps because they don’t care or assume that no one will ever believe this. I have difficulty with this, but there is enough here to warrant containment and interrogation of all those named.
There is a lot here about Bill Clinton, Al Gore, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, including secret family lines and planned incest and inter-breeding, I will leave it to the interested reader to buy the book and delve in to the details. Zionist Alan Greenspan emerges in this section as vastly more evil and vastly more powerful than any other US person including all presidents required to bow to him.

The subordination of world banking (and all secret intelligence agencies) to Satanic influences is described in this chapter, to include testimony from Ronald Bernard, whose live testimony I heard in London in April 2017 in my capacity as Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. As with all institutions, this generally refers to the 10% at the very top, not the 90% good people trapped in each of these institutional and unwitting of their ultimate evil.

Chapter 8: Casting the Spell
Having set the stage with the first seven chapters, here we enter the heart of the matter, the means by which the 99% are held spell-bound in a fake reality far removed from the boundless possibilities – from a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for all, as “crazy person” Buckminster Fuller once envisioned.

QUOTE (251): Perception is everything. Minds must stay closed to prevent the exposure of the world and reality as it really is.

QUOTE (252) Each generation is perceptually programmed by previous generations and by peer pressure from their own generation.

QUOTE (253) Programming is most effective when the population is in a state of fear or trauma.

I agree with the author in his focus on the 1920’s as the time when modern programming and the total enslavement of the 99% by the 1% began. This is when the Rockefellers and Carnegies took over both public education and public transport in the USA, and when planning for the Great Depression – a contrived depression designed by the banks with the complicity of two US Presidents – began (see Wayne Jett’s Fruits of Graft).

The author focuses on the Rothschild Zionist Frankfurt School (later followed by the Tavistock Institute).

QUOTE (254): These were some of the Frankfurt School’s ambitions to transform human society (you might recognize them): Creation of racism offences; continual change to create confusion; teaching of sex to young children (it now happens as young as four); huge immigration to destroy national identity; promotion of excessive drinking; emptying of churches (undermining any form of social cohesion and community0; a legal system with bias against victims of crime; dependency on the state or state benefits (then removing them once dependence was achieved); control and dumbing down of the media; encouraging the breakdown of the family.

I find the author compelling in his articulation of how the state is intent on stealing our children – not just their minds but often their bodies, with state institutions devoted to tearing children away from their parents for sale into pedophilia markets, use in genetic experiments, or simply as fodder for the broken society. I find it especially troubling that the state – and I certainly see this across the USA – is intent on criminalizing the slightest expression of anger or disobedience by a child to the point of labeling them a problem, hence their parents a problem, hence state authority to “deal” with the problem.
The author makes reference to medical fascism, with reference to the secret vaccination courts and the ability of the state to compel the medical poisoning of children with vaccines known to contain the ingredients for both autism and sterilization.

QUOTE (258): Satanic and paedophile rings infiltrate every area of society – including the judiciary.

A section entitled “Schools: Programming prisons for kids” says it all. Many others have written to the fact that schools were redirected in the 1920’s from teaching the basics – reading, writing, arithmetic – to dumbing everyone down and instilling automated obedience to orders and a general lack of initiative. Leading to memorize and pass rote tests – and to show a willingness to embrace advanced programming – became the measure of “success.” I have reviewed many books in this arena, one that stands out is Gordon MacKenziel’s Orbiting the Giant Hairball–A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace with two profound insights: our schools beat creativity out of our children, and our corporations suppress individual ideas and any attempts at diversity.

New to me, and useful in its concise and clear presentation, is the direct relationship between left-brain “fact” thinking and right-brain “context and creativity” thinking. The first is both what the 1% want from its 99% serfs, and what alien artificial intelligence “computes.” The second is uniquely human and not easily engaged by those who would diminish all that is so special about humanity.

QUOTE (265): McGilchrist says the left-brain is knowledge of the parts while the right-brain is wisdom about the whole.

As someone who has been making a big deal about the need for holistic analytics and true cost economics as well as Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) as an alternative to our corrupt toxified stovepipes of evil, this resonates with me. Monsanto does not want you knowing that everything you eat contains RoundUp, which causes cancer – two court cases finally validated that long-fought claim, thousands more cases remain and will be inevitably delayed. The law is used to delay and conceal the obvious. Similarly, false flag events from 9/11 to Notre Dame to the attacks on the churches in Sri Lanka that remind me of CIA bombings of churches and monasteries in Viet-Nam, are all “dots” (or lies) that are supposed to be taken at face value. We are not supposed to be connecting the dots and concluding that our governments are committing treason and lying to us every single day in service to the 1% and the central banking elites that treat all of us as disposable goods.

I am reminded by the author that “play” as well as art and music and sport, are all right-brain activities, and that no brain will mature without giving equal time and exercise to both sides of the brain in full measure. Here is the killer quote from Kyung Hee Kim, professor of education at the College of William and Mary, with inserted brackets from the author:

QUOTE (269): A massive decline of creativity [right brain] as children have become less emotionally expressive [right brain], less energetic, less talkative and verbally expressive, less humorous [right brain], less lively and passionate [right brain], less unconventional [right brain], less apt to connect seemingly irrelevant things [right brain], less synthesizing [right brain] and less likely to see things from a different angle [right brain].

Rules are madness – top-down madness.

QUOTE (270-271): Education is all a giant hoax to pass off programming as learning.

He quotes Peter Gray, a Boston College psychology professor:

QUOTE (271): The available evidence suggests quite strongly that school is bad for children’s mental health. Of course, it’s bad for their physical health, too; nature did not design children to be cooped up all day at a micromanaged sedentary job.

John Taylor Gatto totally agrees, see his book, Weapons of Mass Instruction. My other books on education, including a book by Derek Bok on the commercialization of universities to the point that they are worthless to society at large, can be found here: Education (General) and Education (Universities).

The author discusses home schooling and self-directed learning as well as something being tried in India now, very narrowly focused schools that issue certificates leading to applied jobs rather quickly, instead of diplomas – society needs all forms of education.

I have two thoughts: the first is that any society that gives up the one income family and deprives children of a stay at home parent is destined to hollow out; and the second if that I have long thought we need to allocate our children’s time across three domains: group learning of the basics and group laboratory time; free play including “walk-abouts;” and apprenticeships in the trades (high school summers) and professions (college summers). Universal service (shared boot-camp followed by time in armed forces, peace corps, or first responders at home) is part of my vision for resurrecting the soul of America.

This chapter is particularly strong in outlining how “intelligent idiots” (the term has been popularized by Nicholas Nassim Taleb in his book Skin in the Game but is rooted in an earlier term “intelligent stupidity” coined by G. Bernanos and F. Schuon). Taleb documents the degree to which top-down bureaucracy and hierarchy separate well-paid imbecils from the consequences of their actions – in the absence of bottom-up accountability, this leads to “pay to play” legislative systems that are toxic to humanity.
He calls into question the intelligence, integrity, and imagination of every profession, among which I would single out politicians, judges, journalists and broadcast script readers, and senior government officials as particularly venal. They are all going through the motions. They are NOT making evidence-based decisions in the public interest, but rather decisions of profit and convenience for them as individuals.

I have done more than most to connect the following points: we process less than 1% of what we collect; we collect less than 1% of what is published; what is published is less than 1% of what is written, particularly when providing for both foreign language publications, gray literature, and tacit unpublished knowledge not yet codified, and what is written is less than 1% of what is known.

1% of 1% of 1% of 1%. This is not an indication of intelligent life on Earth.

QUOTE (282): Central to the whole delusion is to persuade people that they ‘get it’ when they don’t even begin to ‘get it.”

The author begins to make his case her for rejecting the “social construction of reality” by the 1% and their Archon masters, and instead recognize the possibilities without limit of humans who see themselves as individual God particles who are “One” with the cosmos.

QUOTE (284): Fear is the currency of control.

QUOTE (285): The System is specifically designs to generate maximum fear, anxiety, and stress…”

QUOTE (286): A fundamental foundation of the entire hoax is inverting human perception to make insane appear sane and sane appear insane.

The author ties the control of fear, the control of perception, and the control of money creation together, and then goes on to describe how the religions are explicitly designed to both subdue human consciousness and to divide and conquer. In passing he notes the growing majority of Jews who reject Zionism and the Zionist criminal state as explicitly not part of Judaism the faith.

QUOTE (292): We fix the money hoax or nothing can change.

QUOTE (295): Any religion that has to employ violence and intimidation to maintain its control clearly does not believe in the power of its arguments to promote itself.

Pages 297-298 provide the single most concise indictment of Christianity – and the Catholic Church particularly – that I have ever read. The author gives credence to Joseph Atwill’s book, Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus. I cover many others books on the myths and mis-steps of religion in Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Religion & the Politics of Religion.
If money is about enslavement, then religion is about de-humanization to justify genocide and other atrocities – from the Crusades and the Inquisition to the genocide of indigenous peoples worldwide to what is being done still today to the Palestinians, religion is about genocide.

QUOTE (299): Once you have a belief in God-given superiority you can mentally dehumanize non-believers and justify any scale of horror against them.

The author ends on a positive note: each person has the power to reject falsity and take back the power of their own mind, their own beliefs, their own behavior. He concludes that vast numbers are waking up and the possibilities for humanity are swinging back toward the infinite.

Chapter 9: Holding the Spell
This is a critical transition chapter that explains how the programming of children in state-managed schools, combined with the programming of children and adults through Deep State manage media including movie, enables a control over information that is totalitarian in effect. As we have all seen recently with #GoogleGestapo (Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, YouTube and others such as Reddit, Wikipedia, and WordPress), this control is both totalitarian and predatory – conservatives and progressives objecting to the official narrative are being deplatformed or digitally assassinated.
Since the Google – NSA relationship became so well known, a new axis of evil has emerged, between Amazon, the CIA, and the US military. Individual information is now in enemy hands in every sense of the word.

QUOTE (303): To create and maintain a perception deception requires by definition control of information.

Six corporations in league with secret intelligence agencies control all forms of media from mainstream to social. The author does not get into the minutia that I myself have experienced, where the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the common element in defining and enforcing censorship practices (I write to that here: “How The Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics: #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy,” American Herald Tribune, 7 November 2017.
The author celebrates over several pages the integrity and public declarations of Udo Ulfotte, author of Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News, concluding:

QUOTE (306): This is what the mainstream media really is – psychological warfare on the public.

I find it fascinating that there are just three copies of the above book in English available at Amazon, all for $600 or more – evidently someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to buy up all the rest. Of course Amazon, with its $600 million CIA contract, is not at all eager to offer it in a low-cost reprint.
As a former CIA clandestine operations officer who refused an assignment to Covert Action Staff (CAS) where all this media manipulation nominally takes place, I personally believe that CIA is a wedge in the pie of control, but banks, foundations, the Zionists and the Vatican and others, are all part of a larger mosaic of control, CIA is not the monolith. All secret intelligence services, all secret societies including particularly the Knights of Malta and the Freemasons, are part of this larger Deep State web of control.
Especially important in this chapter is the author’s emphasis on how the public must be constantly exposed to trauma to keep them unsettled and susceptible. As someone who managed a false flag event for the CIA, and who has published compelling in this domain including two widely read collections, 9/11 Truth: From Campaign Promise to a Presidential Speech on 9/11 2018? (Earth Intelligence Network, 2018) and False Flag Attacks: A Tool of the Deep State (Trump Revolution Book 12). Amazon Kindle, June 8, 2017 I will say with absolute certainly that virtually every “active shooter” and every so called “mass casualty event” is a false flag – a state-sponsored false flag event.

This chapter provides substantive examples, one featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his efforts to expose the danger to children particularly and humanity generally of vaccines and toxic medications, of how the pharmaceutical industry (to which one could add the banking industry, the military-industrial complex, and more) control the “news.” Tell the truth, get fired. All those employed in this industry understand that.

The author briefly discusses the alternative media, and is adamant that Donald Trump is a Manchurian candidate whose anti-system rhetoric is manufactured by the Zionists that control him. I am not so sure. Q has said “Zionists last,” I am among the top published critic of the Zionists (always careful to distinguish between the Zionist genocidal apartheid criminal state of Israel and the Judaic faith) and my reading is that Trump knows that he must expose the Zionists for 9/11 and expel the Zionist parasite from the USA. If he does not do this, I believe forces have been set in motion that will do so with or without him, and this includes over 75 million armed Americas, including 22 million veterans, who fully understand that it is the Zionists pushing for the termination of the 2nd Amendment and the confiscation of guns, because they want to completely subvert the US public and avoid any risk of an armed uprising.

The author maintains, and time will tell if he is correct, that Donald Trump is the ultimate “fake news” and a pretender who is merely extending the Deep State and Zionist control of the USA for another two terms. I will meet the author half-way by including here my favorite cartoon that I used in a published “Memorandum for the President of the United States of America, Subject: Election 2020, Jarvanka, MoveOn Boycott of AIPAC, and Your Legacy,” American Herald Tribune, 22 March 2019.

I believe that the Zionists must be, as Q has stated, the last to be taken down. That comes in the second term. If our President fails to do this, then God Bless Him, he has made it possible for others to do so.
Several pages discuss various forms of fake news, including pseudo-alternative media websites that are in the business of earning revenue by creating completely false stories to earn revenue via click bait.

I am much taken with the author’s clear denunciation of individual Zionists by name, including Larry Page and Sergei Brin (Google), Susan Wojcicki (YouTube), and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). He does not mention Jack Dorsey (Twitter) but Jeff Bezos gets some very serious attention across the book and would agree – based on what I know about Amazon – that it is the new Central Bank for the digital world and totally inimical to the public interest – Amazon is new digital police state.

Pages 325-330 discuss monetization (and shadow banning or de-monetization) and the censorship cabal. The author makes it quite clear that all of the elements of what I call #GoogleGestapo are in an active conspiracy with the Deep State and the Shadow Government to censor all forms of truth that dispute the official narrative. He does not mention MeetUp or PayPal but he should – they are totally integrated parts of the Anti-Defamation League’s Zionist conspiracy to promote lies and suppress the truth – MeetUp closed down #UNRIG, a $77,000 paid professional network of 435 MeetsUps, at the same time that it waived fees for 1,087 #RESIST MeetUps. The difference: #UNRIG stands for America First, not Israel First, and the ADL is the co-sponsor of all 1,087 #RESIST MeetUps – the waiver of fees is in my view an illegal undeclared campaign contribution of at least $225,000 to the Democratic Party, similar to the millions that Google donated in kind to Hillary Clinton with manipulated search results. There should be a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) investigation of all of these people along with the ADL, why there is not is a question only the President of the United States can answer.

A thread that runs throughout the book and is very visible here is how “political correctness” is used to allow atrocities on the left (Muslim men of color raping white women with impunity, leftist sympathizers being allowed to write in Facebook that murdering white women might be even better, so no more “entitled” white boys will be born) while censorship is used to shut down any competition of ideas from the right, no matter how civil or how ably documented.

QUOTE (333): …’progressive’ academia and swathes of the ‘progressive student population have been lured into states of what I can only perceive as forms of mental illness.

QUOTE (335): Around a hundred websites dominate Internet traffic. Zionist-controlled Google has 1.2 trillion searches a year; Google-owned YouTube has more than a billion active users per month; and Zionist-controlled Facebook, which also owns Instagram, WhatsApp and so much more, claims two billion active users. I am guiding people to some YouTube videos in t is book because its domination means that is the only place you can see them. We seriously need another mass video platform that believes in freedom not censorship.

Displacing #GoogleGestapo has been my focus ever since the Zionists attacked #UNRIG and myself six ways in ninety days, and I am confident this can be done, particularly if President Trump fires Twitter and starts issuing his own Trumpets on a 200 million person pilot that and a few other people I know decide to create – if Alibaba and Yandex agree to pay, it’s game over. The Zionists – and their social media pimps – have overplayed their hand. Just for grins, here’s the planned billboard (I still plan to do this) that got their attention.

QUOTE (338): Jonathan Taplin reveals the scale of domination in his book, Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy. . . . Taplin writes: “Not since Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan has there been such a concentration of wealth and power . . . and the enormous unprecedented fortunes created by the digital revolution have done much to increase inequality in America.”

Chapter 10: Advancing the Spell
“Political correctness” as a massively planned and perfectly executed local to global Psychological Operation (PSYOP) in the heart of this chapter.

QUOTE (339): Political correctness is an El-lite tool for getting the target population to silence and censor itself so they don’t have to.

Keeping the pubic in a state of fear is part of keeping them “in line” with “approved” dogma.

QUOTE (340): The term progressive describes a mental and emotional state of such self-centric self-delusion that it skewers and invests reality in the extreme. Progressives think they are (a) anti-Establishment and (b) liberal; but they are neither. Progressives are the new Establishment and crucial to the social engineering networks which instigated political correctness to manipulate the population to censor itself.

What the author does not address in this chapter is that the liberals are also the key means by which the Deep State advances what Herbert Marcuse called “repressive tolerance” which is code for “anything goes” which is code for turn everybody into a transgender pervert that loves pedophilia and bestiality. That leads to the destruction of the family, community, and nation-state, in that order.
There is overlap between this chapter and a book I recommend and review under references, TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook, I again stress that the reader of this review should be buying the book being reviewed, it is a tour of the horizon like no other.

The author clearly and concisely reviews the Zionist Rothschild sponsored Frankfurt School and its vision for criminalizing all manner of normal behaviors and beliefs, while devising the NewSpeak that destroys freedom of speech and freedom of thought. The author touches on what may be the “third rail” of US politics other than anti-Zionism, and that is the very deliberate assault on white people, and white males particularly – and white males armed under the Second Amendment most especially – as the enemy to be vanquished.

The author excels at summarizing victimhood as a strategy for dividing and conquering, for turning normal people into quivering masses of stupidity begging for the militarization of the police, welfare, and state control. I personally am disgusted by the degree to which we have debased the family and the two-gender society – California seems to be particularly perverted and it is no coincidence that Hollywood and the Hollywood pedophiles including Harvey Weinstein are there – but the author does this topic justice and I suspect there is no similar account to be found anywhere else.

QUOTE (346): They [the Deep State and the Zionists] want to breed weak people easily offended and not strong people who couldn’t care less what anyone says about them.

Political correctness is censorship. Political correctness is the tyranny of the progressives who are in fact merely stupid tools for the 1%. This is particularly visible on university campuses where speakers with views that contradict the official narratives are banned. Universities are no longer centers of competing ideas, they are more like advanced soft prisons where good behavior leads to a degree that is largely worthless.

QUOTE (349): The whole point of political correctness is to delete free and open inquiry.

I particularly like how the author shows clearly that victimhood is embraced by weak minds and shallow souls as a form of me-ism, of gaining attention for a collage of mediocrity that would otherwise be beneath contempt, at the same time that they that those that “support” them are “virtue-signaling,” itself a selfish act.
Particularly powerful, and citing Jacques Barzun, the author emphasizes that political correctness is about organizing hate, not facilitating tolerance.

All white men should read this chapter carefully, it is a manifesto for truth and liberation. The author documents the insanity of the extremists on the left who go so far as to suggest that white people should lose the right to vote.

It gets worse. This chapter includes a long section on linguistic policing, I would call it linguistic perversion. People are getting fired in California for not calling transgender freaks by their preferred pronoun whatever that might be, at the same time that old men are being allowed to self-identify as seven year old girls and play naked with girls of that age. I don’t make this stuff up. See the author’s own documentation of this on page 365.

QUOTE (361): Ridiculousness rules and word bans for 99.4 percent of the population justified by the need not to upset 0.6 percent?

The author uses the term “infantilization” to cover the regression of intelligence and the loss of integrity and imagination at the university level and within state governments staring with (my focus) California.
The author also makes the point that issues like transgenderism are being grown by the government. Kids in his generation and mine did not have this issue. This is an imposed artificial perversion that is being spread as part of a deliberate campaign to fragment society and destroy the family.

Great discussion of triggering, which is code for university administrators with no balls allowing piss—ant students with no brains to freak out over shit they do not understand, at great expense to everyone.
Generation Ritalin (drugging the young to create supplicant adults), demonizing the old and mobilizing the young too stupid to know they are being manipulated, and fat stupid aging leftists who see nothing at all insane about vilifying normal middle-aged white men going about their business.
This chapter ends on a positive note. I really do want to stress that as thorough as this book is in relation to threats, it is also a consistently positive book.

QUOTE (380): Let us not forget, however, that there are still significant numbers of young people who have not fallen for The Program in all its forms and can see what the snowflakes cannot. They must stand together with the rest of us and not be bowed into silence by PC extremists.

I totally agree.

Chapter 11: Terrified of Truth

QUOTE (383): Political correctness is not about ending discrimination but about manipulating the target population to silence the target population to protect the perception deception and its Postage Stamp mentality. Peter Tatchell is right that bigotry should be dealt with by debate and information not censorship.

I would observe that the deliberate avoidance of holistic analytics and true cost economics by academia, commerce, government, and the media is a form of censorship. They do not want us to know what it actually costs in terms of family, community, national, social, and ecological loss that is inherent in predatory capitalism.
This article includes compelling information about both the anti-Semitism industry (a fake news industry) and the anti-holocaust denial industry (also a fake news industry) to which I would add the observation that they are both criminal network because they raise funds on the basis of lies while defaming good people like David Icke and persistently doing “tortuous interference” which is a federally-actionable crime, against people trying to offer truthful information to the public.

QUOTE (388): Zionist censorship doesn’t deal in facts, only slogans and abuse, because it knows where open debate and discourse will lead.

I will mention here that I knew Ernst Zundel and his wife, both passed now, and found his victory over the Zionists in Canadian court cases compelling – Auschwitz, to take one example, for forced by facts to reduce from 6 million to 1.5 million the number of dead (still overstated, the Red Cross total is under 300,000), and it is now compelling known that a) most Jews (and Germans) died from starvation, typhus, and allied bombing and b) the Zionists refused to take the Jews offered an exit – all of them – for the bargain price of $3 million – the Zionist leaders WANTED hundreds of thousands of Jews to die so that they could CREATE the holocaust myth. It merits comment that the Zionist Wikipedia page on Ernst Zundel is full of lies and does not properly credit him with his extraordinary accomplishments at documenting the truth and demonstrating that the narrative about gas ovens is a total fabrication.

Today of course the Zionists censor everything about their genocidal activities against the Palestinians, but I am pleased to say there is at least one book being translated into many languages that exposes the Zionist state for what it is, Professor Gary Fields’ book ENCLOSURE: Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror
Useful information is presented about how Zionists censor universities around the world to avoid having students understand both Zionist lies about the holocaust, and Zionist lies about the atrocities they commit today against the Palestinians.
The author makes, as I do, a sharp distinction between Zionists and Jews.

QUOTE (394): We are not talking about Jewish people as a whole, but a cabal who have as much contempt for Jewish people in general as they do for everyone else.

This chapter includes coverage of the Zionist-driven censorship being carried out by Amazon, Facebook, Google, and YouTube, as well as the role of the ADL as the global secret police in charge of censorship in each country on behalf of the Zionists.
Of grave concern – the author touches on this but it is not a major theme – is the Zionization of the US police who are trained and brainwashed in Israel (other sources document the Zionist perception of the public, as being taught to US police, as “cockroaches”) and the pervasive bribery and blackmail of US Members of Congress as well as the subversion of Senior Executive Service (SES) officers in the Executive.

Zionist censorship is not only about Israel – it seeks to create an overarching capability that allows it to remove any statement in any medium that it judges to be “inaccurate” or even “irrelevant” to public discourse and debate – this is nothing less than the “full Soviet” program that Facebook represents so well today.

QUOTE (405): The Archronic Reptilian control system is a multidimensional, mulitlevelled, multi-faceted and absolutely incessant perceptual onslaught on the human mind to create fragmentation of thought and emotion and to implant a sense of powerless isolation. People are isolated from other ways of looking at the world and this creates the desired perceptual stagnation.

QUOTE (408): The Internet was supposed to be an extension of freedom but through algorithms and control by global Web corporations this can now be seen as a temporary illusion as censorship becomes the norm. The Net was sold as a means of free communication when the idea was to create a vehicle for total surveillance that so dominated public discourse as other sources disappeared that they could control everything that people say, see and hear by direct algorithmic censorship.

This chapter includes an excellent discussion of Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS) as the protocol by which the Deep State seeks to subvert the entire world, the Global War on Terror (GWOT) being a classic example of how false flag operations and fake news instill fear that then justify unconstitutional mass surveillance, the militarization of the police, and total control over the populace, to include confiscation of guns because “only” the police can protect the public, the public cannot be trusted with guns.

The Zionists and the Deep State that uses the Zionists (and the Freemasons and Knights of Malta and other secret societies) FEAR an armed informed engaged public that they have succeeded in creating an uninformed disengaged public, now they need to disarm the last bastion of freedom, those who still have guns and a semblance of intelligence and integrity and imagination.


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. The challenging and most liberating truth we are waking up to is that set forth in most recent times in the Seth books: We create our personal reality-no exceptions. Accepting this means accepting full responsibility and also that we human beings are far more powerful than we ever imagined. Icke and others like him serve the high and necessary purpose of defining what we are creating, although his perspective is that “they” are doing this to “us.” All suggestions of victimhood are incorrect and destructive. En masse, we all cooperate at inner levels of consciousness to agree on what happens to humanity from the individual to the family to the neighborhood to the state to the nation to the globe. We call in storms, even the manmade ones, just as the individual attracts the thief, the mate and the financial windfall into personal experience. Each of us is the author, producer, director and star in our own drama. It is a hard truth: there are no victims. Our main problem is spiritual ignorance. At this moment in our development, we are at the fork in the road (that we created) : do we make the courageous choice or the passive one? Why are we doing all this? Ours is one of an infinite number of experiments in consciousness self-chosen by our particular species. We are expressions of the Infinite Creator eternally seeking to know itself. “You never get it wrong and you never get it done.” And all energized by a Love far greater than that of a mother for her child. David might not agree. I suspect oneday he will.

  2. I have to admit I am not a massive fan of David Icke, I’ve read quite a good deal of his free to air stuff (what youtube hasn’t banned yet and pdf published docs) BUT he is bang on with respect to many aspects of deployed weapons of mass distraction, weaponised food, weaponised education and medicine (Including vaxx), the whole push to “normalise” pedophilia as a sexual preference is abhorrent along with all the other “progressive” anything goes concepts.


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