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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Whomever posted the video was up to something “fishy” – why post a fake name?

    Here is the real doctor’s channel – Dr. Eric Nepute

    This is good info – suggest you repost it correctly this time.

    Also check out Jon Rappoport –

  2. Thank God another Great Doctor speaking out and telling the truth.
    It is far time we change the medical system from Big Pharma and Drugs
    to real healthcare for people. It’s time to stop the control and cover-up and
    fake news on all levels. Thank you so much.!!!! I sent Light, Love and Trust
    that more doctors will stand up, be honest, be counted and collectively work to
    transform a long broken system.

  3. Can someone find a way to save this video. It. Has removed by untube and most sites that had it are now unable to access. This is important….

  4. Can someone find a way to save this video. It. Has removed by untube and most sites that had it are now unable to access. This is important….

  5. Found it odd that comments were turned off on this video and couldn’t find a Frank Hahnel listed as a doctor anywhere, nor can we really see the name on his scrubs. Listened closely to video in the beginning and he said Dr. Nepute. Did some digging =

    Why this video has the name listed as Frank Hahnel is just strange. Perhaps it was to see if people are truly paying attention.

    Certainly those who have done the research realize this has been a PLANdemic.

    ALWAYS do your own due diligence.

  6. And our own Crypto currency separate from any slave system. All the things we waited for the Gov to do, we will be doing it ourselves. This is the time to move away from cheats, Pedos and War criminals. We choose none of your so called leaders you propin front of us. We got this!

  7. I think the Civil War was about men and women standing up to Government. They knew the Fed was coming sometime soon. They wanted a break, but the window is opening now. When they clear this mess and come up with a new slave money system, we have to create our own. Many have been working for years on this. No vax, no testing,an unhackable Blockchain Internet that is separate from the Gov.

  8. Go you good thing Dr Hahnel. To get the sheeple to awaken requires a very large audience. This should go viral if it were allowed. I send you much love & wish you well. To really make a difference your colleagues need to line up behind you in their numbers. Hopefully there are many with your guts & passion. We on this planet should all stand up behind you.

  9. This man it’s call Eric nepute..
    I think is important to check before shearing.. I’m not saying he is lying.. But there’s a lot of desinformation.

  10. I love how you are all fired up. But when does this “Constitution” of ours actually work?? We are in this mess because the money lenders came in 1913. We have not been free since, if at all once you start realizing who was behind The Civil War, another propaganda history lesson. (Yeah right those Northern boys were gonna fight to free the slaves, get real people.)

    • Speaking of the Civil War, I grew up in Illinois….Land of Lincoln….and the story we were told was rather different. By mid century, the North was highly industrialized while the South was almost totally agricultural. Most of Europe, by that time was also industrializing and needed little of what the North was building. On the other hand, most of the trade with the new nation was with cotton and tobacco…things Europe couldn’t grow and things the South was offering. The war started like all others, with mistakes and miscalculations and soon enough France, trading heavily with the South, made mention that they might be entering the war supporting the Confederacy….at which point Mr. Lincoln announced that the war was over slavery. With that news France immediately backed out and the war was on.

      • Nancy, To add to it from my research the North was putting huge amounts of Tariffs on the South that was Trade to the North for manufacturing the cotton & tobacco, ect. The South wanted to depart from the Union & the arguments came due to the access of the Rivers. (Missouri, Ohio, & Mississippi) I believe Britain was somewhere involved in the provocations towards war. (sounds about right, where ever there is talk about war you can always count on Britain hand in it.) It’s unfortunate that it was the South who was moonlighting with Britain, perhaps that’s why the Confederate flag looks like theirs. I too am from Illinois.

        • Victoria….
          And on top of all that, there were many nations using slaves in those days….and the “Democratic” U.S.A. was the only one that went to war to solve that issue….all others did it peacefully!
          And it’s interesting that you mentioned the North “punishing” the South with Trade Tariffs….works every time, doesn’t it?


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