As the current pandemic rages on, people around the world are being ordered to do things for the “greater good.” Governments are requiring specific things from people in order to protect the “public health.”
Long before the current pandemic, the European Union had been in the planning stages of developing a “common vaccination card/passport.” This universal vaccination passport is also designed for the “greater good” and will be implemented as a requirement to protect the “public health.”
How might your liberty and livelihood be restricted if you do not succumb to all the vaccines required for the universal passport?
Populations around the world are currently being conditioned to socially distance themselves from one another, in the expectation that everyone they meet is a biological source of contamination — innately guilty of spreading disease. Showing no authorization of immunity, every person is to be considered a filthy vector of disease and is to be avoided at all costs. The vaccination passport will be presented as the solution to quell these disease fears. By showing electronic proof of vaccination, people will be able to “return to normal” – a term used by authorities to coerce people to believe that biologics (vaccines) are the passport to prove absolute immunization. The commercialization of social distancing will continue until all citizens can prove they have received the authorized injections.
Coming soon to prick you whether you like it or not
The European Union has been working on global vaccine passport since 2018
The planning stages began in 2018 when the European Union released a survey comparing public confidence/skepticism toward vaccines. The survey, titled “2018 State of Vaccine Confidence” was presented to the European Commission. The report immediately criticized “vaccine hesitancy” and praised “vaccine confidence,” in an attempt to build public trust in the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. The report immediately blames “vaccine delays and refusals” as the sole reason why outbreaks occur, why people are dying. One of the ways these central vaccine planners can eliminate “vaccine delays and refusals” is to blame people for diseases they don’t have. The next step is to socially isolate anyone who refuses vaccines by restricting their liberties.
A “common vaccine passport” achieves these goals. This passport is blatant coercion, a violation of informed consent in medicine, an attack on personal choice, and ultimately sets the stage for segregation of healthy, unvaccinated people from society.
The central vaccine planners do not care how they ultimately coerce or manipulate people into submission. Soon after this coercive report was published, the EU commissioned a technical report titled “Designing and implementing an immunization information system” which mapped a monitoring system to ensure compliance to vaccinations. The report examined the development of a “common vaccination card/ passport for all including a comprehensive electronic immunization information system that can monitor vaccine compliance. Finally, the report sought to “overcome the legal and technical barriers impeding the interoperability of national immunization information systems.”
By the third quarter of 2019, the EU created the “Vaccination Roadmap” designed to combat “vaccine hesitancy.” During this time, social media platforms began to label any information about vaccine choice, natural immunity, vaccine risk, and vaccine injury as dangerous “misinformation.”
Global Vaccination Summit and the “call to action” to implement the vaccine passport
By September 2019, the EU and the World Health Organization held the “Global Vaccination Summit.” There, “influential” leaders announced “10 Actions towards Vaccination for All” – a coercive plan to manipulate people into vaccine compliance. To make matters worse, just a month later, Event 201 was held. Sponsored by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Event 201 simulated a pandemic exercise focusing on a zoonotic novel coronavirus originating in bats. By November of 2019, these central vaccine planners had suggested a “call to action.”
All this planning came before the current pandemic. The people who have planned for a vaccine passport are now calling for a “certificate of immunity.” Central vaccine planners like Bill Gates are now parading the media, and are putting their “call to action” into motion. People are now being told by their governments and their media that life cannot go back to normal unless there is a vaccine. The vaccine, currently being rushed into existence, will enable the coercive and forceful vaccination passport to become a reality.
The planning is documented. The coercion is out in the open. Will you be a slave to this system of medical rape, as individual consent, choice, and human dignity are stripped away?
Sources include:
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In Denver, Colorado: since the global pandemic started 44 million people have lost their jobs.
Now after the protesters finished: more people have lost their jobs.
So if everybody have lost their jobs: how can people afford to travel or pay their rents & bills ??