Epstein’s Child Rape Temple Has the Same Address as Spongebob Squarepants


By Sinead,

Spongebob Squarepants never sat right with me. It had this crude grotesque feel to it. Now I understand why.

Even stranger is that Spongebob’s address is listed as the address for Epstein’s temple on Little St. James. Is this a cohen-cidence? It think not.

The phone number featured on the poster below is the same phone number listed for Epstein’s address.

I actually called the number and Spongebob’s answering machine picked up. It was weird to say the least.

You can see that there are actually two listings for “Ledges of Little St. James,” one of which is in the ocean, but closer to the actual temple, while the Bikini Bottom listing points to a larger compound.

Did someone just play a prank here by modifying the Google places listing? And if so, how could they make the changes and why would Google leave the altered listing, especially considering all the scandals now? Regardless, there appears to be some kind of strange connection here.

Spongebob is said to lives in a pineapple under the sea. The pineapple has long been a reference to sodomy or the opening of the “third eye” a.k.a the anus.

We even hear the same style of “tiki music” playing in this clip that is played on the Spongebob show. There are other references to Pineapples in other Pedowood films.

Quotes from Pineapple Express:
Red : Man, I’m just into Buddhism, and I’m at peace with the fact that me, as this person, probably gonna not be around. Think about a hermit crab, okay? And it’s a shell. It’s like, they go from one shell to the next. And that’s what I am. I’m just a hermit crab changin’ shells.

Dale Denton : Except if you’re a dick your whole life, your next shell will be made of shit, okay? If you’re an asshole, you’re gonna come back as a cockroach or a worm or a fuckin’ anal bead, okay? If you’re a man and you act heroic, you’ll come back as an eagle. You’ll come back as a dragon. You’ll come back as Jude Law, okay? Which would you rather be?

Red : Maybe the anal bead, depending on who it belongs to.

Dale Denton : Belongs to me.

These quotes are interesting since there is another character in Spongebob Squarepants, named Mr. Krabs. There is also The Sneaky Hermit, who is an enemy of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.

Pineapple has been a gay code for some time.


We even have the sodomite “Boogaloo boys” who wear Hawaiian shirts and carry “tiki torches”.

I’m not sure what this is all about but interesting nonetheless.

Nick has even worked with JF Gariepy, who took $25,000 from child rapist, Jeffrey Epstein. He gloats about it in the clip linked below.


Back to Spongebob Gaypants. They even have a character named Karen in the show, who is a computer bitch that bosses people around.

It’s all so gay and jewish.

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  1. I did a search for Ledges of Little St. James in Google maps and it returns a marker offshore, with two photos posted of Epstein’s temple. My guess is someone took those offshore and posted them as Ledges instead of Epstein’s place. When i type in the conch address, this comes up: bikini bottom, little saint james island theme park, 124 conch street, bikini, St Thomas 00802, U.S. Virgin Islands – comments call it a pizza parlor – but it is on Great St. James.

    Some of the info in this article is inaccurate.


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