Are you ready for a further discussion with the possible Q?


  1. Hi Ted, Can you give us some background on your interviewee ‘Q’ as it doesn’t seem like he is purporting to be the Qanon ‘Q’ . What is his stated purpose and origin and does he have any connection, if any, to the Qanon ‘Q’ Much thanks for your wonderful broadcasts.

  2. Derek Ted is well intended but easily duped. I will hope Q is not Trump but it surely isn’t the guy being interviewed by ted Mahr ! Q would come out here?
    Trumps promoting of 5 G and lack of transparency in revealing false flags like 911 and failure in arresting criminal supporting khazarian monopolies and further allowing of Vaccinations are leading Me to conclude he is possibly a puppet to turn us all into microchipped slaves. Imagine if the MAGA faithful were to be betrayed in their belief he is “just waiting for the right moment ! “ the devastation of this possibie reality would be catastrophic so much hopeless and despair would sure follow for those who put their faith in flesh and blood instead of god . May we all invoke tie mighty spirit of truth To be realized the world over

    • My take on Trump is that he is on the positive side but not completely in control and sometimes misinformed by malevolent interests. So he’s able to get some stuff done and take some positions, do some prosecutions while others remain off the table or he is forced to take in cabal people. The cabal is still in control in areas and he is apparently indebted to Rothschild for some of his bankruptcies. I think this is where Trump’s Israel support comes from.So it’s a murky picture. But you have to look at the long list of crucial anti-cabal things Trump HAS accomplished….tick off the removal of TPP and the Climate Accord, his executive order for the asset taking of people involved in world corruption and trafficking (MAJOR anti-cabal actions) …and a long list of America First achievements and other things he has piece by piece put into place that harm or limit the cabal. We are in a war….a financial war, a physical war and a spiritual war. I believe Trump is on the right side and even if you don’t buy that, the evidence of how violently they’re trying to get rid of him before a second term tells us something about who they consider the enemy. Nothing is too outrageous for them to try now. The NWO has already come down, now the only question is who wins. I think it will be a photo finish even with all the ET help we have. But I will also ask you this….who, if not Trump and his allies, is doing anything to improve the situation outside what you see on this website?? Do you think Biden or his possible VP Hillary will do better? Better count your blessings.

  3. First of all, the man on the screen looks unfocused, as if he’s not planning to take anything or anyone serious in an evasive way. It’s as if he tries hard to convince himself that he’s talking with Q and at the same time he’s full of doubt or fear. His body language is telling, when he reads the question: he covers his mouth, and end the question with “… I guess” as if leaving an open end to what he presents as someone’s question. Good gracious me!

    Second, he lets himself distract from what the invisible person with a voice is saying, by bending over, looking at the questions coming in, on-screen. He could leave that and address those later, which he does after proposing to present them to Mr Invisible. Good gracious me!

    Thirdly, the response to the first question, which is in itself as hilariously stupid as the backside of a cow (as we say in The Netherlands), is so sweet…. “‘Thank you for a lovely question from that lovely individual”. How so? Is he in need of being Mr Nice? Good gracious me!

    There’s no genuine attitude here, no taking responsibility, it’s just a show. Indeed,
    a NOT out of this world radio-show. Good gracious me!

  4. Hmmm…heard Q refer to interviewer as a Ding-A-LIng…your tie is too wide…” ha ha hee hee. Must have humor in making discretion between frequencies and abilities as such. So I find this song intriguing, hmmm…
    Chuck Berry: My Ding-A-Ling (Original Studio Version)

    • My BS detector ding-a-ling went off. But I’ve never found the interviewer much convincing either. He seems so flaccid.

  5. There is only one true Q and he ain’t it. The real Q has said that the only authentic info being released from Q will come from the Q drops from the scrambled boards like 8chan


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