Help Change the World on December 21!
A message from our friends and partners at Sisterhood of the Rose:
Is 20 minutes of your time worth helping to change our world for the better? Join the Age of Aquarius Final Activation global synchronized meditation on December 21 during the powerful Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 6:22pm UTC (1:22pm New York/7:22pm Paris). For more time zones, visit:…
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
hi there
what an amazing personal experience that was
thank you so much for this one
much love !
Im still heavily attacked and mostly hacked . as im without a home for a year. moving from place to place i rented a storage room where a big part of my life is stored . i recently got back to it to find out that all my stuff were touched nothing was taken i think but rearanged in the boxed . it looksto my like some symbolism . each box contains a story . horror one i might add. original documents were duplicated many times like my id and my mother id as well and copied some edited and modified . bank documents tax document . my life is an open book to someone .even short stories i wrote had bad some bad writing style that is not mine or medical evaluation where worsened .. even my hand writing notes . all my tokens from achievement where stepped one or marked with small x or stains some corrupted music noted i wrote . very violating and it looks as if someobe gave much efort to leave me messages threatening me with those very wired arrangments trying to make me scared ,as if they cursed me .i was guided to move some heavy object and found a beg with 2 broken Jesus on croses . one was broken exactly where i suffer from chronic blockages .. well good to know i might add thats so so fucked up
anyways im guided to tell you about the new virus in town its called karma 20 or KRMA20 its very powerful and unbeatable and advanced it so special that it can also effect digital systems aka hacking. its maybe specially designed for light worker and everyone gets it now .if you do good you have nothing to worry about maybe use that
masks unbalancing the enviroment makes it even stronger as well.
as im constantly being forced to wear the masks ( eve with violence sometimes by workers at supermarket if its not also covering my nose ) in my own artificial looking 3d printed private bad taste ugly B movie horror film i decided now that im happy to wearing those only to make the KRMA 20 stronger . look out . the mutant KRMA 21 is on its way and it will effect the whole glob
victory of the light !
namaste, i live in Australia WA actually and i’d like to say “why bother your so very late it has already happened” dude we have already had the ceremony and meditated for the planet and your spiritual upliftment. what a waste of space getting news from this website. goodbye blessings and much love light joy for the future
Jennifer, Where is this Light? Nothing has changed on your time table either. As long as we still see Chem-Trails no one is free!
Killing is not the answer. We have done that for over 100 years. Were did that get us?
100 years? Try Thousands of years!
Let’s try Praying To Jesus Christ for Salvation and Redemption?
NoNo, Really? Dependent on this Jesus figure for Salvation & Redemption? Always looking for some one else to do the work!
Do It ! Just Do It !!
Meditation is a poor substitute for killing just a few thousand war criminals world wide and setting the rest of the world free from their tyranny. Any rat can be flushed from its hole. Rise or die. The time for hand holding and chanting are long past this is global genocide. Look what Gates and his poison vaccines did in Africa and India. He should be treated as a war criminal and hung. Same with about a few hundred NGOs and their Corrupt Political Puppets. They kill daily through language and the pen. Covid great reset hoax is a war crime! If meditating solved any of the worlds problems the people of India would not be living the way they do. Rise or die!
George, Now you I Like! Truth & Justice.
I wouldn’t use 20 minutes of my time for something I no longer believe in and feel betrayed by. However, ultimately there is no betrayal, I still believe, and maybe the Chinese armies with their planned genocide lost their weapons by intervention from elsewhere. So, I will be doing the meditation, and Victory of the Light
Starlight, China, China, China. We have heard it All before, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya 2011, Saddam Hussein in Iraq 2003, Adolf Hitler in Germany 1939. ‘Victory of The Light’ is dependent of a Wake up call to ‘Truth’