After court says it has jurisdiction for war crimes probe, PM fumes: ‘Court set up to prevent atrocities like Nazi Holocaust against the Jews now targets the one state of the Jews’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday assailed the International Criminal Court for ruling it has jurisdiction to open a war crimes investigation against Israel, calling such a probe “pure anti-Semitism” and vowing to fight it.
“When the ICC investigates Israel for fake war crimes, this is pure anti-Semitism,” Netanyahu said in a forceful English-language video sent out by his office.
In a major decision Friday, a pretrial chamber of the ICC determined that The Hague has jurisdiction to open a criminal investigation against Israel and the Palestinians for war crimes alleged to have taken place in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.
It now falls to the ICC’s chief prosecutor Fatouh Bensouda to decide whether to launch an investigation, and she indicated in 2019 that she intends to do so.
Netanyahu lamented that “the court established to prevent atrocities like the Nazi Holocaust against the Jewish people is now targeting the one state of the Jewish people.”

He further asserted that the ICC is “outrageously” claiming “that when Jews live in our homeland, this is a war crime” — a reference to the court potentially probing Israeli settlement policy in the West Bank.
And, he added, “it claims that when democratic Israel defends itself against terrorists who murder our children, rocket our cities, we’re committing another war crime.”
At the same time, the prime minister complained that the ICC “refuses to investigate brutal dictatorships like Iran and Syria who commit horrific atrocities almost daily.”
The Israeli leader vowed to “fight this perversion of justice with all our might!”

ICC chief prosecutor Bensouda indicated in 2019 that a criminal investigation, if approved, would focus on the 2014 Israel-Hamas conflict (Operation Protective Edge), on Israeli settlement policy and on the Israeli response to protests at the Gaza border.
On Friday Netanyahu had said of the ruling: “Today the ICC proved once again that it is a political body and not a judicial institution. The ICC ignores the real war crimes and instead pursues the State of Israel, a state with a strong democratic government that sanctifies the rule of law, and is not a member of the ICC.”
“In this decision,” Netanyahu added, “the ICC violated the right of democracies to defend themselves against terrorism, and played into the hands of those who undermine efforts to expand the circle of peace. We will continue to protect our citizens and soldiers in every way from legal persecution.”
Israel is not a member of the ICC and neither is the US. The Palestinians joined the court in 2015.
The ICC is meant to serve as a court of last resort when countries’ own judicial systems are unable or unwilling to investigate and prosecute war crimes. Israel’s military has mechanisms to investigate alleged wrongdoing by its troops, and despite criticism that the system is insufficient, experts say it has a good chance of fending off an ICC investigation into its wartime practices.

The ICC doesn’t try countries, but rather individuals. Israeli officials said Friday they do not currently anticipate any immediate threats to senior Israeli political or military figures.
When it comes to settlements, however, some experts say Israel could have a difficult time contesting international law forbidding the transfer of a civilian population into occupied territory.
If Israel and/or Hamas are ultimately convicted of war crimes, and if senior officials are named in such a verdict, they could be subject to international arrest warrants upon travel abroad.
The US State Department also objected to the decision. “We have serious concerns about the ICC’s attempts to exercise its jurisdiction over Israeli personnel. The United States has always taken the position that the court’s jurisdiction should be reserved for countries that consent to it, or that are referred by the UN Security Council,” it said.
By contrast, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh on Friday praised the decision, calling it “a victory for justice and humanity, for the values of truth, fairness and freedom, and for the blood of the victims and their families,” according to the official Wafa news agency.

Hamas on Saturday said “any decision that contributes to supporting the rights of the Palestinian people and defends their freedom is an appropriate decision.”
“The Palestinian people await the day that the occupation and its leaders are brought to trial for their crimes against it. We call to use all means to stop Zionist terror and crimes against the Palestinian people,” said the terror group, which rules the Gaza Strip and openly seeks to destroy Israel.
The three-judge panel was ordered to reach a conclusion on the ICC’s right to exercise jurisdiction in December 2019, after Bensouda determined at the end of her own five-year probe into the “situation in Palestine,” that there was “reasonable basis to believe that war crimes were committed” in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem regions by both the IDF and terrorist group Hamas, as well as other “Palestinian armed groups.”
At the time, Bensouda said that she believed the court indeed has jurisdiction, under the terms of the Rome Statute which established the ICC, to investigate possible war crimes in the area. But due to the controversial nature of the case, she asked for a definitive ruling from the pre-trial chamber. Member states and independent experts were invited to weigh in on the matter as well. Israel, rejecting the court’s jurisdiction in the matter, chose not to do so.
The case now returns to Bensouda, to decide whether she will move forward with a criminal investigation. Based on her 2019 ruling, she is expected to do so. Still, her term as prosecutor is set to expire in June and some Israeli officials believe that her as yet unelected successor could take a different path.
Israeli officials will meet in the coming days to discuss strategy moving forward, including the possibility of a shift away from the current path of refusing to cooperate with the ICC, Foreign Ministry officials said.
Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com
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This is an Urgent Message to the Citizens Of the World :
Any person or group that is Pushing the CORONAVIRUS FRAUD & FRAUD DEATH VACCINE’s is looking you in the eye and lying to you.
The payment of $39000 to DIRTY DOCTORS for changing their death
certificates for all deaths worldwide to Coronavirus/covid deaths has been
stopped Immediately by Kimberly Ann Goguen
Interim Head of State of America Press release below :
Urgent : Common law legal people pls immediately take injunctions and class actions against the genocidal criminals in this documentary below, and share with every grass roots ,doctor , health care worker and law enforcement workers in the world , Number 1 priority MEDIA pushing FRAUD CORONAVIRUS, FRAUD VACCINES need to be shut down Immediately !
Planet Lockdown – Catherine Austin Fitts – January 2021
Want Coronavirus FRAUD to end Immediately ?
Wives , Mistress’s & Working Girls stop having Sex and paid Sex with Ceo’s in industries & Politicians & Billionaires in this documentary !
Don’t Work For Employer’s in this documentary.
Do not watch Tv channels in this documentary
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The Invisible Magic Virus … Woken up yet ?
The ICC was not established until 1998, while the ‘League of Nations’ was established 1920 after WW1. Its roll was to prevent another repeat of war & to maintain universal peace through cooperation among the nations. Spring & summer of 1939, before war broke out Jewish & Polish Thugs massacre 58,000 German men, women & children civilians living on the borders of once German territory. Adolf Hitler complained to ‘The League of Nations’ with no prevail.
“Nazi holocaust against the jews” has already been disproven! It has never been Proven in any court of Law plans to destroy Jewry, wholly or in part by Hitler’s Germany. The reason why they do not want the facts in a court of Law is because they are not even convincing. The Allied bombing of Germany was the Real crime, a War Crime. The day has already arrived that the words as “Nazi” & “holocaust” & “Hitler” & “Anti Semitic” doesn’t work any more to stir emotions or sympathy towards a group that possibly does not exist, or possibly they stole someone else identity.
“Pure antisemitism ” A little thick ! Words escape me………
This is about high time.
The Palestinian people have been suffering since 1948 and finally the invaders of their land are being called before the Court for alleged crimes to the Palestinian People.
The “first address” of Mr Netanyahu to ICC is quite weak and does sound like an old song.
This is certainly not good enough. And of course, Israel has nothing to hide … or?