Home 2021 February

Monthly Archives: February 2021

Pedophile Ring Investigation Centers Around White House, Capitol Building as Children...

The question remains .... "what is real?"......According to BeforeItsNews.com:Generations of kids are being rescued from D.U.M.B.s (Underground Tunnels) found under the White House and...

Health Ranger Report – Texas Blackout and Texageddon – Mike Adams

Audio Report One hereHealth Ranger Mike Adams reports on the situation in Texas. He describes the situation living with limited power and shares his...

Cobra Update: Planetary Situation Update – 17th February 2021

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg...

Gene Decode Reveals the Ascension is Upon Us as the Planets...

I don't follow Michael Jaco but this video provides some interesting information if it is to be believed.  It is always curious how some...

Nothing Like Bicarbonate for Cancer – The Science Part Two

By Mark Sircus,Now we have more reason than ever to focus on bicarbonate therapy for cancer. The science that sustains the use of bicarbonate...

What Are Ascension Symptoms – Friday Night Open Discussion Call

Prepare for Change has a new discussion group for the purpose of connecting like-minded people in weekly zoom calls. Now is a time of The...

CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as CV-19 Deaths

 From OneAmericaNewsNetwork.  Although this news report is from a few months ago, it is still important, and something the CDC apparently actually admits to...

Benjamin Fulford 2/15/21 Report: Gnostic Illuminati Demands Khazarian Mafia Surrender

The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source.  The destruction of that city...

Everything Wrong With Ashli Babbit Shooting – a Hollywood Stunt

There is enough presented here to make most logical people raise their eyebrows.  Some of the tactics are clearly overly dramatic and quite unnatural....

Change is Upon You – Magenta Pixie

Apologies, this is a video from 2018 although it is relevant in many ways to our current process:https://youtu.be/poqDfpPE4nA

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