Why many “Lightworkers” are NOT working for the “Light” at all.



You’ve probably come across those who talk only about “love and light” and angels or ETs but never mention the satanic pedophile cannibalistic cabal elite of this planet who have kept you enslaved for thousands of years.

Some even have the audacity to say that you must stay away from those who do and that this is a 3D concept that will keep you from ascending…

We kindly ask that you question this concept. Since when does ignorance stem from the truth? Light is information therefor darkness is the lack of information. In order to ascend into the fifth-dimensional reality which resonates with the frequency of unconditional love, you as a race, must raise our vibrations to match that of unconditional love. YOU NEED LIGHT TO ACCESS THIS LOVE. This is the bottom line. LIGHT COMES FIRST. When a human faces the evil of this planet and becomes informed light enters the cells of the being and alters their frequency.


It was humanity looking away, not researching, not being concerned, not wanting to handle the painful dark truth of their planet, ridiculing “conspiracy theorists” and their collective cognitive dissonance that empowered the evil that is in charge of committing monstrous crimes on human children.

We do not blame you. It was the dark cabal’s agenda as per design to keep you in comfort zones. But the time has drastically changed now…

There are also those who made it their life’s mission to bring down the cabal and awaken humanity to the bitter truth of satanism, pedophilia, and cannibalism on this planet. We salute your outstanding courage, great warriors of Gaia.

And we warn you from those who say you must only love & light & forgive and everything will be alright.

We like to emphasize that we agree that meditating, visualizing and praying is powerful, beautiful and very needed and those who do only that are wonderful beings of light.
You all stem from the same essence yet you are all different. You each hold a piece of the whole and one is just as important as the other.

BUT there are those who say that’s ALL that is needed and DO NOT focus EVER on anything of the dark. And that, dear ones, cannot be of the light…

If everyone on your planet did that who would be saving the children from the DUMBS?Eight million children go missing worldwide per year and cannot be saved by meditating, praying and raising your vibration alone. At least not if you all did only that…

Whoever says that that’s all everyone needs to do is an agent of the dark. These people are infiltrated with evil spirits attached to them and they don’t have a clue about it.
Nothing could be more dangerous to say or to believe. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Nothing could be more ignorant and selfish.

And nothing could show more how much FEAR these people carry. How TERRIFIED these individuals are of bitter truth.

They are here to distract you with their ascension channels of love, light, forgive and raise your vibes.

BALANCE is the key to everything. BALANCE is the key to the liberation of your planet. Follow the news, research the painful truth but don’t forget to meditate and pamper yourself.

The whole of humanity has been put under lockdown. Now is the time for you to research.
Now is the time to look the disgusting and horrifying truth in the eye.

What will happen if you do? You will be terrified. You will be scared. You will be disgusted. You will be in pain. You will cry a lot. You won’t sleep much.

Rumi says:‘You have to keep breaking your heart before it opens. The wound is where light enters. ’After the initial shock, you will be very angry. That’s where you start contributing to the good of this planet.

WHY? Because this is where you want everyone to know. That’s the only chance we have to disempower the evil of this world.

Enlighten yourself first and do not listen to those who are not carrying the torch of truth and tell you to ignore it. Then you pass the torch to the next and the next and the next…

Let’s be enlightened and know everything they do. That’s what pulls the rug underneath their feet.

LIGHT ALWAYS COMES FIRST. LIGHT IS INFORMATION OF TRUTH.You must face the truth, disempower the cabal, then you build a new world based on love and light.
Why are they called the ILLUMINATI? Illuminati means the enlightened ones! Because they all know what you don’t.

If you want to create a new world, the old must die first. The old world is the world of darkness. SO, bring light into this world first, love is what follows after the first job is done.Layer after layer the lies, the deceit, the terror, and control must be broken down.
This world is at war. This war is a spiritual war.

Good vs Evil. Not good vs bad.

This is God vs Satan. Angel vs Demon. IQ vs AI. Love vs Fear. Do not submit to Fear but do not close your eyes when ugliness appears. HOLD THE LIGHT. None will fight this war for you. No ET is allowed interfere other than those in human bodies amongst yourselves. This is the universe of free will. We are not allowed to interfere with your free will. You are in charge of your future.

Yes, the Galactic Federation is guiding and assisting you but THIS IS YOUR PLANET, YOUR FIGHT!

WAKE UP FAMILY OF LIGHT. YOU ARE BEARERS OF LIGHT. RENEGADES, SYSTEM BUSTERS, YOU WERE BORN TO DO THIS. We also want to inform you that this fight is already won by the light and all this that is happening is the playing out of timelines. HOW FAST things are going to change for you is entirely in your hands now. Nobody said you were going to sit in meditation and by doing this alone you will alter a system of frequency from control to freedom. Again, there are those whose assignment is only that… but those are not the majority on your planet. Ascension works step by step.

First comes light. Light (truth) facilitates a heart-opening process that will lead to unconditional love.

Sometimes this process takes years… You are not there yet. You cannot jump the gun. FIRST COMES LIGHT.

Your task is to bring light back into this realm.

We love you, great warriors of light. Keep spreading the truth.


Share the information in form of videos and texts with everyone you know and plant the seed in their consciousness. That’s all.

And do not trust those who tell you not to OR THOSE WHO SAY NOTHING IS HAPPENING BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. These are the agents of the dark side we’re at war against. Watch out. Use discernment. Be alarmed when you read posts like that.

If you want to change this world, you have to first know what exactly was wrong with it…
We love you. We are your family of light.

Blessings of divine light to all,


A message from The Galactic Federation:


Source: https://www.indianinthemachine.com

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. I apologize for this blunt-nature of this comment. This was a very ignorant post. Yes, lightworkers, lightwarriors and such should be following the light, and light sees in the dark. But, not all truth is 1-dimensional. There are generations of Humans to which it is absolutely useless for them to ever use light to focus on evil, as it is simply beyond their existence at this point in time to do so. Every generation has Humans like this. We are not a 1-dimensional truth. That is highly ignorant. I suggest this article was written out of ego and some latent hatred disguised as a positive message in the mind of the writer, not understanding we are all in the same light but we are not all the same – we are not all wielding light the same way. Some Humans can't handle the darkness because they can't handle the light. For example, I would never expect my mother to start meditating and fighting the cabal through mass meditations and spreading awareness of such. I do expect her to gain some sort of comfort from the light, a comfort in knowing eternal love is what we are – eternal light. This may be all she can do, for example. Her soul has a different purpose here than mine. I am here to lighten darkness with light. She is here to support someone who is doing that, and her purpose is in holding space for herself so she may be able to do so. This doesn't mean she is ascending any slower than me. Highly ignorant article, and I apologize if you take this as disparaging. I don't like when people of influence in spirituality are controlled by their projections and end up sullying the views of others. I am damage control. I am a light-warrior here fighting the darkness in your post with my lighting comment. It may be uncomfortable, but it is the core of the truth, and you know it.

  2. A previously agreed upon experiment with humanity is ending. Those who originated the experiment are no longer here. Only their minions trained to carry out the experiment are here. The experiment entails using negativity to destroy the air, water, soil and humanity while programming humanity to "love" doing the destruction via "brilliant innovations", "once in a lifetime discoveries" all stolen from other cultures but never acknowledged; and living an excessively materialistic life while remaining blind to the pain, suffering, death, destruction, and deprivation their materialistic life causes others. Now as the new energies hitting the earth destroy the last remaining illusions of the experimental reality, those attached to that reality are howling and complaining as they lose their grip and they continue to deny the truth as the lies are exposed for all to see.

  3. Those who openly claim to be a “lightworker” may be virtue signalling. It's more important to let our actions speak for themselves than to make claims about ourselves.

    It is important to acknowledge evil (so as to recognize what we do not choose) and work to make the world a better place, to harness our power as creative beings to effect our choice for what kind of world we want. Otherwise, the world might not become a better place.

    There is a dichotomy, it would seem, between “what you resist persists” and actively opposing evil. I suspect energies and attitudes are made to persist by resisting them, so there are times that energies and attitudes should just be released, allowed to flow on by (not opposed, in accord with Wu Wei); but evil actions need to be opposed, for if good people renounce their power to act, then only evil people retain power. That would be imbalanced, and would perpetuate evil.

    I like the way Francis Weller puts it, that we have to hold the tension between beauty and suffering, for dwelling in beauty reminds us of what we would fight to protect, but being aware of suffering shows which is the right fight. That is my intention.

    I grew up using the truth as a weapon. I felt no qualms about hitting people with the truth, regardless of their capacity to hear, learn, grow, and act as a result. But eventually, I mellowed a bit. I still boldly speak up for the truth because I believe truth is healing, but I no longer use the truth as a weapon. I have my ex wife to thank for that lesson, of all people. She spoke true.

    Now I am concerned with a hearer's capacity to hear, learn, grow, and act. If I hit them with the truth before they are ready, they will react badly, and I would share blame/karma for their bad reaction. Speaking the truth must therefore be done with compassion, for it is meant to heal, not harm. And it should stimulate right action, not discourage the hearer into impotence.

    If we are to hold the tension between beauty and suffering, we must decide for ourselves when to delve more deeply into beauty, or when to delve more deeply into suffering. A person who is already buried in suffering does not need to be hit with the grave atrocities of the world. They need more beauty in their lives.

    A person who dwells only in beauty and denies suffering becomes uncompassionate and superficial, and should sit up and take note, with an intention to act rightly—for they would otherwise surely face karma for their uncompassionate superficiality.

    Holding the tension is a balance. Everything in life is a balance. Does reading a channeled message from “Aurora Ray” mean we now know the absolute and only truth, and no longer have to seek balance or apply principles selectively or with discernment?

    If we force someone to face more of the grave atrocities of the world—when that is all they have lived already, they may forget beauty, and have no reason to go on living. Would we then have contributed to their decision to commit suicide?

    Accordingly, we should always sit up and take note of atrocities, so as to know they exist and be ready to oppose them. But it is not always righteous and necessary to delve deeply into the horrid details of egregious world atrocities, for example, the article on “Lolita Slave Dolls”, which made many readers sick, and may have contributed to suicides, or caused some readers to despair to the point of impotence.

    Those who delve deeply into the horrid details of evil face two risks: (1) the health risk of coping with PTSD afterward, and (2) the moral risk of becoming fascinated with evil. Evil wants us to become fascinated with it. That is a moral and spiritual danger. That is why “he who studies evil is studied by evil”.

    It may be true that “the ability to hold light is directly proportional to the courage to see darkness”. However, we are all just people, at various stages of progress on our journey. What if we are not all fully capable of holding light? What if we are on our way, but not fully arrived? What if none of us has fully arrived (even those who think they have)?

    Would you stunt our advance and crush our faith by burying us in a detailed exploration of suffering, more than we are ready to face, and neglect a simultaneous detailed exploration of beauty? We have two feet. The world has light and darkness. To face only evil is to cut off one foot. There can be no confident steady gait afterward.

    Each person must decide for themselves how much detail to explore. Only those who have lived in beauty and thus have the ability to hold light will have the courage to spend much time in darkness. On this planet, in this day and age, there may be a shortage of people who have lived in beauty.

    Many of us have never seen it. What I have seen of beauty, I have only glimpsed. I believe in beauty—even in humanity—even though I have seen precious little of it. That belief is not knowledge. It is faith. In humanity, I have seen far more ugliness and suffering than beauty. I would even go so far as to say that I have been buried in an avalanche of suffering. What if my faith is not yet strong enough to be buried in more of it through a detailed exploration of evil, because I have seen too little of the beauty of humanity?

    Then is it not a case of extreme privilege to have lived a life of beauty so much that you can hold infinite light, and accuse others for their lesser capacity? Where is the compassion in that? Is it really a state of being more advanced as a light being? Or is it because you have never really suffered evil, and may even be unaware of risking the moral danger of becoming fascinated with evil?

    Each person must choose for themselves. A challenging article can introduce a topic, and provide links for more discovery for those who are ready (perhaps in the form of footnotes, or a second section with an appropriate caveat beforehand). Or it can hit people; unconcerned with their capacity to hear, learn, grow, and act; and unconcerned with whether they are in a position to act.

    It is those who are in a position to act who need all the intel (the detailed exploration). May they have the courage to act, and all the necessary healing opportunities afterward. May they not become ensnared by a fascination with evil, and may they heal afterward. I recognize their sacrifice.

    That is not the only sacrifice to be made. Some of us have already sacrificed a great deal. We each must choose. The “Lolita Slave Doll” article had insufficient caveats. Had I seen one, I would not have read on. It hit many readers and made us sick, and may even have contributed to suicides, or the impotence of despair. Some of us have already reached our limit in exploring the details of evil.

    Show us your beauty, Edward. That is what I want to see. You are a beautiful divine being. Come out of the shadows and shine.

  4. Sorry, by stating that this is a "war" between "God and Satan" you clearly show that you have no clue what you are talking about.

    GOD inherits HASATAN (the original hebrew name! Translation: adversary) or SET as it was called in Greek. Hastan is part of the WHOLE/ONE we call GOD, so there never ever can be "war" (typical brainwashed/indoctrinated terminology in the US for everthing that has to do with conflicts etc.) between GOD & GOD. You know THE MATRIX TILOGY? Did you get it? NEO & MR. SMITH (YIN vs. YANG) are ONE, Mr. Smith is the negative expression of all that is "bad" (evil as you claim) in NEO. So he at the end of the Trilogy (final "fight) never was fighting THE EVIL, THE BAD or SATAN but was neutralizing himself. Is is called TRANSMFORMATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS!

    Study the TREE OF LIFE, there are three pilars.
    1.Right hand path = LIGHT = LUCIFER = 100 % spritual
    2.Left hand path = MATTER = HASATAN/SET = 100 % materialistic

    You never ever fight agains Satan/Evil, but transform your invididual (and therefore collective) consciousness in order to re+alize (see with your heart) all parts of oneself (there the s.c. blind light workers never ever will get the absolut truth).

    It is part of the I (EYE), of everyone of us!

    • Hello, I am really interested in your comment by don't fully understand it. In the context of God and Satan are you saying that what we know as "God" is actually an amalgamation of good and evil therefore is two sides of the same coin?.

      Second question, do you believe there is a God above us, you know, the stereotypical Abrahamic God, and if not, who do you believe created us?.

    • Finally, thank you! God isn’t fighting anyone lmfao. I don’t understand how some people can hold this cognitive dissonance of believing that god is everything but not evil forces.

    • The matrix is not reflective of spiritual truth. Kabbalah/the tree of Life is a doctrine of demons. There really is a war and it's a spiritual war for souls. The immensity of ignorance is astonishing: the luciferian powers bedazzling the minds of the masses. We've inherited an ancient spiritual subversion: the earth is fallen, the holistic fields of nature are fallen state. Mankind is a spiritually fallen race highly prone to deceit and delusion.

      I'm an ex neo-vedantic new ager. I used to be into so much cosmic stuff: channelings, ancient wisdom, gurus, psychedelics and mystics. I was *enlightened* then 6 years ago I got properly enlightened/converted by the *Holy Spirit* which showed what a fool I was before. Spirit led me to the real *Yahshua/Jesus Christ* and everything changed. This is being born again and it's an ongoing surprise to me.

      You choose not to believe but Satan is real and not God in the slightest. The spirit of satan is a fallen cherubim, a warrior angel and he's comin at us all guns blazing with notions of Utopian love and unity. We're in the the end-times for real, it's serious sh*t. In a world obsessed by esoterism and "going within" Jesus is quite *exoteric* – He will come again from *without.* Satan's the paragon of self-exaltation but All Power and Exaltation is given only to *Jesus* and only *He* can restore and bring unity to this fallen world. But first Jesus said He comes not to bring peace but a *sword* and with it He'll *DIVIDE* the world: the wheat from the tares, the goats from the sheep. There'll be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus said we must be born again of *Spirit* to see the Kingdom of God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKJSuws7vOE

    • Nice comment, agreed. God is GOOD and Evil is LIVE. SATAN is SANTA too 🙂 We are Angels – Angles of our self, and Devils is us who have LIVED .. for if we Gods create Devil, Satan, and Evil to be outside of us, we don't pass these transformation/lessons/tests and for those who do, the summon/invoke/exorcise/transform the demons within them, as Jesus and Mary does. So be it!

  5. I thought I new the horrors of the world until this past year when I was unblinded to what is actually happening to our children.
    Thank God I had been to some degree desensitized but I must say that I felt like I was going to die.. I felt unbelievable rage, I wanted to hurt these evil ones like they do to children, I cried, hardly could function for months.
    Then I began to truly awaken to the fact that I can't feed the evil with more of my own and so now in quiet, ready stance, like that of a big cat stalking it's prey; I peer out from the darkness of the jungle and wait for the just the right moment to pounce.
    No hatred, just certainty that I will end the evil. This imagining in my mind has helped me to deal with the fact that I cannot go out and find these evil people and annihilate them.
    What is happening must be faced, it is not a joke, a lie, or a conspiracy theory. I can only say that what is happening to our children became only too real on an unfortunate day, a beautiful summer day turning into dusk on a lonely dirt road, lined with fields just outside of Ann Arbor Michigan…
    People, please fill your heart with courage, because life is not worth living on this planet surrounded by this kind of horror.

  6. I have had those thoughts about the dark atrocities and have sought them out. "Just to see just how bad it really is". If we don't confront these things, educate ourselves on just how evil these people are, we are never going to understand what we are fighting. I never believed in evil up until about ten years ago, and I'm 60yo. I always thought it was just all about self serving people. Now I know it actually exists and these are people/entities that actually go out of their way and dedicate their entire existence to it, anything to destroy God's creation. The full story of the Garden of Eden is not fully understood until you consider that Eve slept with the 'Devil' to create another offshoot of man. This then explains the Satanic entities in our lives acting against our better judgement.

  7. Great post, thank you very much Edward Morgan! It's for many years now, that I've felt curled toes about the New Age terminology and New Ageing members' behaviour, when meeting in person or online. In a denial of so called "negativity" (a judgement) expressed by others, is reason for those members to turn their back to them. To me, it's a matter of suppressed inner demons and devils, that causes New Ageing members to forbid the presence of like-minded spirits in others.

    And that psychological effect, not so uncommon in many of us, be it Old Age, Young Age or New Age, is what I believe the fertilizer for a creation of a New world religion type of philosophy, deliberately spread around the world, to bamboozle innocent and gullible people, causing them to walk away from self-reflection in a 360 degree manner, with common sense and a welcome to truth.

    Isn't that state of being the best fishing net around these New Age religion followers? Not only does this state of mind allow the crook-off-the-hook, by not daring to address what's hidden in the dark, and all evil intentions with mind-control in mind. Like in the Flower-Power years, the hippie movement, of the 60's and 70's, which was an attempt within humanity to spread its wings, where cannabis and hard drugs, LSD, Cocaine, Heroine, were introduced, just in time.

    What do I mean? Just in time? What better way to disturb the rising of consciousness, of love and peace, those slogans "Make peace, no war", marches in cities, Vietnam-protests and demonstrations, with participants putting flowers in the opening of guns, carried by soldiers present to keep an eye on it, than to confuse and damage the youth with those substances, and send them into the desert of their addictive life at some point?

    I believe that there are many ways to bring the human collective consciousness to its knees, or keep it there. I perceive the entire New Age movement as a similar attempt, to damage, confuse and distract, half a century later. I'm not a pessimist, on the contrary, for I can see the signs of genuine awakening in so many now.

    Some of us are piggybacking and others are trailblazers, with many in between who are trying to stand the waves of change with inner strength and courage, without saying too much about it. Some are neutral witnesses, observing only. Some are sitting on the fence. I'm a baby-boomer and my expiration date is a blanc space 😁🙋‍♀️🧙‍♀️🤹‍♀️🐐💎💚

    Here's a link to a series of articles with explnations of how spiritual philosophies and environmental ideals are used as cover up of a sinister plan. New Age is addressed as well. It's quite a read:

  8. Wow this article is exactly what I needed to read right now as I am ready to give up! Thank you! It's been so hard to live with this truth and try to wake up my loved ones to fight for the world that belongs to us. Nearly everyone one in my life except for 2 people have no idea of the dark world they are living in and when you tell them some truths they are willing to accept they say well there's nothing they can do about it and they have no time to deal with it!! That's probably the number one challenge we are facing with it. It's the middle age people(late 30's to early 50's) that feel stuck in this matrix to no fault of their own. They are the ones that are fuelling the matrix to continue as they are sandwiched between caring for their parents and their children. I am one of those people but I have been blessed to be at home with my family and chose not be enslaved with a "career". That's why I have been able to further wake up in my opinion. Since I was born I innately knew the way we live is wrong but to no fault of my own I was indoctrinated into the cabal's system of fear and control. Most of the time I accepted this is the way the world is until the Covid scamdemic hit and caused me to find PFC who has enlightened and lifted me so much. Thank you and God Bless!

  9. Yep. The main reason I didn't break down more than I already did before was this convenient memory problem that allows you to compartmentalize incomprehensible atrocities. The rest is from desensitization. Still, wouldn't have it any other way. It helped to have the truth delivered simultaneous as some kind of love therapy but if you become more empathetic suddenly, it all comes crashing down no matter what you do because the nature of their evil is pushing the limits of reality and sanity and love couldn't help those who couldn't experience it.

  10. Only those within the illusion would censor another.


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