By Katharina Bless
The opposition from Moon in the Pisces and Sun in Virgo is still indicating confusion! This is very typical for such a time of awakening. Letting go of old habits and patterns is not easy. The programming has started a very long time ago and is imprinted in every human being. To break through this illusion takes an effort.

The consciousness is holding on to things that is known and many will suddenly remember things from their life in the past that were long unconscious. You may have a strong “aha” experience and remember something that makes much more sense than at the time it happened.
We still have 6 Planets retrograde, so this is a strong indication that things are not moving forward yet! It takes another few weeks until Jupiter turns direct in October. Now is the time to work with the retrograde Jupiter and expand the conscious mind, be more open and start to “see” what is hidden in the open.

For example the TV program:
Television program: Tell a Vision programming
This is how our reality is being fed to humans. Through education in many ways and since the age of TV it has become so easy! Every thing they needed us to know was told in a story. And if someone started to realize that events happened in life some time later exactly as shown in a certain movie, and started to ask questions, he was ridiculed and some times brutally shut up.
Just look at the commercials: they know exactly human desire and use it to make them want certain things that lead to an addictive lifestyle.
This trine from Jupiter to Mercury is like an open door into the first “levels of the unconscious” and find jewels in form of memories and intuition, that will help them in the harsh situation of awakening.
The process of awakening was always portrayed very “pink” in many New Age circles, but they are not easy and include a journey into the “underworld” with many sacrifices. Although when we see the truth and are willing to face it, it’s not a sacrifice but letting go of a burden.
Since 2012 we have options to resolve karma in a different way and don’t need to “pay back” anymore, as it was taught and experienced in the past. Now new energies have opened up new possibilities. Retrograde Jupiter can help you to understand this if you take some time out for meditation. I’m not talking about sitting still for half an hour, many don’t do that anyway. It can be a walk in the forest, hiking, biking, swimming etc. Any activity that takes your mind away from the daily life/stress does work. If you step out of the “hamster wheel” something can happen.

The trines from the Sun to the North Node and Pluto confirms this process and shows that something is happening worldwide. Its something bigger than the individual persona, how ever includes the individual persona in a transition process.
After this transition and cleansing off old programs, there will be a more conscious new beginning. Many people intuitively feel that something has changed, but are deceived by media etc. to believe, literally, an illusion and reinforce it with obedience, and feel paralyzed.
There are massive karmic aspects now being resolved, which will bring a total new understanding of what life is. One of the most difficult thing is to release the accumulated guilt of not being good enough! Most people are not able to love. All what they say they “love” are just words wit h not much meaning. Only if you are able to love yourself, you are able to love others.
So you might like them, even like them a lot (or not) but these are emotions. Love is beyond emotion a state of consciousness. This is what Venus in Libra is asking for. In these Aspects to Venus we can find the hurt and the scars that our hearts have.
We can’t heal them on the physical level, but if you start to connect with your Divine Self, it will be healed. This is indicated with the green quincunx aspect to ret Chiron.
If we realize that we don’t have only a blood lineage but also a soul lineage, things start to make sense and we can realize that there are so called past lives that are “ancestors” in our spiritual soul lineage!
To let go when you move into a higher consciousness is not more of a struggle than for a young child who leaves behind his baby toys….
Blessings, Katharina
For those new to my readings, please check ou the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology:
A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution
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