Full Moon Reading 20 Oct 21 – Massive Energy Shifts are happening!
By Katharina Bless
This Full Moon brings a lot of relief and we have “only” 3 retrograde planets left from 7 last week! Saturn was first to go direct on the 12th, then Jupiter turned on the 18 and Mercury this full moon!
Do you feel the energy shift? It’s massive and even though there are still major tensions, it feels better and the horizon is a bit brighter, the sunrise of the new energies a step further.

Some positive energies are unleashed that have been held back and now the evil forces are not able anymore to hold their energies up. The energies that are manifested now int his full moon are the last step to come out into the light of truth. It feels like a tidal wave of energies, or like and earthquake that catapult those awaken into the right position to take on their responsibility and the right place in the “game”.
Those who have made the decision to follow the light and love, they receive now powerful insights and the veil of illusion is so thin, that the structures of the past become clear and transparent. The percentage of light is now reached to tip the scale and even though it looks chaotic and a lot of people are on the “way out”, the light is shining brighter.
You will see that many who you thought would not understand, suddenly show interest in spiritual matters and the truth behind all the deception of the current Illness that in fact does not exist. Nobody was able to isolate this virus.
Many now go still through a dark night of the soul since they start to realize how much they have been lied to and cognitive dissonance will cause many people to have sleepless nights.
There is only one “recipe” here: look at every thing. Don’t avoid the feelings that come when you get angry, sad or even afraid and see the illusion behind all the things that are happening. Look at all the false and glamorous “stars” out there and what is really going on in their lives.
Mars will help that what is happening is coming intense and the Pluto energies with Venus in Scorpio show that we are on a journey through the internal “underworld” to die and be reborn.

It is clear here from the rising sign of Capricorn with an exact conjunction with Jupiter that there is a gift in expanding every thing, to move beyond belief into experience. Don’t believe any thing even is someone is saying it that you love very much. You have to experience and feel it for yourself.
Too long did we rely on others to tell people what to do, what is right and what is wrong and how things should and should not be. The world that has been built around us from our live blood is crumbling, the glittering shows and palaces of wealth and riches are shattering in the light of truth.
The abuse that has happened is our emotional journey through hell and back! We are in test phase and those ready to be themselves, to not give their power away (anymore) are no preparing a new world.
I was very impressed with many happenings around the world where people quit their jobs or accepted to be laid off and formed groups to oppose the falling system. So many have learned already to help and support each other with love and compassion. This is the new virus that is spreading fast and wide.
A new world is manifesting and even if in some places it looks that its getting worse, the energy has already shifted. Can you feel how desperate the ex-elite is as not their golden fleece is swimming away? The new world is anchored already.
Many are active and help and start to find creative solutions to bridge the time until new solutions, free energy and advanced technology, including the MedBed will be in place. It will take time. But the energies have shifted. Just wait until Uranus is going direct again on January 19! This might trigger a global major event since after the first days of February, there is not retrograde planet for a couple month, so every thing will proceed fast.
Still the situation in the moment is still very tense and there are last karmic games plaid out which are very personal and involve also family, relatives and groups we feel that we belong to. The oppositions are confrontation and what ever comes into your life now and is right in front of you, it’s better to not run away but face it bravely.
Every one of us is now facing what we have created in the old and dark energies to transform it. Many have a lot more knowledge, skills and wisdom that they are aware of. Experiences from past lives might be major blocks but also major step forward if we manage to let go of the regret and just keep the experience!
One thing to remind yourself every day is: I can’t undo what I did because of what I believed and what I didn’t know…. But I can use the experience and use it for the better! And then follow your heart intuition that will guide you without error! The new world we are stepping into is something we can’t fathom yet, it’s more than we an know unless you have the gift to remember past lives where you have lived in higher dimensions. Since the veil is thinning now, you might remember and then don’t think this is just “fantasy” and dismiss it. Some of the visions that you have might seem so “out there” compared to where we are now, that it seems impossible. But if you can imagine or fantasize it, it exists… probably not right in front of you now, but give it some time to manifest!
Blessings, Katharina

For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology:
A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution
You can follow my Silver Dove Network at Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/R-WDl0W6mqMGFiAz or you can reach me there: @KatharinaBless
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Please feel free to share this message in its entirety, without changes and leave the credit of the author unimpaired!
To book a private reading, or learn this method of SkyView Astrology, please contact Katharina directly by email.
**SkyView Astrology (outer circle) works with the real star-constellations. Western/Tropical Astrology (inner circle) has nothing to do with the stars anymore and their 1˚ Aries is 28˚ apart from the true star constellations, the Vedic/Indian system is 6˚ degrees different.
SkyView Astrology does not tell you who you are, but shows the time quality and blueprint/road-map of one’s life. It also is no fortune telling tool and can’t predict the future since you have the innate ability to co-create your life within the curriculum you have chosen for this incarnation. Once you know how, you can change your life and time line.
The Western Astrology has nothing to do with the star constellations, but is a method to show how the sun moves trough the season, which makes a certain sense in the northern hemisphere, but doesn’t make any sense near and below the equator in the southern hemisphere. The sun represents out consciousness and not the “persona”
For your convenience I list the degrees of the sign and dates when the sun enters the signs:
Aries: 25° / April 18; Taurus: 36° / May 13, Gemini: 28° / June 21; Cancer: 20° / July 20; Leo: 36° / Aug 10; Virgo: 44° / Sept 16; Libra: 23° / Oct 30; Scorpio: 25° / Nov 23; Sagittarius: 33° / Dec 17; Capricorn: 28° / Jan 20; Aquarius: 25° / Feb 16; Pisces: 37° / March 11
The dates of the transition of the sun are based on the guidelines of IAU (International Astronomical Union).
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.