Important information for people (targeted Individuals) dealing with covert harassment that involves privacy invasion, following, identity theft, stalking and harassment . Any unregulated hate group, social or religious organization, neighborhood / community watch group, or any person with some computer know-how can obtain any of the information presented in this video, and use it for stalking, psychological manipulation, and covert tactics that are designed to induced psychological illness! This is a rapid edit of a much longer presentation called “You’ve Lost Privacy, Now They’re Taking Anonymity ” posted at    • HOPE X (2014): Yo…   Government and private entities are working to shred privacy and warehouse personal, relationship, and communications data. Once unimaginable surveillance technologies are being perfected and implemented. The most intimate details of lives are routinely and unthinkingly surrendered to data-gatherers. Is it still possible to be an anonymous whistleblower? Is it still possible to be anonymous at all? Your physical location and activities for the past ten years are known and have been logged. If you attend a church or synagogue or mosque or a demonstration or visit an abortion clinic or a “known criminal activity location” or meet with a “targeted person” or a disliked political activist, it is routinely recorded. Your finances, sexual orientation, religion, politics, habits, hobbies, and information on your friends and family are gathered, indexed, and analyzed. Facial recognition, camera analytics, license plate readers, and advances in biometrics allow you to be de-anonymized and remotely surveilled 24/7/365 by machines. Forensic linguistics, browser and machine fingerprinting, and backdoors substantially eliminate the possibility of anonymous Internet activity. Thanks to “The Internet of Things,” your thermostat and electric meter report when you arrive home and your garbage can reports when you throw out evidence to be collected by the few remaining human agents. “Predictive profiling” even knows what you will do and where you will go in the future, so the data collection bots can be waiting for you. Data collection now begins at birth. And no data gathered will ever be thrown away. And none of the data gathered belongs to you or will be under your control ever again. An internationally-known private investigator and longtime HOPE speaker, Steve will describe in frightening detail how the last shreds of everyone’s anonymity are being ripped away. Real world examples will be used. Surprises can be expected. Speakers: Steve Rambam [Steve Rambam is the founder and CEO of Pallorium, Inc. (, a licensed investigative agency with offices and affiliates worldwide. He has coordinated investigations in more than 50 countries and in nearly every U.S. state and Canadian province. Steve has conducted or coordinated numerous foreign insurance-related investigations, including hundreds of homicide and “death claim” investigations, and a significant number of these cases have resulted in confessions, arrests, and prosecutions. He is perhaps best publicly known for his pro bono activities, which have included the investigation of nearly 200 Nazi collaborators and war criminals in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia. He has also coordinated efforts to expose terrorist groups’ fundraising activities in the United States and has conducted investigations which resulted in the tightening of airport security in eight U.S. cities. Steve is currently co-authoring a non-fiction book, Stealing Your Own Identity, and he is the subject of a second non-fiction book, Rambam, P.I.] The maker of this video has given permission for non-profit re-use! This video is posted for education purposes only.

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