Home Important ‘Israel has a stranglehold on Congress’ – Former Congressman James Traficant

‘Israel has a stranglehold on Congress’ – Former Congressman James Traficant


Israeli soldiers beating a Palestinian teenager who later died

https://israelpalestinenews.org/former-congressman-traficant-israel-has-a-stranglehold-on-congress/Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government” –James Traficant interview with Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren broadcast on Fox News on September 10, 2009.View the full 9-minute interview here, and a transcript of that interview is here.Traficant had been an extremely popular Democratic Congressman from rustbelt Ohio who had just been released from spending seven years in prison on charges of corruption.Many people feel Traficant had been railroaded on trumped up charges after trying to take on the Israel lobby and a number of powerful interests.Traficant was one of the few members of Congress to oppose Israel and support Palestinian rights.

The former Mahoning County sheriff, James Traficant, (1981-1985) has a proud history of defying special interests and defending their victims. As sheriff, he attracted national media attention when he was jailed for contempt of court because he refused to process court-ordered foreclosures on the homes of several unemployed steel workers in his economically depressed community.

Traficant sees a direct connection between his defense of the homes of steel workers in Ohio, and his condemnation of the indiscriminate and vindictive Israeli demolition of the homes of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza…….…As a result of the intifadah and the rise in worldwide consciousness of the Palestinian struggle, many congressmen now privately express admiration for the courage of the Palestinians and revulsion at Israeli military brutality.

In public, however, most are voiceless. Only the gentleman from Ohio has repeatedly spoken out on the floor of Congress, with his every word being transmitted to a nationwide television audience….
…On March 9, 1988, Traficant first startled Congress by sharply criticizing Israeli brutality and violations of human rights in the occupied territories.

Citing shocking statistics and eyewitness accounts of the suppression from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, he told congressional colleagues that “the time has come to speak out against the abuses of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip … A roar of outrage should be the voice of the House, and everybody should hear it.”

Traficant followed up the next day with a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, saying “the beatings and shootings” of teen-agers “are not acceptable to us (Congress) and the American people.” He concluded by urging the prime minister to give peace a chance and to reconsider a land-for-peace international conference as outlined in the Shultz plan.

Traficant has continued to remind members of Congress of their obligation to speak out on behalf of Palestinian human rights. On August 10, he told his colleagues: “The Palestinians are also God’s children. They have a right to self-determination and … they have a right to freedom.”

Source: https://cairnsnews.org


  1. Israel has no influence in US Government there is a huge powerful group of entity who engineered, human civilization,government structure,economy, the engineered financial system, in the whole all aspect of human life & even human it selves was genetically engineered by those Satanic evil ruler of planet earth for their own goal to totally dominate & to own planet earth and exterminate human population, US,UK,EU,Israel government was established and run by this entity,I name it Dark Unseen Global Occult Pyramidal Power Structure,the Unseen Global Power Structure, Network of all evilness in the face of planet earth,

  2. What the 'Powers That Be', done to Mr. Traficant, for telling the TRUTH? He 'fell'(?) under his own tractor and died 3 days later in the Hospital! Harkens back to what 'THEY' done to General George S. PATTON, in December 1945-, staged automobile accident and was MURDERED in a US Army Hospital, in Heidelberg, Germany 2 weeks latter!


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