As many people know, attorney Dr. Reiner Feulmich who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremberg,” was arrested on October 12th by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. He was taken back to Germany where has now been imprisoned for a little over three months now and now has very little contact with the outside world. There are only 2 telephones in the unit, but he is not allowed to speak unsupervised, and there is very little supervision available due to a lack of personnel, according to Katja Woermer, Dr Fuellmich’s legal representative in an interview on the German Bittel Tv and reported in the Truth Summit on the 21st of January.
Katja says “As for something being done on the legal level, some things were not done within the set time limits and a decision should be made on this within the next week two. One must have patience. Things are still not public, so there is still a need to keep matters private. There is a good chance you will be able to hear Reiner within the next week or two.”
As for Reiner, he is still optimistic and happy to be working with an international team. He has been moved, and now does not have a TV, which makes the days even longer. He has now watched a few movies. For instance, he was watched Gone With the Wind 10 times!!! So he must have a romantic side.
Another guest Bono on the Bittel show asked what many of us also wanted the answer to: “But shouldn’t this be a civil case, and usually there is no prison time, but compensation/damages. Katja agrees, but says “things were brought to criminal court where things were seen differently. As for surveillance via an ankle bracelet, this exists, but not in Germany – due to “inadequate funding.” Katja also noted, that there are currently also doctors in prison in Germany. Source
Reiner’s “Own Label”
As a counterpart to the Corona Committee, attorney Dr Reiner Feullmich has his own label, “ICIC Law, the International Crimes Investigative Committee” and has, he says “a small working group from the former Corona Committee had followed him and so we were able to quickly get back to work.” At least this is positive news.
Reiner has been able to speak from the ICIC website and the following extensive information includes updates from Reiner himself since just after his first 6 weeks of imprisonment.
These are all in Reiner’s own words and have been automatically translated to English from German. (Therefore please don’t bother commenting on any discrepancies in spellings or the pigeon English. Ta.)

Reiner states on the website: “In October 2023, everything plunged into complete chaos again. It ended with the execution of the above-mentioned European arrest warrant against me in Frankfurt after I had previously been deported from a non-European country (Mexico) under police protection. – A thriller that, as I know today, was anything but a coincidence. I’ll tell you about that in the next episode.”
“As a result”, he says “I´ve been sitting in prison for weeks now. The real perpetrators are still free.” he adds “They also possess the class action lawsuit money and the money from my private home. I can prove that. All documents are safely stored with my legal team. How the „agitators“ brought all this to a „successful“ conclusion for them, I will report on in the next episode.”
Below are updates from Dr Reiner Fuelmich himself, and although there were videos they are in German (some links provided) however, the translated transcripts were provided.
The Truth“ – Personal statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Part 1 – THANK YOU to all of you out there!

Dear friends, comrades-in-arms and fellow human beings interested in the truth,
for the first time after 6 weeks in custody I would like to personally and deeply thank everyone who has written to me. There are thousands and I read everything.
The trust in my seriousness as a lawyer and founder of the Corona Committee, in my intensity and the quality of my work and, above all, the positive energy conveyed to me in these letters are like an invisible lifeboat that will take me to freedom and allow us all to continue our work together. Because it’s not over yet.
The corona pandemic was just a test run to find out what people will put up with if you panic them with psychological terror. Now more than ever, we need to take a closer look behind the panic propaganda. Now more than ever we have to find out what lies are being used to distort our past in order to recognize the truth. Only then will we be able to stop the evil and hold the perpetrators to account. Without justice, there can be no peace and no return to humanity.
This also applies to my personal case. Today, for the first time, I would like to comment on the accusations made against me publicly and by way of criminal charges. Because there is enough dubious and simply false information on the internet and in the mainstream to destroy my international reputation as a lawyer, but also as a person. Together with my team of lawyers, I will ensure that the WHOLE truth comes to light and that those responsible for this plot against me are brought to justice. They are the perpetrators. I will prove that.
In the next episodes of my personal statements, I will report on the background of the Corona Committee, why I – unfortunately – did not correctly recognize and classify warning signs, how my wife and I simply had our private house and savings taken away from us with the knowledge and active participation of a lawyer – and thus our entire financial existence, how the „Mexico plot“ came about that led to my arrest and much more. Please listen to me.
Thank you. Yours, Reiner Fuellmich. Source
“The Truth” – Personal Statement
by Dr. Pure Fuellmich
Part 2: The creation of the Corona Committee – Everything is still in the green area
Dear friends, fellow campaigners and fellow human beings interested in the truth,
This is the second part of my “Personal Statement” to make the events of the last few weeks, months and years transparent for you all.
How did it come about that serious allegations of embezzlement were made against me publicly and in a criminal complaint by four former colleagues in the Corona Committee (here: CA)? Who were the people I trusted when founding and collaborating with the CA? How could it come to this that I am sitting in a high-security prison in Germany today – and this completely innocently?
Above all, I have to blame myself heavily, because my professional gut feeling clearly betrayed me (or I didn’t listen to it enough), and I simply didn’t pay enough attention to details in the daily TO-DO, otherwise I would have the planned coup noticed much earlier.
But one after another:
My wife Inka and I lived with our dogs on our ranch in Northern California until early June 2020 and I did my legal work primarily from there. When the plandemic started in 2020, we were both immediately convinced that something was wrong here. I quickly packed my bags because I wanted to help shed light on the pandemic in Germany. After all, I had 30 years of experience as a litigator and studied medical and pharmaceutical law for many years at the University of Göttingen. I also had many contacts from my work in medical law.
Dr. WW, whom I trusted at the time, put me in touch with Ms. VF. At a first personal meeting in Berlin, her strange appearance and some of her behavior bothered me, but I decided to take off my critical glasses, ignore my gut feeling and trust a doctor friend.
We agreed to found the Corona investigation committee. Because it was clear in June 2020 that the German Bundestag, which was actually responsible for this, would not start its own investigation for reasons that were not yet apparent to me at the time. The CA should clarify these central questions immediately:
- How dangerous is the supposedly new coronavirus really?
- How reliable and suitable is the PCR test for detecting corona infections.
- How damaging are the Corona measures, i.e. the lockdowns, the mask requirement, social distancing and the threat of so-called vaccinations?
Scientists, doctors, economists, lawyers, politicians, etc. should help us clarify the questions. Two German scientists, a professor of finance and an expert in immunology and vaccinations were already part of our circle. Unfortunately, they did not agree with the VF contracts that their notary had drawn up and therefore dropped out again. As I remember it, one of them also distrusted VF from the start.
We needed a replacement quickly. Two years earlier, I had met the law professor Martin Schwab as part of my work at the anti-corruption NGO Transparency International and had been friends with him ever since. He, in turn, introduced me to two lawyers he supported, now known as “port lawyers”. Trusting in Prof. Schwab’s expertise and knowledge of human nature, I asked the two of them whether they would like to replace the scientists in the CA. Today I know: That was the beginning of the end. In my opinion, both of them quickly showed in their behavior that money meant more to them than educational work.
From the outside, the CA quickly had a completely unexpected success. Since we conducted the expert surveys in German and English via video stream, our programs, which take place on Fridays, quickly became popular worldwide. Many people also had great hope that we would later use the findings from these surveys as evidence in international damages proceedings such as the “class action” proceedings in the Anglo-American region. We were in the right place at the right time with our work. I was and am convinced of that.
Unfortunately, things looked different internally. I quickly noticed that the other members of the committee, especially the two replacements, seemed to have little interest in our educational work. In contrast to me: I concentrated almost entirely on this educational work. In addition to the interviews in the committee that took place every Friday, I also gave an average of five other international interviews per week and I also tried to provide information about our work worldwide and not just in Germany.
After I learned from critical experts that a PCR test cannot under any circumstances scientifically accurately determine an infection, and that it had apparently been deliberately misused for this purpose in the context of the plandemic, I published on this topic in the September 2020 a 50 minute long video in German and English. In it I explained that the Corona measures, which had already led to more and more victims and damage at that point, could legally be qualified as crimes against humanity and that we should best resolve them legally using the means of Anglo-American law . To my surprise, the video was seen millions of times before it was suddenly deleted from YouTube/Google.
Based on this video, the American colleague Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom I first met personally in Berlin in August 2020, founded the “PCR test working group” on his platform CHD, with the help of its president Mary Holland. I also belong to this group. Since October 2020, respected scientists, doctors, lawyers, etc. have been meeting there every week to discuss all aspects related to the plandemic.
At the same time, I regularly summarized our long interviews in the CA on Sundays on Roger Bittel’s platform “Bittel.TV” in German. The enormous popularity the CA achieved led to a large number of inquiries as early as August 2020. In particular, small and medium-sized companies wanted to know how they could get compensation for the damage caused by the lockdowns. And fellow lawyers from all over the world wanted to be connected to the experts. At that time, many lawyers still believed that taking legal evidence with our PCR test experts would quickly bring down the entire panic house of cards based on deception and manipulation.
This led to the collection of funds for the implementation of a possible “class action”. The funds are all there, but in my opinion, they were fraudulently transferred to another account. I will report on this in detail elsewhere.
Due to my almost 30 years of litigation experience, I was rather skeptical that a solid legal approach would quickly be successful in Germany and the rest of the world. That is why I advised that damages litigation should first be conducted in an Anglo-American country where there is the possibility of class actions and a real law of evidence and punitive damages for intentional harm. My international colleagues are currently working hard on this project. The topic of class action lawsuits is as present as ever and, we are convinced, will finally bring the hoped-for success. Source
The Truth“ – Personal Statement
by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Part 3 – The end of the Corona Committee – Unfortunate circumstances or a long-planned coup?
Video in German –

Dear friends, activists and fellow human beings interested in the truth,
in the 3rd part of my personal statement, it will quickly become apparent to you that I was more and more a lone fighter in matters of the Corona Committee and that my co-partners pulled a common string to get rid of me and also to ruin me privately. I share responsibility here. As a human being, but even more so as a lawyer, I should have seen the events coming and prevented them.
Back to my account. So, while I was on my way, also with international lawyers, for the CA and putting all my energy into it, strangely enough, the other members didn’t seem to be so aware of the importance of the Corona Committee‘s work. None of them attended the strategy meetings. None of them made any effort to publicize the work of the Committee, especially beyond the borders of Germany. From the end of 2020 onwards, JH and AF in particular were only interested in how they could earn as much money as possible with Corona mandates with their newly founded office community.
When, at the end of 2021 / beginning of 2022, together with the group of international lawyers, I conducted the Model Grand Jury investigations with the help of our experts to show that, and how, a legal clarification of the plandemic could work, these lawyers no longer played a role at all. However, the Model Grand Jury Investigation became a success that attracted worldwide attention.
The work of the Corona Committee was now so popular that by the end of 2020 we had already received a lot of donations. However, we only needed part of this to pay for our technology, IT, translators and expenses for my office, etc. There was a large amount of money in our donation account. This money was not safe from our point of view. A blocking or seizure of the accounts would have rendered us immediately incapacitated. Therefore, VF and I decided to leave only the amounts directly required for the work of the Corona Committee in the donation account and to keep the funds that were not needed at first safe from possible access.
The State Office for Criminal Investigation in Lower Saxony, as I know today, had asked the public prosecutor’s office to investigate VF, RF, AF and JH and a colleague who had temporarily managed the donation account because of suspicious money laundering reports from the banks, which had repeatedly terminated our donation account. These investigations were later discontinued.
To make sure that we would not be vulnerable because of the securing of the money, we concluded loan agreements, which were also openly shown in the annual financial statements. Of course, there would have been no point in transferring the loans from one disclosed account to another open account. So we decided to invest them in my German property (as an equivalent value) and in gold as a safe store of value. The house had a value of €1,345,000. We wanted to sell it anyway and look for a new place to live in Germany. Therefore, the money I took out on a loan basis was safe, as I believed at the time. But things turned out differently. I will report on that.
In addition, I invested 1.1 million EUR in donations in gold. This was also openly disclosed in the annual financial statements. VF also entered into a contract with Corona Committee to obtain a loan. This withdrawal also served to secure our money. The loan went over € 100,000 which is also reported in the annual financial statements.
In July / August 2021, JH and AF suddenly contacted us again to get information about the donations. I suspected that their legal efforts had been unsuccessful. In the meantime, I had learned that they had no structure in their office and, in particular, had not even been able to hire at least one secretary. I hadn’t checked this at the beginning of our collaboration, a mistake on my part in hindsight.
Since JH and AF had effectively left the work of the Corona Committee and also because they had recently been working closely with a person who, as I know today, infiltrated the political party „dieBasis“ together with a Freemason, we initially refused to provide this information.
But in order not to waste energy on avoidable arguments, we finally handed in an overview of income and expenditures. It quickly became clear that they wanted to „hijack“ the Corona Committee and at least eliminate me from it. When the attempt failed, JH proposed in a written settlement that he and AF would leave the company if we pay them half of the donations to an account of their mentor, Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab. Of course, VF and I rejected this and asked JH and AF not to show up in the committee anymore.
We didn’t hear from them for about a year. At the end of 2021, with my consent and with the help of their notary, VF created a new company for the operation of the Corona Committee. VF and I held a 50 percent stake in this company. This new Corona Committee has its own account, so it no longer has to rely on lawyers‘ escrow accounts. All the rights of the old company were also transferred to this new company. I agreed to the contracts submitted to me by VF.
At the beginning of 2022, working with VF had become increasingly difficult. That’s why I accepted the offer to participate in the Crimes Against Humanity Tour in the US. This meant that I would spend almost three and a half months traveling through nine U.S. cities and giving lectures with two well-known U.S. scientists, Dr. Judy Mikovits and the economist and expert on technology and transhumanism, Patrick Wood. However, from there I continued all the activities related to the Corona Committee: I continued the interviews via Zoom, gave an average of five interviews per week, participated in the conferences of the PCR Test Working Group and summarised the meetings of the Committee every weekend on Bittel.TV. In addition, I worked with international colleagues to initiate legal proceedings with the aim of large-scale damages lawsuits. At the time, I was on the verge of burnout…
After my return from the U.S., I realized that VF’s chaotic incompetence and indifference to our guests, which I had grudgingly accepted until then, had increased even more. That’s why I confronted her in July 2022. I informed her that I would be going back to our ranch in California with my wife and dogs, also to be closer to the relevant legal action, but that I would continue the committee work as usual. Also, I desperately wanted more input from her!
Immediately afterwards, as I know today, VF got in touch with JH and AF again, as well as their law firm colleague MT. In August 2022, there was a meeting and a discussion. Following this meeting, the joint public defamation campaign against me started on 9-2-.2022 and criminal charges were filed against me on the same day. I didn’t know anything about that at the time. Due to the coincidence of the date of the „dismissal“ and the criminal complaint, it is clear to me today that „the other side“ was never interested in resolving the disputes.
A week before 9-2-.2022, VF had informed me that there would be no Corona committee broadcast on that day because our TV manager’s wife was going to have her second child. A lie, as I later realized. But I believed that lie and did not appear, VF and WW had – as VF puts it – „a clear shot“ at me.
VF appeared in front of the Corona Committee’s camera dramatically dressed in black. She declared, without informing me as her partner, that I was no longer allowed to appear at the Corona Committee. So she decided unilaterally and completely arbitrarily that I was no longer allowed to be present in the Corona Committee that I had shaped until then, in whose company I owned 50 percent then as now!
In order to justify her illegal and unlawful actions, she and WW, also in front of the camera, stated that I was to be accused of financial irregularities and that I was otherwise „a loudmouth“. WW was particularly fond of this label.
I didn’t want to unnecessarily burden the Corona Committee and its worldwide reputation with internal problems. A vain hope.
A short time later, VF, WW, JH, AF and VF’s partner at the time appeared in front of the camera for an hour-long Reiner Fuellmich tribunal. This campaign eventually culminated in several increasingly insane videos from VF claiming that „the children of the committee staff must be starving“ because of me. Apparently completely unhinged, she finally called for a „hunt for me“ and crowned this call with a „Halali“, a German hunting call that signals the end of a hunt. Not only I, but also the viewers were shocked, as could be seen from the comments in the chat.
The content of the 30-page criminal complaint, which JH also filed on behalf of AF and MT, reads even crazier. JH, AF and MT knew in 2020 that € 700,000 had been secured by me by loan agreement and secured with my property. They also knew that the sale of my house has been planned for a long time and was imminent. Our property was sold on 03/10/2022 for € 1,345,000.00 in our absence through a notary. As mentioned, we have never seen any of this money to this day! How this coup took place, I will explain in the next part.
And it gets even worse: After receiving the criminal complaint, I should have been heard, in accordance with the principle audiatur et altera pars. But I was denied this. Today I know the reasons: JH claimed to the prosecution that I was threatening him „with a Winchester“. And because that didn’t seem dangerous enough, he went on to claim that I, as a member of the party „dieBasis“, would radicalize other members and call for violence against him. In addition, I was an anti-Semite and he would feel threatened because of his ethnic origin.
Because of these completely fictitious threat scenarios, my wife and I were denied the right to a fair clarification of the situation by the authorities for more than a year. Apparently, the public prosecutor’s office felt pressured by these threat scenarios. JH even told the authorities that the other two plaintiffs would withdraw the criminal complaint if the prosecution granted me a fair hearing.
Literally, he writes: „… if Fuellmich or any of the other defendants were given the opportunity to comment before criminal proceedings were initiated, the witnesses (i.e. VF, JH, AF and MT) would refrain from filing the criminal complaint for fear of threats, violence and defamation.“
Subsequently, my wife’s private account was seized. When our lawyers asked for my wife to be heard, they were told that they would not receive any information because she was also under investigation. A European arrest warrant was then issued for me on 3-15-2023, of course without me being granted the right to be heard.
In the meantime, my wife and I had left for a trip to Peru regarding the class action lawsuit. On the way back we wanted to visit friends in Mexico and fly back to Germany from there. There, we received information from our hometown that the authorities were allegedly looking for me. Unfortunately, the colleagues from my law firm did not receive any information from the authorities about the situation. So we couldn’t really assess the new scenario back home, so we stayed in Mexico for the time being.
As a counterpart to the Corona Committee, I now had my own label „ICIC“, with which, as before in the Committee, I interviewed international experts on global crimes against humanity. A small working group from the former Corona Committee had followed me and so we were able to quickly get back to work.
Nevertheless, in October 2023, everything plunged into complete chaos again. It ended with the execution of the above-mentioned European arrest warrant against me in Frankfurt, after I had previously been deported from a non-European country (Mexico) under police protection. – A thriller that, as I know today, was anything but a coincidence. I’ll tell you about that in the next episode.
As a result, I´ve been sitting in prison for weeks now. The real perpetrators are still free. They also possess the class action lawsuit money and the money from my private home. I can prove that. All documents are safely stored with my legal team. How the „agitators“ brought all this to a „successful“ conclusion for them, I will report on in the next episode. Source
Press Release
At the end of December 2023, Reiner Fuellmich’s ICIC sent out a press release which can be read below.
On November 17, 2023 the Göttingen public prosecutor’s office brought charges against Dr. Reiner
Füllmich on the basis of a criminal complaint filed by former shareholders without the defense
having prior access to all volumes of the investigation file or the opportunity to comment.
interrogation of the accused pursuant to Section 163a of the German Code of Criminal Procedure
(StPO) was also not conducted before the indictment was filed. Likewise, the witnesses named
predominantly in the indictment were not questioned.
On the one hand, the sum of €700,000 is at issue, which is already the subject of the arrest warrant.
However, the basis for the payment of the €700,000 were two loan agreements also signed by
Viviane Fischer (one dated November 6, 2020 for €200,000 and one dated May 14, 2021 for
The public prosecutor’s office incorrectly assumed at the time of the indictment that both loan
agreements involved inadmissible self-dealing. However, according to the complete founding
minutes of July 9, 2020 all four shareholders were appointed as managing directors with sole power
of representation, so that Viviane Fischer was able to effectively represent the Corona-Committee-
Entrepreneurial-company-in-formation alone in both loan agreements.
At the time, rumors were circulating about the seizure of accounts at MWGFD; in fact, accounts
were seized from the prominent member Prof. Dr. Hockertz, as well as subsequently from other
doctors who were prosecuted under criminal law on the subject of the corona measures, and finally,
as the most prominent example, from Michael Ballweg, who was also remanded in custody for 9
The donations should therefore be invested in sustainable stores of value, such as gold or real estate.
The Corona Committee bought around 1 million worth of gold, which is still stored securely at
Degussa. Reiner Füllmich’s property was intended as the equivalent value for the loan amount of €
At the time of the sale on October 3, 2022, the property was unencumbered and the € 700,000 was
to be repaid to the Corona Committee from the purchase price of € 1,345,000. However, this was
prevented until today by the entry of a land charge on November 18, 2022, i.e. one and a half
months later – in our opinion unlawful – and the payment of an amount of € 1,158,250 in favor of
the complainant Marcel Templin. This matter must be clarified, also by the public prosecutor’s
It is irrelevant whether amounts were spent on redesigning the garden of the property, as this
directly benefited the increase in value and thus the achievement of a higher purchase price.
The indictment also alleges payments made by the Corona Committee to Reiner Füllmich’s law firm
in the amount of €25,000 per month plus VAT in the period from January 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022.
According to the indictment, these funds were used up for wage and salary payments and social
security contributions for the employees of his law firm.
The public prosecutor’s office fails to recognize that the employees of Füllmich’s law firm provided
a service in return for these monthly payments to the Corona Committee. For two years, they were
almost exclusively occupied with answering inquiries to the Corona Committee. Over 300,000
emails were answered, hundreds to thousands of telephone calls were made and thousands of letters
were answered.
Due to the sheer volume of emails, a new IT system also had to be purchased. This
work, which was absolutely essential for the Committee’s continued existence, was not carried out
at the Committee’s headquarters in Berlin.
Communication with the supporters of the Corona Committee included initial legal advice for those
seeking help, the acquisition of interview partners, the selection of scientists and other experts, who
ultimately had their say at the weekly meetings.
If this communication had not taken place, the Corona Committee could have ceased its work
shortly after it was set up.
The services provided by the employees of the Füllmich law firm were therefore part of the
committee’s corporate purpose. The witnesses named by the public prosecutor in the indictment for
this set of crimes were not heard before the indictment was filed, which is unusual.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.