Japan has just banned Covid mRNA shots for public use and called on other nations to follow suit after an official government study tied the injections to the nation’s soaring sudden deaths.

Like many other countries around the world, Japan has been battling a crisis of skyrocketing sudden and unexpected deaths since 2021.

The issue has become so dire in Japan that the country is now facing population collapse as more citizens are dying than are being born.

New studies in Japan have now linked the soaring deaths to Covid injections.

However, the latest study has sent shock waves through the global scientific community as it shows that dangerous contaminations in shots are not only affecting those who have received injections.

Scientists have found that Covid mRNA vaccines have now contaminated Japan’s blood transfusion stock due to vaccinated people giving blood.

The risks associated with Covid shots are now being transferred to other unvaccinated people through blood transfusions.

Receiving blood transfusion from COVID-19-vaccinated individuals poses a severe medical risk to unvaccinated recipients since numerous adverse events are being reported among vaccinated people worldwide, the Japanese study found.


Source: https://evol.news


  1. I live in Japan.
    The Government Subsidized Jabs are until 3/31/2024. There is a doubling of people rushing to get the jab whilst free!! Also, along with that… doubling of ambulance sirens in my neighborhood, noticeably these past weeks.

    I said close to 600 Million dead and injured and then this came out: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-james-thorp-585-million-global?publication_id=581065&post_id=142477637

    The real sudden death numbers can be seen through supply and demand stats: IE global shipment of smart phones is down 4% annually (hundreds of millions), or the huge drop in telecom subscribers across all providers, or the huge decline in movie streaming subscribers. When you look at the "suddenly unsubscribed" numbers and then look at openvaers.com ratio of dead to injured and factor in the same ratio of injured, we get closer to 600 million dead and injured already, globally. It's hard to see with mass migration, but the numbers don't lie and they should be numbers with annual growth. Factoring in the declining birth rate, it's about a 2.8% annual loss of global population that will probably add up to billions of deaths over the next 10 years. Can't research real numbers on Google, but you can on Yandex.com

    Virus hypothesis never became a proven theory, because no virus was ever isolated from a host. What’s being called a virus/exosome is debris from the body detoxing from injecting/ingesting toxins or from radiation poisoning, IE 3G/5G, and seasonal EMF/polarity changes that trigger the body to detox when cells need to clean out – it happens via inductance. There is a mountain of evidence that viruses don’t exist, for those who are not “too smart” to look. The body has a natural detox cycle that is triggered by: 1) Seasonal EMF changes in earth's EM field 2) New EMF tech IE 3G-Sars/5G COVID… and 3) Ingested/injected toxins IE vaccines/boosters… OR I guess we can stick with 4) virus-filled monkey farts escaping Asian jungles like clockwork twice a year, teleporting to one hemisphere or other for the winter. https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

    In fact to cure the “common cold” is to die from toxicity. The idea of viruses popping up in Asian jungles, seasonally, like clockwork for centuries (before flight), teleporting to a wintering hemisphere, is ignorance and bad science, VS cyclical EMF/polarity shifts directly affecting, via inductance, cells, which a weakly magnetic.

    FAKE PANDEMIC: The body has a natural detox cycle that is triggered by: 1) Seasonal EMF changes in earth's EM field 2) New EMF tech IE 3G-Sars/5G COVID… and 3) Ingested/injected toxins IE vaccines/boosters… OR I guess we can stick with 4) virus-filled monkey farts escaping Asian jungles like clockwork twice a year, teleporting to one hemisphere or other for the winter. https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

    FAKE DISEASE-X: Wuhan was the first completely blanketed 5G city in the world, activated late 2019 when their pandemic started (Radiation poisoning). Now that 5G is set up everywhere, globalists can pick a day to amp up it up to kick off the Disease-X pandemic in whatever geographical spread/pattern they prefer. https://talknet.substack.com/p/disease-x-and-the-afeared-drones

    Deagel population forecasts nearly 70% percent fewer Americans by 2025 From Deagel.com before they scrubbed it. Deagel's 2025 Forecast by Country PDF: https://nobulart.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Deagel-2025-Forecast-by-Country.pdf

    Thecovidblog.com estimates that the global population dropped from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to approximately 6.8 billion today – about a 13% drop in 28 months. https://thecovidblog.com/

    Insurance companies took a massive hit too, many billions… Google censors too much data to see the big picture: https://yandex.com/search?text=insurance+companies+40%25+excess+mortality

    • FAKE NEWS !!Edward Morgan, IN JAPAN , someone spread this fake News, it is NOT TRUE, just do a bit more due diligence before you post please

  3. I want this to be true, but this article is being copies word for word across the internet. I spent the last 45 minutes *trying* to prove it. Here's the problem:

    Japan will continue to offer mRNA vaccinations after April. In future it will be subject to a fee as the free Covid vaccination scheme closes.


    Covid vaccination is still recommended

    https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/vaccine.html https://japan.kantei.go.jp/ongoingtopics/vaccine.html

    Japan recently granted approved for a new mRNA vaccine.


  4. Can't find the source of this information, no citations given in the article at evolnews.com. Cannot corroborate this story anywhere.


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