Sacramento has voted to become California’s first transgender sanctuary city.

On Tuesday, the Sacramento City Council announced that the municipality would become a sanctuary city for transgender individuals, including minors, in addition to its existing status as a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants.

The Post Millennial reports the council voted on the resolution after a presentation declaring a “transgender week of visibility.”

The resolution stated, “California has been a leader in protecting the rights of transgender individuals to access care, but many states across the nation are moving in the opposite direction.”

“In preparation of future legislation that may criminalize those providing or seeking gender-affirming care and given the Council’s stated values of equity and inclusion, it is important for the City of Sacramento to be proactive in reiterating our commitment to transgender rights and equal protections for transgender people by declaring ourselves a sanctuary city and a place of safety for transgender people,” it continued.

Democratic Sacramento City Councilmember Katie Valenzuela spearheaded the resolution, which provides protection for medical professionals who perform gender reassignment surgeries on minors, shielding them from potential criminal punishment and civil liabilities.

The resolution also received backing from the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Trans advocate Sabrina Naves reports that families are relocating to Sacramento from states with restrictions or bans on gender-affirming healthcare. “They’ve moved to Sacramento. They’ve come here and they found a welcoming home for themselves,” Naves said.

Before the council vote, supporters and opponents faced off, with Moms For Liberty staging a protest outside city hall.

“This city is saying that we will promote the idea that people can be born in the wrong body and that we will pick up children coming into our state or into the city to give them these surgeries, and we cannot be doing that,” Moms For Liberty spokesperson Beth Bourne said.

Fox News reported that in 2022, California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom passed a law declaring the state a sanctuary for minors who identify as transgender.

The law also prevented the criminalization of medical professionals who perform gender reassignment surgeries for minors.


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