You’re Invited to the Healing Group Open Chat
Saturday, April 20, 2024
9 am Pacific, 12 noon Eastern, 5 pm London, 6pm Paris
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Finding Your Center

We often look to something outside ourselves for finding peace, a hero, or an answer. But the answer is within you; in that stillness of your heart, when you allow yourself to get there.  Some look for guidance from the spiritual realms and that’s good too. Just remember that you are a part of it, being a spiritual being having a very human experience… and we often forget who and what we are. God is in your DNA as was recently discovered when translating the codes of our DNA into Hebrew Gematria “God in the body eternal”.

When we pray to God, we shouldn’t pray to beg or ask for a thing.  Instead, we should give thanks for those things we wish to have or experience. Gratitude carries a lot of energy and can even spark healing.

In a recent video, I heard the speaker talk about people feeling that they hadn’t done enough in their life, especially during these turbulent years. But as spiritual beings with a huge spark of the divine within us, we should be imagining and creating the world we want, because we ARE Divine beings.

What was said in the video resonated strongly. You only think you’re not doing enough. However, our words, thoughts and intentions (as well as our actions) carry weight. They even effect those yet to be born.

This statement came from a trance reading by American Clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce. What it means is, everything we project, whether verbally or in our thoughts, goes out to Global Consciousness or the Akashic Records where it can be used by others when they need it. Time does not matter.

We should be manifesting an end to the division, especially over the past 20 years or more. Duality has been part of the illusion to provide us with experiences that help us learn and grow. At some point in time, we need to return to the heart, to the center, to Oneness with the Creator. Now is that time.

This idea has been showing, or being brought to the larger attention of society, via images and messages, both seen and unseen (dreams, downloads, sudden inspiration, channeling). There are reminders, or breadcrumbs, left by ancient civilizations for us to find and recall after going through a fall, similar to the Angels, similar to the fall of Atlantis and what we are experiencing now, the second fall of Babylon and corrupt systems. It’s time for us to remember.  We’ll have more information and images to show you during the Saturday meeting that will make this all clear!

I’d like to share a couple prayer which came from the Indian-American Hindu Monk, Paramahansa Yogananda.

Heavenly Father/Mother/God; teach me to remember You in poverty or prosperity, in sickness or health, in ignorance or wisdom. May I open my closed eye of unbelief and behold thine instantaneously healing light.

The light is found in the middle and beyond duality. It is the zero point that holds the potential for all creation. It is that place of supreme love, which is our creator (God is Love). Even the pyramid speaks of this light, as the word itself means “fire in the middle”. That’s your soul spark, that part of the One you carry within that is connected to all things in the universe.

Beloved God, may I know that your unseen, all protecting mantel is ever around me in joy, and in sorrow, in life and in death.

In other words, through the experiences of duality, which is in the process of ending.

Join us this Saturday to discuss how we can reach that still center point in our heart space, and find balance in our life, especially now when everything is changing again, including ourselves!

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


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