Healing Group Public Meet-up

Saturday, May 4th, 2024
9 am Pacific, 12 pm Easter
Click HERE for Date/Time in your area

 Breathing to Birth the Divine Hu-man Within

 By: Kathy Graf and Paula Rowe

Sacred breathing has been an integral part of various ancient religious practices, symbolizing the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. In many cultures, breathing techniques were used to attain a state of spiritual awareness, meditation, and communion with the divine.

The book of Genesis tells the story of God breathing life into Adam’s nostrils and is seen as a symbol of the divine breath of life. The Hebrew word “ruach” translates to wind, breath, and divine power, emphasizing the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

The word “spirit” refers to the breath or vital force that animates all living things.  In Latin, the word “Spiritus” means breath.

In many ancient cultures, sacred breathing was used as a means of connecting with the divine, seeking spiritual guidance, and achieving a state of inner peace. The practice of breath prayer, which involves using the breath to focus the mind and connect with the divine, is an example of this practice.

Breathing also plays a crucial role in the birthing process, by reducing pain and anxiety, helping to maintain focus and relaxation during birth. Controlling the breath can slow or increase the rate of contractions.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of “lung” refers to the ritual reading of sacred texts, which involves breathing life into the words and infusing them with the voice-energy of the adept. This practice is believed to reveal the secrets of the text and connect the practitioner with the divine.

Paula and Kathy have a “lung” message for us and I can’t wait for you to hear it!

Join us Saturday, as we discuss the importance of sacred breath. Paula Rowe of Global Unified Breathing will guide us through sacred breath work to bring in and anchor the higher spiritual realms. Global change starts with the shift within each individual and we hope you will take part as midwife, and participant, B’earthing the new world through Sacred Breath.

May the 4th be with you, and you with us!  : )

9 am Pacific, 12 noon Eastern, 5 pm France & Switzerland
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Passcode: 042353

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