The dream of owning a walking robot dog with a flamethrower is now a reality. An Ohio-based company, Throwflame, is selling the robot dog ‘Thermonator’ for $9,420. A demonstration video shows the Thermonator creeping and jumping through a forest before torching its surroundings. The company did not describe it as a new-aged weapon but touted it as a flame-throwing robot. Throwflame said the robot is being used in wildfire control, agricultural management, entertainment and ice removal.

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  1. Elon Musk says ‘there’s a non-zero chance’ of AI ‘going Terminator’ on humanity….

    This is his latest invention. Guns don't kill people, people do using that technology. He's the man th at created legal flame throwers, then flame throwers that can be attached to drones to extend their range, and now robots that can walk into an area and spread fire…..

    What could possibly go wrong? Algeria, Australia, Paradise CA, Lahaina HI….. and counting.

    Remember will Bill Gates warned the world that we weren't ready for the next Pandemic, then it was planned and instituted? Elon Musk warned of a "Terminator"-like AI apocalypse — now he's building a Tesla robot. (via @CNBCMakeIt)


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