By Rhoda Wilson,

Klaus Schwab is synonymous with the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) which he has managed for over 50 years. He said in an email to staff on Tuesday that he is stepping down from his role as executive chairman.

n the email, shared with Semafor, Schwab said will be stepping down as executive chairman to become non-executive chairman.  He added that the change in his role is pending approval by the Swiss government.

It hasn’t been reported why Schwab requires the approval of the Swiss government.  WEF is a Swiss non-profit foundation, recognised by the Swiss authorities as an international body.  In Switzerland, the government has a role in approving certain changes to non-profit organisations, including those related to leadership and governance. This is to ensure that the organisation remains transparent, accountable, and compliant with Swiss laws and regulations. So perhaps this is the reason.

Yesterday Reuters reported that Schwab will be chairman of the WEF’s board of trustees, whose members include European Central Bank boss Christine Lagarde and BlackRock Chairman Larry Fink. Executive responsibilities will rest with a team led by WEF President Børge Brende, the low-key Norwegian who was formerly the Nordic country’s foreign minister.

A spokesperson for WEF said that the organisation is “transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.” WEF’s governance structure is set to change as a result, the spokesperson said, and Schwab “will transition from Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees” by January 2025.

As Tessa Lena noted: “The change is cosmetic. The ambitions of the aspiring masters are still the same. Our job, in my opinion, is still to remember our souls, pray for clarity and for the healing of ourselves and the world, pray for protection and guidance, choose bravely, and starve the metaphorical vampires of what they like to eat, i.e. pain, anger, dejection, betrayal, etc.”

Lena’s opinion is corroborated by a comment made by Barron’s: “The announcement that Schwab will be stepping back from executive leadership after more than 40 years at the top marks the culmination of WEF’s long transformation, since 2015, from a ‘founder-managed organisation to one where a president and managing board assume full executive responsibility’.”

Schwab has not named his successor.

The Forum operates much like a family business, Semafor noted, with Schwab’s children appointed to high-ranking positions and his wife Hilde heading the organisation’s foundation and awards ceremonies in Davos.

For a non-profit, it’s a nice little money earner.  As reported by Semafor, WEF brought in nearly $500 million in revenue in the year ending March 2023 and had a neat 200 million Swiss francs sitting in cash.



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  1. Welcome Medea Greere to this common planet buzzing with many frequencies, quite fair current numbers of choirs in dis-harmony. Most by the brain washing propaganda of bad influence and criminals running the planet like their own casino's of crime arena's for a killing robbing thieving the likes. Topic of the day! is "Change".

    Most of our humanity have very hard time with fear clutched change and a true step is not always understood nor comforted by words alone. It is time for such Bright New Change and this planet is certainly in need of many ink darkened swamps to be drained and best unplugged if such news has this Step down by santa schwab himself the bruiser of all things corrupt and evil beyond a child-hoods dream of love joy chuckle happiness fairness and good Will, onto all living w/truth all shared.n.told.

    Time for the syndicate mafia and all branches of its likes, make like, act likes, governed likes, and all bad unliked puppets.n.controller puppeteers, All swamp filth that is dire need be drained and dried out from their crusty evil casts held too long. Replaced by pure clear clean waters.

    Many waffles care to believe the tangibles, real truths, be giving such acts upon seeing a tree silently crash in a forest beyond and know its down by means it shall be replaced only by full spectrum Light Filled Seeding of newly desired growth.

    Yet if "while" the W/Hats in promise are continuing such swamp works these other step downs over the years just past all flavor the same means to all similar ends. Big prayer of the day be the cries alone of All Such ENDINGS! show by all gang thugs also, be gone without back fill of their clay. More shall be the greater surprised when the heavens descend upon the lands knowing then the lands are completely clear of such venom dens and their occupants.
    Awaiting the foot lose party of dance to freedoms are stepped.
    Such a day held in breath, minds, hearts, soulful by all many awakened and can only wish in anticipation shall be very soon in such time become. For direction of Light to replace all darkness on this rock bringing complete harmony for all. Let the Trumpets Call.

  2. what it mean by Klaus Schwab? into my perception White Hat with the Galactic Federation,star seeds, awaken human executing divine plan doing its Job in transforming Planet government avoiding catastrophic consequence of the disappearing collapse of the Dark Empire,

  3. No worries, psychopath Schwab will definitely be replaced with another one like Tony Blair. The top positions on this planet are overwhelmingly filled with narcissistic psychopaths who are gathering around money and power centers.
    Individuals with a healthy psyche/soul are not welcome in those circles, anyway.

    • Sorry to have to break it to you. For once this IS the end of the line for the Satanists. The Cabal is broken beyond repair. There is no one left in command. Schwab was captured at his 'fortress' in Switzerland, after a very serious gun battle between special forces and his guards. He was in his bed, attached to an Adreno machine. Schwab died a few days later at GITMO in hospital and could not be revived for his trial and hanging.

      • Sorry, I don't believe any hearsay stories about Schwab. Were you there to witness what happened? If yes, where is the evidence?
        I want to see facts, not fiction, about the alleged "broken" cabal, which, by the way, seems to be alive and well, doing what they have always done.
        As far as I'm concerned, I'm fed up with the weekly dosage administered by Mr. Fulford or any other controlled opposition hopium dealer.

        • Bravo Cassandra!
          These days we are faced with way too many BS Artists anyway.
          It's time for some real change!
          The one you can see with your own eyes and not some hearsay …

  4. Hello there, beautiful souls! It's me, Medea Greere, and if we haven't crossed paths before, let me assure you it's no coincidence that you've landed here today. I've spent every sunrise and sunset of my life on a tireless quest, seeking out the radiant essence of truth in this vast, dazzling universe of ours. You see, life is a cosmic jigsaw, a symphony of mysteries that sometimes seem so complex, it's hard to grasp. Each piece, each note, is a fragment of the story – a vibrant thread in the tapestry of existence. But fear not! It's been my life's work, my singular passion, to weave these fragments into a narrative that not only makes sense


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