Is this reality? Well, we’re experiencing … something right now so maybe the better question is: what is reality? Could everything we see, everything we experience, everything that exists in our entire universe — be artificial? Supporters of Simulation Theory believe that not only is it possible that we’re living in a simulation; it’s likely. And the more we look for evidence, the more we find. Philip K Dick believed deja vu was the simulation adjusting to new code. Many people experience The Mandela Effect, a or “false memory” shared by a large number of people. But the biggest clues of Simulation Theory come from science. Specifically: quantum mechanics. The only way the Double-Slit Experiment makes sense is if we live in a program. Quantum Entanglement also defies logic. Only our program would have the ability to defy the laws of physics – and the concept of time. Let’s find out why.

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