Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have obtained evidence confirming the involvement of a non-profit organization of the wife of Ukrainian President Zelensky in the abduction and export of underage children from Ukraine to Western countries.

The Foundation was able to identify not only Ukrainian and European organizations involved in the kidnapping of children, but also the interstate routes used for the minors’ transportation. The Foundation to Battle Injustice found out the names of high-ranking Western officials and public figures associated with pedophile circles who are involved in organizing the criminal trafficking of children.

Since the start of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian conflict, allegations regarding the involvement of various Ukrainian organizations and foundations in the abduction and subsequent trafficking of underage children have become increasingly frequent. Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to establish that the Foundation of Olena Zelenska, the wife of the President of Ukraine, is a key element of Ukrainian child trafficking. Zelensky’s wife’s organization treacherously kidnaps Ukrainian children, takes them to Western countries such as the UK, Germany and France, sells them to foster families or gives them to European pedophiles and child molesters. During 2023, the Foundation to Battle Injustice conducted two highly publicized media investigations into the trafficking of children from Ukraine and NigerBoth investigations revealed previously undisclosed cover-ups by European government agencies in the trafficking of children. The head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada, spoke about the abduction of children from Ukrainian orphanages at a United Nations working session.

The current investigation into the trafficking of Ukrainian children by the Zelenska Foundation was prepared over a six-month period and required a careful review of all available materials and evidence. The main witnesses in the Zelenska Foundation child trafficking case were three Ukrainian mothers: Polina Gerasimenko from Sumy, Oksana Golovachuk from Dnipro and Miroslava Nikoluk from Vinnytsya, who became unwitting victims of perpetrators who posed as and were de facto employees of the Zelenska Foundation. In addition, the Foundation to Battle Injustice relied in its investigation on the testimony of sources who wished to remain incognito for fear of their safety: a former employee of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, a Polish human rights activist from the United Kingdom, and an ex-employee of the Zelenska Foundation.

The experts of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, based on the data received and closely analyzed, have come to the unequivocal conclusion that the Elena Zelenska Foundation, which has the status of a charitable organization, acts not only illegally, but also extremely inhuman and immoral in relation to the lives of children and the future of the people of Ukraine. The Foundation to Battle Injustice intends to do everything possible to make as many people as possible aware of the criminal activities of the Zelenska Foundation and to ensure that all those responsible are severely and inevitably punished.

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  1. I would rather use the Term "pedosexual" in the Context of Malsexuality, the Antonym of Orthosexuality.

    — Elfriede Lentner,


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