In short, China wants Boeing out.

China’s new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American manufacturer, with national security implications.  As major media report, “Boeing’s crisis may open a gap for Chinese jets to fly through.”  With a Trump presidency, this would not have happened, and it’s another reason why the DNC and its China-first allies want Trump permanently sidelined.

To an unusual extent, the major media are reporting what seem to be a nearly unending series of mishaps involving U.S. commercial airline aircraft made by the Boeing company.  Whether it’s a window blowing out in flight, a tire falling to the ground after takeoff, or a sudden “nosedive“ in cruising flight, it seems the Boeing jet, especially the 737, can’t be trusted anymore, and the public is being conditioned to think so.

There are two things I would propose that readers consider, however, in all these mass media stories.  One is that there are actually many more “flight irregularities” on any given day, anywhere in the world, on many different aircraft types, that media do not report at all, or that passengers never know about.  Many involve routine items that are managed by the crew or addressed by maintenance personnel in a normal manner.

But statistically, it is hard to explain the sudden cluster of reported issues with Boeing aircraft, and based on random occurrence, while China is aggressively lobbying to have its copycat model replace it.  Moreover, the major media seem intent on scaring the public with related stories of Boeing safety “whistleblowers,” including one apparently found suddenly dead.

I suggest that these irregularities may not be random.  Allow me to explain.

Little known to the general public and air travelers is that China has made an exact duplicate of the Boeing 737 and wants to see it in service as a replacement, worldwide (with a convenient “firefighting” tanker model as well).  This Chinese “knock-off” costs a fraction of the Boeing model and is waiting for U.S. regulatory approval.  What better way to accelerate its introduction than to engage in a classic “disinformation” program to discredit the safety of the current competitive model?

Who stands to win in such a scenario?  A number of parties, political, financial, and commercial.  Airline management care about cost, and they will pursue cost reduction in any way they can.

Unknown to most Americans is that airline major maintenance is largely done outside the United States, in such countries as South Korea, Singapore, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador, with China next.  A Chinese passenger jet that costs half the price, and is financed by the Chinese, would be welcomed with open arms.  Airline executives are also ideologically captured to an unusual extent by the current White House, based in part on billions of dollars in COVID rescue funds, along with regulatory pressure to comply with White House narratives including the promotion of minorities and the adoption of racial identitarian themes in labor practices and hiring.  This also includes Biden “biosecurity“ programs involving passenger compliance and controls.

The Biden administration, directly in opposition to President Trump, made China accommodation a centerpiece of its foreign policy and industrial policy.  It is feasible that Biden’s people are actively facilitating the current public relations war against Boeing and its suppliers and paving the way for China to bring thousands of its replacement aircraft into our airspace.  (Like illegal migrants crossing our borders, it is another form of invasion.)

These aircraft also fit a number of Biden ideological agendas, including what kinds of pilots are trained and used to fly our commercial aircraft.  China has worked to make its model especially easy to operate by automation, the Chinese claim, with supposedly less actual pilot skill involved, making cockpits more open to pilot candidates based on criteria other than experience, skill, or psychological fit.  This is a dangerous illusion, but it sells easily to the current Biden political class and its Department of Transportation, which is more a political institution than a technical one at its senior levels.

Most of all, this is a threat to U.S. national security.  Also unknown to most passengers is that the U.S. military maintains its reserve program authority to convert U.S. airlines into military operations at its discretion.  What would this mean if the domestic U.S. airline fleet were composed of Chinese-manufactured models, with Chinese parts, software, computer code, electronic sensors — effectively a flying iPhone that can be tracked and traced, or interrupted, or shut down, on command by a foreign government?

The Boeing corporation is among our most central American defense suppliers, and it should be asked to what extent it is being attacked by foreign interests, or infiltrated politically and administratively.  I submit that this scenario is technically feasible; institutionally possible; and probable in circumstantial, historical, and direct evidence standards and implications.

Matthew G. Andersson is a corporation founder and former aviation CEO.  He was previously an executive adviser with the aerospace and defense practice of Booz Allen Hamilton and a senior aviation consultant with Charles River Associates.  He is the author of The New Airline Code, a text on aviation law and policy, and is a jet aircraft commander and flight instructor.  He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Financial Times and received the Silver Anvil award from the Public Relations Society of America.  He testified to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Aviation, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, concerning new aircraft in the national airspace system.  He graduated from the aeronautical science and flight technology program of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business; and the University of Texas at Austin, where he worked with White House national security advisor W.W. Rostow at the LBJ School of Public Affairs.


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