(S.D. Wells) What kind of food never spoils? You get one guess. That’s right – the kind you should never eat. So then why do you think most health food stores use canola oil mixed into nearly every packaged and jarred food on their shelves? The honest answer is they’re trying to make more money. Insects won’t go near canola oil – there’s a sign not to eat it right there. Its shelf life runs close to forever. Mix canola oil into salad dressings, mayonnaise, potato salad, macaroni salad, hummus, cereal, or corn chips and their shelf life extends almost indefinitely.

Plus canola oil is the cheapest “food” oil on the planet. Canola oil gets fancy, appealing labels too, like “expeller pressed” or even “certified organic,” but it wouldn’t really matter if you painted rapeseed hot pink and stamped it “grade A,” because it is what it is. Now let’s talk about what it does to the health of human beings who eat it regularly.

Organic or not, canola oil coagulates over time and causes health issues

What happens to humans when their blood clots and doesn’t flow properly from their heart to their brain and other organs? Ever heard of the words weight gain, heart disease, stroke, and dementia? Even the insidious American Heart Association has come to grips with evil canola, admitting in a recent study that canola oil dramatically raises the blood coagulation factor, increasing the risk of death from heart disease and stroke. For the whole detailed study, check their journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.

Canola oil, when consumed by humans, leads to high cholesterol levels in the blood and fatty plaque build up inside blood vessels. These are obstructions that interfere with blood flow to and from the heart, triggering strokes and heart attacks. So, whether or not that canola oil is free from pesticides and processing chemicals, that coagulating will still occur. That’s why it simply does NOT matter if the canola oil is organic, expeller pressed, or served up by a 5-star restaurant, the end result is still the same.

The high-fat meal, blood coagulation study was authored by a doctorate student at an Agricultural University in Denmark, where it was discovered that even the so-called good mono fats increase risk of heart attacks and strokes due to blood clotting. The study was not done on rats or monkeys, but on humans, so all the canola-pushing quacks can throw out that old argument that humans aren’t the same as lab-test animals.

The research was done on 18 healthy young men over nine months. Rapeseed oil was a main culprit of blood coagulation and artery clogging, along with beef. The changes in the men’s blood indicated an “immediate prothrombotic effect” said the leading researcher. Imagine what happens to humans already suffering from heart disease when they consume canola oil. Then there’s the fact that 90 percent of canola oil is genetically modified to contain toxic pesticide. Talk about pouring salt in the wound.

Science behind toxic canola shows it increases plaques in the human brain, contributes to memory loss and decreases learning ability

The hallmark of degenerative diseases, a build-up of plaque in the brain, could be the scariest part about eating canola oil. That trendy kitchen staple that was labeled “heart healthy” for decades has just been proven to be the complete opposite. It should be labeled “brain deadly” and “heart deadly,” but since the FDA and the CDC are run by Big Food shills and hucksters, that will never happen.

The short term effect and ultimate red flashing warning sign that canola oil is horrible for your health is the weight gain factor. Have you run into a brick wall with your diet? Are you also feeling lethargic and brain dead lately? Maybe it’s time to check those organic salad dressings for blood coagulating canola. Avoid that canola-loaded prepared food bar at Whole Foods too.

Guy Crosby, Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition at Harvard’s School of Public Health, studies food and culinary chemistry and cell wall structure of plant foods. He warns all humans about canola consumption. Here’s his verdict. Canola oil is rapeseed oil bred to reduce the “undesirable elements.” Crosby notes that most canola oil is chemically extracted using hexane (a constituent of gasoline) and then it’s deodorized with other chemicals (because rapeseed stinks).

In another recent study, rodents fed the coagulating junk-science food stuff called canola oil developed signs of dementia and working memory impairment, and that’s after just two tablespoons of canola oil per day. The mice also gained significant amounts of weight after consuming canola.

Wait, we’re not done with the scary news yet. The rodents also showed increased formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. Plus, the canola oil had destroyed a peptide that protects brain neurons from damage. This damage prevented contacts between neurons, indicating extensive injury, according to the research experts. That study was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

From healingthebody.ca

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  1. What an evil planet we live on. Cancer, autism, dementia and others too numerous to mention. I read a while back that the Rockafellers who put or rather their scientists put cancer enzymes into vaccines many years ago and now theres a cancer explosion. They also created a Cancer charity and now people pour in donations not aware of how nefarious and insidious these so called globalists are whether Rockafellers, Rothschilds etc etc.


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