By a Mortal Man,

Some people equate the word ‘myth’ as in false reality or a fable. But we know fables can come to be true and often enough such stories teach lessons for life. Ironically, there is no cognitive dissonance when many Christians hear, or read, other religions like paganism, are considered myths, but they wince at the idea of anything like falsity could be contaminating the Big Book of the Bible (as if it had been published by God and delivered by alien Angels).


Perhaps things are more complex? Maybe myth can be truer than fiction? Who is to say where truth begins and fake news ends in a book so big and so old and so tampered with by so many peoples and languages over so many centuries?


Regardless, there is a significant difference between mankind’s awareness of verifiable reality, such as science, versus man’s imaginative capacity to dream up any given religion, as past history and future prophesy (as Gospel Truth because Holy Scriptures were handed down by none other than Prophets). Nevertheless, religious belief systems are based mainly on faith rather than provable facts.


This series of essays is, in a big way, on trying to understand truth from fiction—because this is one of the most important tasks we humans have before us in this age of ultra-deceit. More attention needs to on how extensive, how elaborate, how conspiratorial, how well-financed, how truly sophisticated this age of deceit truly is juxtaposed to still how naïve many people are (even as they agree with the hackneyed statements that the mainstream media is lying to us).


More problematic still for truth seekers, is there is less of a categorical difference between different levels of propaganda ‘purported’ as truth, yet all of it competing as “real news” supposedly based on reputed facts, because so much of multifaceted streams of news source verbiage today remains questionable. Many of us are aware there are vast oceans of swirling lies chaotically competing to be registered onto our psychic battlegrounds—even if we, as individuals, cannot always tell what is false from the truth. In our age of hyper-deceit, with so much conflicting reporting, there are some things we know we know as self-evident; somethings we think we know as presumed; and then somethings we think we know because primarily by our own biases and presumptions (what fits to our preconceptions). Whereas, some subjects are so mired with lies and propaganda that the fog of war is heavily blurred to a bleak darkening indeed.


Regardless of this hostile and complicated information environments we navigate, there is also End Times Prophesies that are very much on many peoples’ minds these days—which are ANOTHER layer of filters in which to analyze current events. These filters can play as much of a role to misinformation as can any other in this mix of cognitive landmines that we transverse.


And naturally prophesies vary depending on a given religion, and which religious sect or cult within a given religion, and which scriptural passages or Gospels one chooses to focus and accept as particularly valid (if any at all). Not so much research shows this area of trying to come to terms with which Biblical canons are considered legitimate is in itself a subject requiring extensive time and research.


All in all, after explaining this list of potentially conflicting authority and information sources (and presumed motives) it is very easy to understand why so many people are confused (or in some people’s minds why some seem deluded or misled).


Reality, or our independent views on reality, is indeed a grab-bag of grey zones. And it is almost impossible to find two people who think exactly the same about what constitutes reality on a host of subjects in our times. In fact the common experience of confronting divergent opinions (often enough hostile and hysterical) tends to inhibit people from debating or sharing alternative opinions and facts (supposed as such).


There sure seems like a plethora of arbitrary facts out there? Especially there is all manner of what people call terms to stereotype others (not sure if these are dog whistles but likely play into the real world of communication).


Many Americans, and western world citizens, have become more isolated (atomized). This especially became true with Covid-19 and the dichotomy of truth versus lies on this health matter. It was obvious to all the world was not operating with the mainstream media and alternative sources playing from one play book with the primary goal of putting out facts and real news. Suddenly entire groupings of people were some other groups of people were obviously being fed lies. We all knew there were lies floating around but we had different impressions as to which ideas were true and others false (and many of us were and still are damn certain of it!).


Surely, you dear reader, are steeped in truth as opposed to others you are certain are tremendously misled? This writer certainly feels this way.


Google’s search convention: “People Also Ask” says: “What is social atomization?” From Archives of Design ResearchIn a nutshell, social atomization arises from the lack of social connections and becomes the deconstructive force of human life together.


Rather than schools or fish swimming in the vast seas we feel more like lanky loners trying to find sources of honesty. From:

Diogenes of Sinope (l. c. 404-323 BCE) was a Greek Cynic philosopher best known for holding a lantern (or candle) to the faces of the citizens of Athens claiming he was searching for an honest man. He rejected the concept of “manners” as a lie and advocated complete truthfulness at all times and under any circumstance.


Funny how those ancient Greek philosophers (probably evil white people) knew a thing or two about slop water of deceit flowing in the streets? Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is, maybe, even more relevant today than it was in his day? Back then the cave technology was pretty simple compared to all the deep fake possibilities of our day (compounded with the enormity of money used to create false news and all the money allocated to professional duplicitous dissimulation.


Herein we will spend a good deal of effort exploring misinformation and disinformation in religious scripture and religious belief.


Whereas religions has played a major role in congealing group cohesion and values. And depending on the amount of stories and religious literature in a given faith (doctrines and dogma) religions too serve as gateways to determining truth from falsity (even if it could be possible some religious literature itself is based more on fable then fact).


While religion is definitely under scrutiny in these papers it is not from the assumption religions are not a necessary part of society. We understand that religions have important roles to play in various societies—which is why practically every society known throughout history has had some form of religion or another.


Why We Need Religion by Stephen T. Asma seems to be written from a secular point of view and frankly it is a profound book. Here is one online review:,greater%20good%20of%20their%20ingroup.


Religious belief is not often subject to the same more logical and rational analysis as are many other categories of belief in modern societies. So even as we acknowledge the importance of religion in human affairs we equally need to be willing to evaluate and criticize it to the extent that it plays an important part in helping people decide the moral course of action and worship. Most people are not readily open to this kind of scrutiny. Say something contrarian to what people believe and they routinely red flag and close the mind.


Nevertheless there are few categories of belief that are taken more seriously than are one’s religious beliefs. These important animating filters also used to understand current events, such as for many Christian believers, is an attempting to see certain events, such as international affairs (especially in Palestine) as somehow conforming to ancient scriptural prophesies, that can, and often do, distort reality to certain mythical expectations.


This is why people who believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible, especially the Book of Revelations, are so impervious to alternative interpretations to reality. The Book of Revelations is on many, many believer’s minds these days (especially given a great many evangelical preachers thumping their Bibles precisely about it).


[Note: We recognize that arguing religion is often a waste of time for most people. To ‘argue’ (the Latin root ‘arguere’ means “make clear, make known, prove, declare, demonstrate” which is why lawyers supposedly argue to clarify). Many people automatically equate argue with anger because people tend to argue what the care about (how evident). Therefore some people think that arguing is bad and is something to be avoided. As often people use this label as an escape to avoid arguing anything they feel is unpleasant (such as having the weaker intellectual hand).


Regardless, there are subjects in the drama of human life that demand and need vigorous argumentation (which is why Gerry Spense, a famous American lawyer, wrote How to Argue and Win Every Time.


But when it comes to religious matters, mostly, people who have argued end up walking away thinking exactly how they did prior to the exchange. Our religious beliefs are deeply set and often enough guarding by alarmist dogs of emotional attachment. Is this because of the emotional filters that are attached to our psychological investment? It seems, to at least plenty, rationality and logic do not seem to play a big part in such debates (frankly the same seems to be true for many arguments about politics in general—in fact we are too less willing to argue secular issues).


It is easy to credit what seems the irrationality of others on what we could label as fictional brainwashes, because it very much seems there is almost nothing you can do to challenge certain peoples’ reality). Moreover, built into the countering positions is: if you are attempting to argue against a person’s belief systems they you are, yourself, possessed of daemonic influences and are attempting to undermine another’s after-life salvation.


How do you argue against religions that have integrated poison pills within them?


Or historically, your Catholicism could be detrimental to another’s Protestantism. Sometimes it wasn’t enough to be a Christian.  You needed to believe the exact correct doctrines and engage in exactly the right rituals. The threat of false religious contamination was everywhere with dire consequences some centuries ago (but not thay many)! See Wikipedia entry:


European wars of religion


A world of black versus white is a world of starkness. It’s either good or evil (even if it is really not—given that the Christian Bible is arguably based on many judgements that are anything but charitable, kind, fair-minded and just).


We are going to get controversial here. Arguing about religious beliefs has become an absolute necessity in our modern age. There is no hiding form controversy if humanity wants to thrive. Politics has become too grave.


One of our English speaking world’s greatest living historians and political writers, namely Laurent Guyenot, has a recent article published at an important website called The Unz Review. The article is called:

The Devil’s Trick: Unmasking the God of Israel


This article starts out:  “Do I believe in the existence of the devil? It depends on the definition. I believe that humans are under the influence of the ideas that they have collectively engendered over the ages, for ideas are spiritual forces. And from that standpoint, I regard Yahweh’s impersonation of the Divine Creator as the most devastating deception ever played on the human race, a crime against divinity.” …


Yahweh is a character of fiction, but one that has gained tremendous influence over a huge portion of mankind, either directly or indirectly.”  …


What I wish to demonstrate here is that Yahweh has the character of the devil as most people imagine it. That goes a long way towards explaining the satanic quality of Jewish Power that is becoming more and more apparent every day …”


This article by Laurent Guyonet is definitely worth reading for anyone truly interested in investigating truth (as opposed to ‘assuming’ truth is based on whatever the Bible says it is). Many people, in general, say they want to know the truth but when their particular Sacred Cows (religious and secular) are challenged they intellectually hightail it pretty quickly.


[Note: If you are ‘not’ truly interested in trying to find truth, including and especially as related to religious positions, or sincere attempts to find truth (within what humans can know) you might as well stop reading this article because it does not automatically assume anything, or anyone is so sacred, that it, or they, cannot be questioned. Herein, we assume the right, and frankly the responsibility, to question even GOD (and moreover, everything anyone of standing has claimed to be God’s word and will)! If you do not have the psychological wherewithal (and frankly many people do not) don’t expect to have your pet assumptions reinforced. This is not how real intellectual exploration or discovery happens. … Hopefully you will stay the course, and delay final judgment. After all, religious history is filled with heresy and much controversy, and there are indeed a lot of interesting and important things to reflect on. Note as well these series of essays are ‘not’ motivated by dark forces—but that remains for each and every reader to decide. Amen.]


To summarize so far: Within the many grey zones and filters of interpreting events, it follows that people, in general, are vulnerable to pick up on a variety of fallacious facts and theories. Probably every human being who has ever existed has carried around ideas he or she thought true but could be argued as false.


Dry air in our atmosphere consists primarily of nitrogen (about 78%), oxygen (about 21%) and argon (0.9%). But what did all those people think prior to these taken facts being assumed scientifically valid? Wikipedia says: The miasma theory (also called the miasmic theory) is an abandoned medical theory that held that diseases—such as cholera, chlamydia, or the Black Death—were caused by a miasma (μίασμα, Ancient Greek for ‘pollution’), a noxious form of “bad air”, also known as night air.


It is our human habit to pigeonhole ideas and arguments as either on the left or the right, as liberal or conservative, as by a believer or atheist (note too there are some pretty ‘noble’ and ‘ethical’ atheists whilst some believers seem pretty shady). Nevertheless many of us like to generalize and over-generalize.


After all we have only so much time in any given day. While we need to possess some sense of reality (to believe we operate on sound mental constructs) or we would be floundering in doubt most the time. So our minds become efficient one way or another—including being intellectually lazy (and dismissing the time and energy to invest in thinking about so and so). Even the best readers are likely only going to be interested in less than 1% of all the books published in their language—it that!!


Plus many of us routinely and readily cop an attitude that the complexity of trying to sort out truth from fiction is too complex and time consuming (especially in the disinformation mind fields we transverse regarding politics) so we shirk such responsibility from our awareness with alibis like: “You can’t do anything about all the corruption anyway, so why bother getting bent out shape worrying about it?” … “Just focus on your own, more, manageable life.” “You are not responsible for everything that happens.” Etc.


And this too is how the Powers-That-Be want us masses to readily resign to their psychological warfare, of confusion and torrents of changing narratives, so nothing stands still long enough to make sense of it. They want peoples’ cynical resignation. They like it when the majority are either voting for a false prophets or resigned to the willingness to stay corralled within the continuously corrupt Democratic and Republican party matrix that offers no real remedies for The People as taxpayers.


The fact that many people are ‘still’ supporting either Democratic or Republican candidates from these underhanded political parties, shows us how far the American people have lost their capacity for viability, creativity, flexibility, control, and novelty, etc. Too many have resigned to whatever choices the Powers-That-Be allow, and now both political parties are chock full of corrupt tyrants who are not even willing to allow for Free Speech! Things are dire indeed!


Maybe America, both the left and the right (and the many who do not vote) is so cowed and blunted that we are like a “class of people” one could designate as “deplorable”? To stay resigned to either a Biden or a Trump train is beyond pathetic (but that is another essay).


End Times Prophesies, or what religious scriptures says will happen in the end of days is called ‘eschatology’ [from ancient Greek ἔσχατος ‘éskhatos’ meaning ‘last’] or conceptions of last things, like immortality of the soul, rebirth, resurrection, migration of the soul, and the end of time.


Ironically, people in many past centuries have also assumed their particular lifetimes would witness the end of times. Yet all those centuries have continued to transpire into more epochs of future history with no end of time in sight.


Still, now in our times especially, it is double compelling to believe in a hastening of catastrophic events closing in to suddenly happen to masses of people any day or the foreseeable future.


In modernity change is everywhere. It happens ever more frequently with modern technology. To get a sense of today’s zeitgeist read the first paragraph of a recently published article called “Fugazy Land” by Jim Kunstler;


Really, you must agree: just about anything can happen now, and probably will, and possibly all at the same time — war, sickness, a disordered economy, chaos in money and finance, savages pouring across the open borders, assassination, mayhem in the streets, systems failure, mental illness everywhere you look. … What could go wrong? All of it.”


That is a pretty our End Times mindset, and this is from a purely secular outlook. It is fairly common. Add on all the religious propaganda and you have a cocktail of worry and apprehension. Read this 2014 Front Line by Paul Boyer essay: Apocalyptism Explained: Signs of the End Time:  The first section reads:


It’s extremely important to prophecy believers to be able to read the signs of the times, that is, events that are signaling to us that the end time is near, and such events as wars, conflicts, increasing levels of evil and wickedness in the world, rising environmental hazards, the emergence of a global economy–all of these are seen as signs of the times that signal to us that the Rapture is near; the final sequence of events could unfold, at any moment. … 

So prophecy believers are very careful readers of the newspapers. They’re very careful observers of current events. And they view those events through a particular prism of biblical interpretation that they are convinced tells us the true meaning of these unfolding events. … “


Our take away should be pretty obvious. People are trying to interpret reality from a lot of potentially distorted lenses. It can also be argued, given the diversity of so many sources of ideas, and the individuality of people to process their chosen sources, almost everyone could be, and likely is, walking around and believing some fallacious set of facts that are not true taken from all the many diverse propaganda machines competing for their attention.


Thus, residing within each of our complicated pictures of the world (as we choose to focus or not) and as we, of course, all assume to “know” beliefs and assumptions to be true, even in their multifaceted and possibly skewed deviations, we each, individually, think we have a pretty good handle on reality. How many people do you know who will readily admit he or she does not really know anything real about a given important subject?


We also pretty much know shite is going to hit the fan, even if we are not sure as to when, or what feculence will have the most scattered impact, and who will suffer the greatest (even if it should seem obvious that Palestinians and Ukrainians in war are these days).


We know the Titanic is going to sink and a lot of people are going to drown. The future is expected to be a calamitous disaster (one way or another). People, by enlarge, have their ears to the ground. They do feel anxiety and know something (much—too much) is up. The Covid-19 hoax (the same symptoms of the common flue and cold) did much to wake up a lot of people.


Moreover, in this age of anxiety and conspiracy they are more apt to ‘cling’ to any ideas that seen even half way convincing. In this age of nuclear warheads, thermonuclear, space weapons, secret weapons, there still is going to be some sort of end time’s paroxysm of one sort or another even if not all at once in finality.


Optimism is not in vogue. Those who are educating themselves are not simply floating on swimming pool air mattresses and drinking exotic cocktails.


Another important aspect to all this confusion, is almost no one who is religious believes all the religious scriptures of various religions and publishing copyright (various Bibles) can be equally true—especially when religions and sects vary so readily, and more or less seem to compete with each other. The huge universe of religious beliefs, themselves, are Towers of Babel in their diversity (and Schools of Divinity at Universities). This is not just true of different belief systems of our day: it is even more so when we consider the diversity of religion and myth throughout history.


It is important to stress the fact that End Times prophesy has been on human beings minds throughout history. Take the 16th century figure Isaac Luria, founder of Kabbalah. During his time people were equally focused on End Times alarmism. As were Jews who focused later in the 18th century during the times of Jacob Frank, and his now debunked false Messiah complex. Nevertheless, he apparently had millions of diaspora Jews all over Europe and the Middle East believing he was their Messiah.


Whereas, Zionists zealots in Israel today are all a buzz with anticipation of sacrificing red heifers and rebuilding a third Temple (as the ‘Caucasians’ they are, recently imported as settlers there, now trying to whack off indigenous Palestinians and the Al-Aqsa Mosque).


The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity: At the Roots of Political Judaism


Check out the many listings within this Entry at Wikipedia’s List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events!!


This entry starts out:

Predictions of apocalyptic events that would result in the extinction of humanity, a collapse of civilization, or the destruction of the planet have been made since at least the early Common Era. … Christian predictions typically refer to events like the rapture, the Great Tribulation, the Last Judgment, and the Second Coming of Christ. Many religious-related end-time events are predicted to occur within the lifetime of the person making the prediction, who often quote the Bible, and in particular the New Testament, as either the primary or exclusive source for the predictions.”


Quite obviously those ‘many’ earlier predictions were wrong? How do we account for this series of discrepancies?


Could it be people living today, of flesh and blood, are now absolutely sure that their biblical end times because they are so much more educated and enlightened?


Is it so wrong to throw some cold water on seeming fanatical people of faith when so many dominate our political landscape?


Is it really disgraceful and mere effrontery to question the likes of all the various evangelical Bible crusaders and thumpers today awaiting the Second Coming? Note this recent mainstream media news headlines:

The dispiriting truth about why many evangelical Christians support Israel    “For Christian Zionists, what happens to the Jews and Palestinians is, to put it very mildly, collateral damage.”


Christian Zionism, Christian Nationalism, and the Threat to Democracy


There are dozens more such stories easily found on the Internet.


It is well documented that religious belief is contravening what would normally be more public outrage against the horrific crimes taking place in Gaza. This is not just differences in opinion regarding interpreting current events; rather this is about an entire brainwashing of masses of people who are supposed to be responsible voters and participants in a Republican Democracy!


All thinking people (not just free thinkers) have a both a right and duty to question religious belief systems, if they happen to have this much influence and power on how history plays out.


Nothing should be beyond question—including solemn questioning of various people’s sanity and religious institutional sanity as well (religious scripture).


The word ‘authority’ comes from ‘author’, essentially meaning to document law and religion for moral reasons. Those who write, in this case, mortal scribes write from ‘purported’ authority. But how do we really know what is in fact some source of authority that beyond question? Anyone can fabricate a set of ideas and attribute it to a Divine Deity! Any self-serving cult leader can claim powers and insights far beyond his or her human ken. To make such claims does not prove them true. People do not know, as fact, any of the Bible’s many prophets, had ever truly represented any kind of divine deity—these things are taken on faith and repetition. Perhaps no divine deity ever directly communicated to any of the famous prophets of the Bible. If you are honest you have to admit you cannot prove any of it.


More confuting still, according to todays’ Zionist Christians, is after the so-called Second Coming of Christ, then Jews, en masse, suddenly will come around to accept Jesus as their Messiah! Supposedly, then, Jews will then embrace the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


But don’t bet your bottom Bible on it (unless you are of one faith and can only appreciate the complexity of mindset diversity from your own singular perspective—naturally your own special creeds’ infallible faith). Because Jews, en masse, do NOT currently intend to follow the Christian Bible on any matter!! In fact many have a great resentment for Christians and Christianity—especially the idea that Christianity’s prophesies will come to dominate at the expense of Judaic prophesies.


This is just another of many layers of naiveté that inform the masses.


Definition of Social Control: Overview of a key concept in sociology,controls%20our%20participation%20in%20society.&text=By%20Nicki%20Lisa%20Cole%2C%20Ph,a%20part%20of%20social%20control.


Religions obviously are included in the institutions that engage in social control (and indoctrination as to what is acceptable group think). And when religions have as doctrine what amounts to ruinous and violent predictions this should seem troubling to all people. Consider how many millions of Americans believe these predictions. Watch the following video below by Joel C. Rosenberg, who is described in Wikipedia:


He has stated that his father is of Jewish descent and his mother was born into a Methodist family of English descent. His parents were agnostic and became Born-again Christians when he was a child in 1973. At the age of 17, he became a born-again Christian and identifies as a Messianic Jew. 


Israel profits politically from the Christian psychological investment in such prophesy. People like Ben Shapiro are promoting Christianity for gentiles. Zionist Christians are America’s strongest allies believing Israel can do no wrong. In reality human history is a history of war. Famines, earthquakes, trouble times etc. have too has always existed.


Biblical Prophecy 2023: Could These be the END TIMES?


Believers of other religions, such as religious Jews who believe in Judaism, naturally believe in their own prophesies will come to pass, which too vary within their own different sects’ prophesies, but are largely still contrarian to important Christian’ assumptions.


Again, this needs to be re-emphasized: most Jews, whether religious or not (and many are not) do NOT believe in what various Christians believe will happen in the so-called End Times (although there is a Christian overlap since the New Testament generally take cues from the Old Testament).


Jews do not consider Jesus Christ as the Messiah [their word is ‘Moshiach’]: or the idea that Jesus is God or of Godhead.


So it should follow, they, Jews en masse, do NOT believe in the New Testament—equally and especially the Book of Revelations that pertains with the End Times. They are NOT going to fall in line with, what are likely, the ‘delusions’ of dispensational theology, and those compromised hucksters like John Hagee and his Pentecostal evangelism.

Pastor John Hagee – “Jerusalem and WWIII”


Pastor John Hagee can preach all he wants. Both religious and secular Jews are not going to play to such hyperbole as hell and brimstone.


And these things matter because Jews still control the media, the money systems, public relations firms, politicians, much of the globalist agenda, etc. The world is simply not going to devolve into these seemingly unsound expectations—because 90 million Americans think some formulation of End Times seems eminent.


Therefore, we can tentatively assume that it stands to reason many people may, in fact, be quite beguiled as to if, and when, the so-called End Times (in the religious prophesy sense) will transpire soon and appropriately how and when it will occur.


This is not to confuse prophesy and those people conspiring to make it happen (as to push it along). Yeah the Al-Aqsa Mosque will likely be destroyed and red heifers sacrificed, and even the rebuilding of a Third Temple could be likely, within the milieu of wars and tribulations (and economic hardship etc.) but, the idea of the full blown Gospel size the Book of Revelations happening is highly unlikely as to be real.


Still, there are currently more expressed concerns about the biblical End Times then predictions of when the big financial crash of the American petro-dollar (which equally should have happened decades ago). Smart money is betting on the dollar’s hyperinflation ascent (sadly a scenario of real End Times in all material senses).


Inauspiciously as well, we can’t seem to get from one month to the next without some announced expectation of a massive calamity of one sort or another. While there are many real panic issues like wars in Ukraine, etc., along with the depopulation of white people world-wide, we are also invited to spend psychic energy on more theoretical issues that are not as important or likely. Now days every month seems to have its own unique calamities. This must to part of the cultural wars to keep people distracted and divided.


The bottom line is that people cannot efficiently worry excessively in 360 degree directions, and to whatever is the latest alarmist fad and still address the most imminent dangers? The world is topsy-turvy.


Some months ago there a build-up from various sources on space aliens. Now, as usual, it is endless stories of Trump trials and tribulations (never ending). Listen to this important podcast by Mike Gaddy at his Rebel Mad Man Radio show at Republican Broadcasting Network:


[Note: Mike Gaddy is one of the best real historians of our day for American History (especially for early American History such as the American Revolution and the American Civil War). As usual we have been given a false sense of history in our school upbringings. Whereas he works from the original documents as a forensic historian. Furthermore he worked at the NSA so he and his good-old-boy southern accent buddies have a lot to share that is definitely worth paying attention. Here you will get some real scoopings on the latest Donald Trump convictions—food for thought—plus other important insights.].


And if you are still unsure on what to think about The Donald consider what Andrew Anglin has to say in this Unz Review article (no mincing words here):


Don’t Vote for the Child-Murderer Donald Trump. Don’t Vote for Anyone


Another big red herring issue is a focus on the menace of China and Russia, as opposed to truly focusing on the real problems that are destroying our nation. Side issues. Wedge issues.


Of course the endless persecution and prosecution of Donald Trump, including his recent conviction in respect to Stormy Daniels, it very much being pursued for political reasons. Moreover, it is very alarming how corrupt the judicial system has become in the United States. Justice needs to prevail. Absolutely!


However, that does not mean Donald Trump should get some get-out-jail-free card as far as people scrutinizing and criticizing his political positions and his performance. He should be held to the same critical accounting as all other candidates. If you listen to the Mike Gaddy recording listed earlier in this essay you were told Donald Trump was selected because he could, as a Republican, go along with policies, his republican constituency would never had gone along with under Hilary Clinton, such as the vaccines.


This is how psychological warfare works—to get people so distracted on so many issues that they cannot adequately focus on the most important.


You have the chemical trails and food additives that are harmful. You have endless strategies warring against Western values and meritocracy; never ending spending in Congress; migration invasion around the world; inflation threatening hyperinflation; supposed secret enemy training camps across the country, etc. It comes to one debilitating whack to the psyche after another, some more real than others, some exaggerated to corral the masses into political suasions and voting blocks.


To summarize so far:  In these trials and times of our Age of Anxiety we are dealing with then very real end time’s conflicts of economic, population, environment, war machine, political conspiracy and corruption, surveillance, New World Order, biological and chemical warfare, etc. as a hodgepodge of chaos and conflagration. But on top of that we also have people screaming about a highly overdue religious end time’s denouement as well. Plus within these various information genres we have all manner of not just real legitimate news, but rumors, mal-information and disinformation as well. It’s amazing anyone is still sane.


The bottom line is there are too many real things to be concerned. We should be leery about those things that are less likely to happen.


Was not the end of the world supposed to have happened in the first century of the Common Era? (Refer to the Wikipedia entry listed above: List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events!!)


Whereas, Pollyanna optimists ironically and triumphantly trumpet: “Isn’t it a great time in history to be alive!, that we get to witness all these exciting things likely to come to pass soon?!”


What can one say but only rejoin in: “AMEN!”


How lovely to be born in such interesting times. Who could miss it for all the blissful dream time in the Kingdom of Almighty God? Are you too not just ecstatic and eagerly anticipating famines, earthquakes, pestilence, wars, the moon turning red, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse, etc.? Bring it on baby while the popcorn is still warm.


If not there is always room for nuclear war, civil turmoil, police state lockdown, electrical grid crash, the draft for unpopular wars, hunger, homelessness, violence, ad infinitum. Lucky us of humanity to have such a precious place in history.


This world is hangs on to a likely brink to World War 3. We are smack dab in the middle of wars in the Middle East because we are still stuck in religious conflicts, or political and economic conflicts centered along religious fault lines.


Specific religions scriptures, which one can argue are outdated and anachronistic, are playing too much of a role in modern affairs.


As anti-religious as it may seem to argue, it is high time the three Abrahamic religions had a far less role in modern politics and world affairs (even if it is true that some secular points of view that were turned ideologies, such as Communism (or a newer secular religion of Environmental Righteousness).



[Note: This essay is ‘not’ an argument against religion per se. Religion, sacred values and beliefs are important aspects of human and social life. There are many, many, people who derive their basic and core meanings of life from their religious beliefs and experiences (and religious communities). Even Alcoholics Anonymous, although marketed as a ‘spiritual’ program is heavily enmeshed in religious principles, even if not tethered to a particular belief system. Many people are dependent on faith and supernatural belief as part of their daily life programs. Their very meaning in life is related to their religious feelings and doctrines. …


[… Still this does not mean philosophical people (whether religious or not) cannot, or should not, question religious belief systems, especially in how they impinge on the human race and history, in the same way people should question self-appointed World Economic Forum and United Nations leaders assumptions on what is right and worthy for the rest of the world.]


Was not freedom from religious domination one of the hallmarks of the birth of the United States (when various dominations were trying to force their particular religious interpretations on other people (which ultimately created so many wars in Europe))?


Why should any particular brand of Bible advocate have the right to determine how we think about life and our historical times (filtering their realities and then insisting the rest of the world should follow suit)?


What if someone does not think the Book of Revelations is in any way a real reflection of truth?


Maybe it was made up like a fiction?


Why should middle of the road Americans feel content so many political websites insist on forcing their own religious, and thus-derived political points of view, onto the rest of world?


Just like we readily, in due diligence, question leftist fascists, who promote phony values and equally questionable faith-based ideologies, such as climate change fear-mongering about the carbon atom, or critical race theory, or all manner of denigrating social sanity come to dominate politics as well?


Where is there any room for commonsense people who have, at least, a theoretical appreciation for religious values but do not subscribe to ‘all’ the ancient biblical fictions (and frankly ‘ungodly’ punishments and decrees of a tyrannical tribal God) nor all the eminent predictions about Second Comings of a Messiah?


Don’t we people have a right to participate in creating the news reporting and interpretations of history?


Not all white, goyim, people are especially religious in some dogmatic sense. Where is there a voice for millions and millions of people who are not, literally, victims to what can be argued as religious insanity—namely The Book of Revelations?


And especially important today, is why have not more academics and other intellectuals saw it fit to study the very important role various religious beliefs play in the ‘psychology’ and ‘politics’ of human history? These aspects of scholarship are absolutely essential, in order to become aware of ways that religious delusions are used to manipulate and exploit masses of people.


Religions today are especially related to international and national conflicts of all manner—least not world wars.


A definition of a delusion is normally defined as holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, as typically as a symptom of a mental condition.


If there is, in fact, false predictions regarding the end of the world, according to religious scripture, derived from past millennia (thousands of years ago) is it too assumptive to classify such thoughts as borderline delusion?


Even Donald Trump, and his presidential campaign, has succumbed to the deluded notions of playing on expectations regarding the Second Coming and Messianic drama. Not only does he therefore seem a narcissistic personality, but he seems to also suffer from delusions of grandiosity, as covered by Adam Green at his website KnowMoreNews.Org: (a few of many podcasts related to Trump include):


The Resurrection of Donald Trump | Know More News w/ Adam Green


God Made Trump, Christ Givers, & Jewish Jesus | Know More News


[Note on Adam Green. He unabashedly seems to think the Bible and its religious tradition can have little to nothing positive to add to human affairs (this author’s impression of him). He believes the Bible is a massive fiction, and more importantly has led the Western converted world down a road to slavery to Jewish domination. He thinks Christianity is being used to train adherents into accepting the Old Testament God, Yahweh, as the true God (subordinating all non-Jews to Noahide laws). Regardless of his interpretation of the history of religion as rather extreme and conspiratorial, the fact remains this man has done an enormous amount of research in the Bible, and all manner of controversies about the Bible, and his insights are very interesting and so he adds an important voice to various aspects on religious studies. This is to say many atheists and agnostics too have lines of thought worthy of consideration. Amen]


[Note: It is unfortunate that so many Americans have come to think Donald Trump is their ‘only’ answer to any kind of national salvation (especially given there are over three hundred million people in this country). He was mostly a major let down in his first term. Many argue he was stabbed in the back and too many were working against him. But he appointed the swamp he was supposed to drain. He still takes credit for Operation Warp Speed and the efficaciousness of the vaccines! Recently we was siding with Congress for sending billions of dollars more to Ukraine even though it is a sure loss! He too will do everything to make sure that Israel’s genocide of Palestinians is white washed. He currently conflates leftists’ communist politics with American college kids’ sympathies for the Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, essentially espousing the horrific violence taking place in Gaza, while being willing to ban of our First Amendment on American colleges and Universities. Therefore the 1st Amendment means nothing to him and his “situational politics” of pick and choose. Moreover American values therefore means little to nothing to this real politician. This constant Israel-Firster will, like so much of Washington D.C. and European politicians, compromise on “all” matters, especially to Jewish power, no matter how unethical and egregious, to protect the psychopathic tendencies of Israel’s’ army and leadership.]


To such people The Bill of Rights can bite the dust like the tens of thousands of Gaza buildings blown up near Megiddo (the ‘Armageddon’ site of the final battle between the forces of good and evil at the end of time).


It should be obvious Donald Trump cannot differentiate between American values versus oppressive ones in Israel. Instead he calls for the quick death of the Palestinians (this Genocide has to happen quickly because it is taking too long). This is the most obvious genocide in our life times and he is OK with it!


He knows how to work a crowd. All the persecution is finding him more followers by the day (apparently just as planned). The dog’s tail is wagging gingerly. No question on this sophisticated Psy-Op.


But it doesn’t take that much to promise all manner of correction against the obvious atrocities of the Biden administration and the corrupt left (that the right has tolerated). It is not that hard to use boilerplate memes and sophomoric metaphors to smear opponents like bungle Biden. You do not have to be anything special when your opponent, Joe Biden, a highly corrupt politician and morally bankrupt human being with a long sordid history many are too familiar. A dead carcass could beat such a puppet caricature. Could not anything be more obvious?


People need to stop overlooking obvious truths that are smacking them in the face, whether it is more of the same dreams or hopism—and wishing some prince politician will come along and make everything honky-dory.


Donald Trump is one mere human being with plenty limitations, save all the enormous support he gets from his right-wing Jewish supporters. He is in fact part of the elite circles and he did nothing to lock up the Clintons. He is simply another politician player who too does not resound deeply in American values. Face reality Americans! If we get him again do not be surprised if he is worse than a disappointment.


No politician who calls himself a Democrat or a Republican can possibly save this corrupt, crumbling empire. Rhetorically, most Americans know this but they still actively await the next election as if something major is going to change.


What we as a society need is a cataclysmic sea change within ourselves.


End of Part One.



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  1. Our World’s Cataclysmic Reality of an End Times Wrapped Within Biblical Mythology (Part VI)

    By a Mortal Man


    [Because search engines are hiding such articles I’m also sending the actual long version as well:]

    [Note: Part V was published on a late Friday summer afternoon, and most likely did not receive nearly the amount of attention this author thinks was warranted. Honestly it seemed sort of classical—maybe not to some level of a classic Machiavelli. But it was definitely unique and arguably important. We took a very paradigmatic story from the very early Old Testament, namely the Adam and Eve story, and argued that this story was primarily about punishment of all mankind for having natural curiosity, as to want to know of “knowledge” from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and therefore it was a metaphor for the future allowance of arbitrary censorship in the God’s kingdom (or whatever realm the priestly class tried to dominate). Moreover, we discussed the importance of studying the psychological and political effects of various religious stories, so as to understand their potential for manipulation and conformity. If you have not read it, you might indeed find the previous essay (part v) to be interesting and important in a time when the Judaic religion, and its adherents, needs to be judged (by humans) more intensely. Here is the link: ]

    In fact, in this next essay, it will be advantageous for us to expand into this analysis of the Adam and Eve Story in the Garden of Eden, and its theoretical relation to censorship in general—especially since those controlling the levers of power nowadays are seriously trying to kill free speech in many different ways.

    And if this preeminently early religious story lends to any conditioning process for religious believers, such as to be more readily accepting of God’s arbitrary right to decide what knowledge his subjects have the right to know, and which topics they do not, then it is indeed an important precedent to acknowledge and be wary (aware), especially given the thoroughly authoritarian nature of the ancient Judaic Yahweh in the Old Testament, and his seeming need to continuously punish his subjects and condemn many people to death. Amen.

    Here are a couple of links to some recent examples of censorship taking place (that you can explore later):

    Censorship on Steroids: Truthteller Alert by By Joachim Hagopian

    U.S. Escalates War On Dissent Caitlin Johnstone

    And frankly there are many other examples of censorship including highly blatant oppression happening in England. Our take here is censorship is extremely important as to be the very First Amendment, and many of the people pulling the strings for censorship resides within cabal groups of powerful Jews and Zionists (and it is not fascist to say the truth).

    [Note: As a comparative analysis you may visit an article display on the CIA Reading Room and they have their version of the Adam and Eve Story by Thomas Chan at:

    Scroll down the first microfiche article a few pages:

    Here you get quite a smattering of geological, climate, biological, anthropological and other scientific facts and phenomenon that do not really add up to much (from skimming it seems a waste of time to read). It doesn’t pull the curtain from the wizard’s performance operation. It is all low level data. Whereas we will continue to pull that curtail away to see what the heck Dorothy and those creatures in Oz were so darn frightened! But it is ironic. The CIA is funded by untold billions of dollars. Whereas this author has a modicum social security check and is currently living in his van. Where is the tax payer getting a better bang for the buck? Obviously it is not ZOG Zionist Occupied Government and especially the Intelligence Community.]

    In the previous essay we covered the idea that the Bible “does not” advocate for anything like the Bill of Rights such as free speech, or Constitutional Rights such as a fair and timely trial, or the right to present evidence, or to cross-examination, or to be judged by your peers, etc. None of this is advocated in the Bible (at least to this author’s knowledge). Nevertheless you will be judged on judgement day. This awareness is highly important for any society that esteems freedom and wants to look up to appropriate forms of Authority to be of guidance.

    Rather, in the Bible what we get is a rather fickle and arbitrary God who is highly judgmental and punishing, and operates with extremist cases of cruelty (and of course no right for appeal or retrial). How’s that considered a democratic notion of justice?

    Sorry, given the level of cruelty now happening in Israel, we are not pulling any punches in this real analysis. We are going to look this wizard guy directly in the eye better than any George W. could do. Yeah.

    We have to come to terms with who or what was this ancient God Yahweh in reality. Not some abstract and obtuse abstraction one obeisant sings or recites those Kaddesh songs. We especially want to come to terms with those seemingly cruel punishments and the reason why this so-called creator did not take responsibility for his own creation (namely his own subjects’ supposed sins). Why is this god projecting blame on anything and everyone else?

    Unless you, as a Christian, buy into the notion he crucified himself in the form of his holy son Jesus. Well this is a book or two in and of itself. Crucifixion is far older than a mere two thousand years. It was a very painful for of death used to punish, intimidate, and teach by humans against humans. This much is a historical reality. For any supposedly supreme being to lower him-, her-, it-self so much is not really acting in a terribly noble and high minded manner.

    For example, how can anyone accept the idea that if you are born gay (and some people truly are born so and they do not need any political sect or cult to claim it is so), or if you engage in same sex activity, or any sex thought as unnatural, you should be stoned to death? Surely there are some people feel it is OK for their precious and divine God to claim such punishment is just (because God did it and he is by definition is fair and just). But is it really?

    Gavin de Becker wrote The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence and in it he claims people need to trust their intuition. Does your intuition tell you that the people you know who engage in gay or unusual sex should be stoned to death? How about women who cheat on their husbands?

    Whereas in Israel today we have a lot of Zionists who are claiming it is OK for their soldiers to rape captured Palestinian soldiers and engage in all manner of vicious torture, because no people do torture as well as these adherents and descendants of the Bolsheviks.

    Google’s AI gives us this bit of intel: "Cruel and unusual punishment" is a phrase in common law that describes punishment that is considered unacceptable because it causes unnecessary suffering, pain, or humiliation to the person being punished. It can also refer to punishment that is disproportionate to the crime committed. The Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.”

    Why does not Israel have an Eighth Amendment if it is such a democracy? And since Jewish power has dominated our U.S. foreign policy for so long how many other countries have we focused on them having an Eighth Amendment as well? Why do we not start with Ukraine and their Neo-Nazi Bandera Brigades the CIA is rumored to work glove-in-fist with?

    In today’s political climate, when people are speaking of various forms of oppression they like to throw around the term fascist. And so we are going to re-examine this label that the left especially likes to throw around a lot, and point their fingers at the Conservative Right, especially now days Donald Trump and his MAGA movement.

    Still not too surprisingly many of the left are now identifying Israelis’ treatment of Palestinians as fascistic as well—and correctly so. After all it is at least to be called that.

    We will examine fascism further, given that so many so-called liberals are equally ready to label almost any serious Christian as a fascist—and to some sense there seems to be some arguable sense to such a notion. Many of us can probably identify a few acquaintances or family members who are so seemingly brainwashed in their version of religion that they come across as someone who would advocate for harsh and cruel measure if it conformed to their indoctrination of religious justice.

    There are many explanation of this arguably overused label. In some ways it seems slippery and elusive to a point it is not very definitive. One way to look at its affect is to imagine the ability to dominate pretty much all forms of power, such as corporations and material power, apply a rigid and domineering application (anti-democratic). This definition almost fit the inordinate power ZOGs have around the world whereas leftish like to think it mostly means gentile whites discriminating against all minorities (which is why it is such a popular term).

    We are going to go with a list of 10 Tactics of Fascism from a book by Professor Stanley Jason, a young, bright, seemingly fair-minded college professor at Yale (who happens to be Jewish) and who nails down this somewhat complicated phenomenon (complicated by those, mostly Jewish scholars, who are almost always pointing the finger to Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and other mostly white European Christians who fought against Jewish dominated Communism. Now it the term is extended to Donald Trump (who of course Trump is heavily aligned with the Zionist right and he loves Israel and Jewish causes).

    Click on the link below and read the list. It will not take too long.

    10 Tactics of Fascism

    (All ten listed and summarized in this brief introduction). It is noteworthy to see in this brief in included the declarative sentence: “It is important to remember that fascist dictators are controlled and supported by wealthy business leaders who profit from oppressing a subdued and fearful working class.”

    And speaking of wealthy business leaders (and philanthropists) such as those who donate large amounts of money to colleges such as Harvard and Ivy League schools (where white Saxon men were once prevalent and are now a real minority) they certainly can drop the hammer when they feel that their pet Jewish people are being intimidated (especially if it has to do with hamstringing Israel’s criminal nature). But we could also realize these nice charity people may also be the ones to invest heavily in the military industrial complex and make a lot of money on death and mayhem. We cannot have Joe Biden delaying any weapons for such a worthy cause as Jerusalem.

    One reason liberals, so-called liberals (because real liberals are not so common) like to use the term fascist for the right, and especially the Christian right is because one of the 10 in list called sexual anxiety. And it is true plenty Christians have anxieties about sexuality.

    For example, the recent cluster-ruck over Paris opening celebration claiming an abominable depiction of Da Vinci’s Last Supper because there were fat drag queens (why are there so many fat and ugly drag queens doing these grotesque things for psychological affect?) aligning along a table that was not either a true dinner scene nor seemingly anything particularly close in proximity of the Da Vince painting. It was for the most part a bizarre over-reaction.

    [The adjective bizarre has an interesting etymology: "fantastical, odd, grotesque," 1640s, from French bizarre "odd, fantastic" (16c.), from Italian bizarro "irascible, tending to quick flashes of anger" (13c.), from bizza "fit of anger, quick flash of anger" (13c.). The sense in Italian evolved to "unpredictable, eccentric," then "strange, weird," in which sense it was taken into French and then English. The older proposed derivation from Basque bizar "a beard" is no longer considered tenable. Probably the quick flashes of anger is related to irascible alcoholism but what is so interesting is the bizarre beard the dude is wearing as colored so orange?]

    Yes the freaks in Paris showed us a montage including lewd, bacchanal scenes from ancient Greek mythology supposedly with a mostly naked man with light blue paint hardly covering his scrotum. This was done deliberately, like so many ugly, fat, prostitution-dressed drag queens reading books to children in libraries. They are simply scandalous. And the left loves it. Why? Because the Christian Right goes ape ship over it in almost a kneejerk fashion. Because it is meant as a deliberate affront to Christian sensibilities.

    Meanwhile this, and many other, red herring distractions are a relief from being reminded of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who are currently starving, and being slaughtered, and tortured, and diseases are spreading in that area of the world. Now that the Trump Right is trying to align with Pro-Israel Firsters it is good to have distractions including faked assassinations and all the circus in Congress wagging their tales.

    But while on the subject of sexual anxieties, we need to recognize many right-wing Christians, Muslims and Jews (at least some) hate or fear ideas of anything that smacks of homosexuality, gender fluidity, or sexual behaviors that suggest promiscuousness, lewdness, anal eroticism, and men who seem a bit too feminine, or women who seem a bit too masculine, and they absolutely cannot acknowledge there are in fact a small minority of people who have sexual organs seemingly different from the rest their physical and psychological makeup and behavior (such as transsexuals which are a biological reality (as uncomfortable as that may be to acknowledge). Nature is not as black and white as this sort of Abrahamic-religious fascism demands it to be.

    Biologically, and psychologically, it seems somewhat natural to have some feelings of shame about such functions related to our organs of excretion. People get embarrassed when they pass the gas. Defecation and urination functions getting intertwined with eroticism is mystifying. Modesty has its place in a functioning society.

    But should some mental disease notion from religion that presumes deriving any form of pleasure is evil (because it is not spiritually pure) and pleasure from sex is evil (sex is solely for procreation) and especially pleasure from sex that is not directly related to a man and woman conceiving children is especially evil? These are the kinds of perverse notions some religious adherents come to depending on how they read their religious scriptures.

    But more importantly, really, where did all this sexual anxiety come from if not the Yahweh of the Old Testament (as first being a Judaic phenomenon in which you were severely punished by God’s command such as being stoned to death if you engaged in say sodomy)?

    Why are so many liberals, Jews, atheists, and the like, so quick to point to mostly gentile whites and Christians as so prone to what they define as fascism, such as now the MAGA movement? It seems there is something deceptive going on, whether people are conscious of it or not.

    Take a highly authentic, intelligent, and courageous political pundit, who deserves much admiration for many of his podcasts and writings (including several books) namely Chris Hedges. This guy, who has a Christian upbringing and has earned a degree in Theology (but a career in war journalism) seems to especially want to point at white European Christian people as the ‘real’ fascists (and real threat in this world). He even has written books to the effect and had speeches backing them up.

    American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America

    His speeches related to his book easily found on the Internet, as well as those on fascism and Trump (which do not seem much like an indictment of Trump). Nevertheless, Chris Hedges, like so many liberals and radicals, such as at The Nation Magazine, equally likes to talk about the fascism of the Nazis (and yet he like so many of them in those camps are afraid to actually examine those people who have challenged the official, mostly Jewish-dominated history of WW1 and WW2 (and the Bolshevik revolution).

    They are afraid to look at alternative explanations of the so-called Holocaust. And yet they act and seemingly think they know everything there is to know about Hitler and the Nazis (and frankly they are far from correct).

    Nor are they much fighting against more and more squelching of free speech if it has to do with arguments that challenge the dominant version of what we are supposed to know and believe happened in WW2 in which it is an irrefutable truth six million Jews were exterminated in death camps (and yet there seems to be so many survivors getting money from gentiles for being oppressed).

    Whereas historical revisionism claims Jews were not deliberately killed in concentration camps. Yes Marxist Jews trying to overthrow Germany between the two World Wars were put in prison work camps but they were not death camps (although some died of starvation and disease as did all people at the time in a starving country).

    And now any criticism against Jews in general is argued to be illegal. Plus as of this last year more activists are being targeted because they are not going along with the Palestinians equals Hamas terrorist propaganda campaign.

    You simply have to accept the official Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You cannot know more of what might make you feel is better, greater, more thorough knowledge. Or you will be ostracized, labeled, intimidated, rejected, lose your job, lose your friends, etc. even harmed and imprisoned.

    Katherine Smith, Ph.D. wrote an important and eye-opening paper:

    The Nazi & Jewish Affair to Remember (November 2010)–2010

    The first sentence of the Premise reads: “The following informed-opinion essay puts forth the premise that WW I, WW II and the Holocaust can be understood if you realize that 70 million people died in order for the Jews to settle in Palestine in 1948”.

    Well then what are a few more million Palestinians die if 70 million already died for the Zionist cause of a homeland? If you want to make eggs you got to crack some eggs.

    Hey Chris Hedges, who sometimes seems to presume more than is fair (don’t we all and frankly he does know a heck of a lot) why don’t you dare to look at some alternative views on WW2? There is no proof of anywhere close to six million Jews killed (whereas 21 million Germans were killed and many civilians and many deliberately such as the carpet-bombing of entire cities and towns (not to mention the many intentionally starved to death). Maybe if you do such an investigation you will begin to see that white Europeans are not any more prone to fascism as any other people.

    Note too that Franco, Mussolini and Hitler were all fighting against Marxism (dominated by Jews many atheists) trying to take over Germany, Italy and Spain (after the Red Terror of blood lust of torture, murder and starvation of millions and millions of traditional Christian Russians). This terror was dominated by atheist Jews (in the same European countries (both east and west) that Zionism also took hold). No one does torture as good as the good old boys.

    Most people don’t like to talk about how very Jewish was the Bolshevik Revolution, including in the Cheka and the leaders of the Gulag work-to-death program. Any fascistic like tendencies to be scene here Christopher? Are we to believe the Germany people, and government, and its early Nazis had nothing to fear when there were enormous attempts for a Marxist takeover of Germany between the two world wars after all the barbarism in Russia?

    Germans arrested the Marxists and put them in concentration centers, and it turned out they were “work camps” (not extermination camps). But it so happens 78% of the Marxists were Jewish. But the world Jewish dominated newspapers claimed they were arrested because they were Jews—not because they were Marxists. Jews are always victimized only because they are Jewish—never because they did anything.

    Read book The Myth of German Villainy – Benton L. Bradberry.

    There are both free print and audio pdfs at Pull the wool from your eyes even if it is not politically correct. With all this torture and genocide going on in Israel it is high time the world wakes up.

    There are many factual sources that prove the official and the Hollywood version of WW2 are lies. And they are not just lies they are brainwashes on an industrial scale. Someone coined the term Vicarious Traumatic Stress Syndrome for the many people around the world who have been fed lies and dramatic movies about the horrors and evils of the German people (while covering up how very heavily it was the German people who were victimized with wanton genocide and starvation) because those who controlled the media and the propaganda machines could not tell enough lies about the evil were the Nazis and how they needed to be destroyed.

    And note it was precisely WW1 and WW2 that allowed for the creation of the modern state of Israel. Again read The Myth of German Villainy. Read Douglas Reed’s book The Controversy of Zion and ask yourself how did this man, Douglas Reed, get erased from history and from his books being allowed in libraries?

    Also read a very deep and indefatigable researcher and intrepid writer, namely Ron Unz at his website The Unz Review (where he has several excellent writers and truthers). Ron has his own column and it is a must read (actually you can listen to his long essays as he reads them in audio files—good reader too). Absolutely excellent ***** His latest:

    American Pravda: Hamas, Nazis, and the Right to Rape by Ron Unz

    Run Unz, a Jewish truth teller, and rare to the depth of research he goes, of course, is called anti-Semitic by ADL—why because he tells the ugly truth. This man should be named Man of the Year on Time magazine (if such magazines were worth anything). Far better to have Taylor Swift, who of late, wears demonic garb, as person of the year—another Saxon celeb turned by those who dominate the celebrity industries.

    By now it should seem fairly obvious, assuming what we covered is true, that plenty of oppression, and so-called fascism, was not dominated by white, gentile Christians. One reason there are so many people behind Donald Trump is because white, European Christians have not felt like they have had any say in this country and culture for a long time.

    It is equally a reason many minorities are equally jumping on the Trump train because they too are familiar with being discriminated against. (Unfortunately Donald Trump is being propped up psychologically as a messianic savor he really is only working for the many Jewish donors who financed him in his last runs—it is all about Israel First, Second, and Third).

    The whole history of modern Israel is related to Zionist terrorism and violence. Why is this not referred to ask fascism in the modern world? Or what terms should we be using?

    Whereas if you google the “banality of evil” Google’s AI version reads:

    “The phrase "the banality of evil" was coined by Hannah Arendt while covering the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1950. Arendt's thesis was that Eichmann, a major figure in the Holocaust, was not a fanatic or sociopath, but rather an ordinary person who was motivated by professional advancement and believed in success. She argued that Eichmann's actions were motivated by a complacency that was unexceptional, and that evil acts can come from ordinary people following orders as they do their jobs. Arendt believed that Eichmann's actions were not ordinary, but that his motivations were shallow and belied her expectations. She also believed that the crime was exceptional and demanded a new approach to legal judgment.”

    These twist in seeing so much banality in evil was great propaganda for still pointing fingers at the everyday people in Germany and in the government. They were guilty because they lacked the motivation to be exceptional, even though in reality they never heard of a holocaust in the 1940s, as research shows much of the Holocaust propaganda did not even get popular until several years after the war was over (read around in Ron Unz’ column American Pravda—he brings legitimate research to dare to expose this scam).

    The evil taking place in Israel and Gaza lately is not banal (and frankly since Jewish settlers started moving at the beginning of the 20th century). Except for the fact that this violence, murder and torture is being done on an industrial scale, in this sense you could argue it commonplace or hackneyed (because it is so prevalent and there is so much hatred of Palestinians and goyim). Christians too are mistreated in Israel as well.

    Meanwhile everyone seems to have lost any awareness of the notion that the original demand of the Hamas was to get their many fellow Palestinians out of all Israeli prisoner concentration centers where they are being torture and sometimes murdered. Can you innumerate all the legal rights those prisoners are entitled by law (and in de facto reality)? Is it OK to rape them willy-nilly? Guaranteed the Anthony Blinking State Department doesn’t know.

    Israeli rape of detainees is the result of a society that sees Palestinians as ‘human animals’

    How do a people, regardless of whether they are genetically from ancient Judea or not, act so barbarically, meanwhile they engage is so much projection propaganda and coercion (well because it works). It is about money and power and no one has money and powers like modern Diaspora and Israeli Jews.

    But then who are the real Jews of ancient Judea?

    John’s Hopkin’s Genome Study Proves Jews ‘Interlopers’ in Palestine…no ‘Semitic Blood’ WHATSOEVER…

    So, given all the calamitous chaos and mayhem, primarily buttressed by religious scripture, regardless of how such text really came to be, and whether it really has any divine authority, we need to continue to analyze religion from the perspective of politics and psychology.

    We can no longer accept what we did as children. Most of us probably cannot even remember when we first heard about the Adam and Eve story or many more common stories of faith. Likely we were children or teenagers. Did we have critical thinking skills then to know how we were being enculturated into our belief systems? Frankly not so much.

    How about when children are taught about Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation? Nothing traumatic here? Well just create a video with cartoons and banjo music and it won’t seem too bad even if the narrator starts out saying “… Revelation can seem overwhelming …”.

    Revelation Minute – Episode 1: A Quick Tour of Revelation for Kids

    Well how about the Bible in general? Did you ever read any books (there are several) by John Shelby Spong in which he kind of spells out all the fascism (let’s call it ‘oppression’) in the Bible?

    The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Reveal the God of Love

    Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers In Exile

    Seems like there is a lot of questionable ethics in the Bible? There certainly a lot of killing fields and murder of civilians (and likely there was a lot of torture back then as well).

    In fact compared to Professor Jason’s Stanley’s 10 Tactics of Fascism (listed below) modern history’s use of the term ‘fascism’ is somewhat tame to all the sins of the Old Testament? Here is Stanley’s list:

    The mythic past. The past is painted as a time of greatness. That greatness was based on military rule and dominant racial in-group).

    Propaganda (lies and manipulated language, political opponents declared to be threat).

    Anti-intellectualism (attack educational systems and set the rules about what is true or false).

    Unreality (adherents lose the ability to recognize truth. Reasoned discussion and debate is replaced with conspiracy theories and lies).

    Hierarchy (promote social divisions over race, religion, and gender).

    Victim-hood (believe that they are higher and equality becomes a threat).

    Law and Order (brutal crackdowns on minorities or people out of favor—considered “law-abiding” only if accept subservience, while the fascist leader is not bound by any law).

    Sexual Anxiety (dominance over women and paranoia about homosexuality).

    Sodom and Gomorrah (urban/rural divide).

    Arbeit macht frei (Work shall make you free).

    Frankly, many societies throughout time and geography have had a fair amount of using these tactics, and many of them were not worried about the Marxists trying to engage in a Bolshevik Revolution in their respective countries.

    And frankly what happened in Bolshevik Russia goes far deeper and darker and uglier than what happened in say Franco’s Spain (while we should especially learn to focus on all the Christian priests and nuns who were murdered and tortured by Marxists in both Russian and Spain (and who really volunteered to fight for those so-called freedom forces))?

    Just in case you have grasped one theme of this essay, here is the blatant blast:

    Old Testament politics, or biblically Judaism dominates the realm of religious oppression (or if you prefer the label fascism). Yahweh, as an abstract supreme and supernatural leader and judge, is the king of oppression-ism (and yet this origin in ancient Jewish, or Zionist, right-wing conservativism is hardly ever mentioned by anyone? Say what. Well yes herein we’ve beaten the horse but besides here not so much.

    Dictatorship as an authoritarian regime includes the control of information through censorship. If the ancient biblical god was truly all-knowing would he, she, or it not have given more consideration for his subjects’ rights if he truly respected individuality and freedom?

    Rather he supposedly sets up this seeming game of temptation from a subtle snake creature who apparently knows more about the power of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil then does the newly minted Homo sapiens, and that gets them expelled, and not only expelled, but a reality check called mortality. According to Wikipedia: Adam and Eve: The Fall:

    “The woman is tempted by a talking serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, and gives some to the man, who eats also. (Contrary to popular myth she does not beguile the man, who appears to have been present at the encounter with the serpent).[10] God curses all three, the man to a lifetime of hard labour followed by death, the woman to the pain of childbirth and to subordination to her husband, and the serpent to go on his belly and suffer the enmity of both man and woman. God then clothes the nakedness of the man and woman, who have become god-like in knowing good and evil, then banishes them from the garden lest they eat the fruit of a second tree, the tree of life, and live forever.”

    One philosophical question we could ponder is “What is so sinful about wanting to be more like God?” How does such a curiosity condemn once immortal creatures in the Garden of Eden cast down to this planet of hard labor, conflict, potential hunger, diseases, war, crime, and death (mortality) and all the insane political corruption, greed and lies and never ending propaganda?

    Doesn’t that seem a little extreme given we all know that basically all people are vulnerable and imperfect (and have different psychological and biological makeups)? Were we really supposed to have been yes-man clones of each other?

    We have also discussed in a previous essay the supposed fact of a civil war that supposedly took place in heaven between the good angels and bad angels (but of course it never works out with real historical revisionism that one side of a civil war is perfectly upright and the other side is undoubtedly wicked but maybe there is something to The Victors Write the History?).

    But the real question still remains “If God’s heaven was so perfectly ideal why would there have been a war thee in heaven in the first place?” Apparently that information did not make it into the final cut of the official canonical copyright of the Old Testament (just like we learned several gnostic gospels did not make the official New Testament).

    And yet the Garden of Eden seems apparently separate in some sense from heaven as it has a different nomenclature? Because we do not hear of a Garden like paradise being our potential afterlife in heaven? There is no mention of any plants, trees, birds, foxes, etc. running around (although we encounter a snake in the garden?).

    Maybe it should be noted that trees are not just beautiful and provide shade shelter, food and habitat too many creatures, they also are essential for providing the very oxygen molecules we need to breathe, as they breathe in carbon with the process of producing the oxygen molecules we need to exists. And since they breathe they are thus spiritual (Latin ‘spiritus’ means to breathe).

    Anyone who has spent any time contemplating the beauty and diversity of trees can appreciate how truly majestic they are, as they solemnly stand tall and proud into the sky, saying nothing verbally but being nurturing, beautiful and trustworthy. However they came to be they deserve our respect as does all of nature.

    Christians, apparently like people of the faith of the three Abrahamic religions, at least us Christians, assume other creatures and species of life on this planet have an existential life (for the here and now and then recycled into eternal death). Apparently it is only us Homo sapiens who God thought special enough to have an everlasting soul? We take if for granted that when a cat dies it simply is dead forever. Yet we humans are so CHOSEN!!

    We are God’s Chosen species!! Wow, and so we can dominate the entire planet and treat everything else as if it were here strictly for our own special needs and arbitrary uses. How special. It’s just the way it is.

    Whereas some atheists equally think the world and everything that comprises the world is equally subject to human will. They too are ready to tamper with the DNA of any creature (often for the profit motive of it). While others do not mind the idea of slavery, in the truly oppressive sense, coming back, as they see humans too as just a commodity. Certainly Marxists who are notoriously atheists don’t seem to seen the hypocrisy of the elite within communist regimes using oppression to their masses?

    Thus if you happen to care about the environment you are suspect as a looney lefty. And you better not be a tree-hugger because god’s paradise resides elsewhere! All the angelic civil wars are over, and the creation of hell as we know it came before God created the universe in the Bible (naturally a story even earlier than Adam and Eve). And it is still functioning and still apparently under the control of the Great Universal Monarch (just a little dungeon on the side basement of the castle). But don’t worry the King will provide you and your family with listing of your rights, and if he doesn’t then the ghost of Thomas Hobbes will visit you as the ghost of the past.

    Hobbes wasn’t so much of a free-speech kind of guy. Make-Israel-Great-Again, MIGA, Donald Trump is right there on the same page verbalizing his concordance with the suppression of free speech if Americans criticizes the Israeli government / IDF genocide in Gaza.

    [Note: Any attempt to assassinate anyone, including candidate Donald Trump, is clearly disconcerting. Note too there are conspiracy theories swirling around the circumstances of this recent assassination attempt against him in Michigan July 13th. Naysayers dismiss these allegations but there is clearly significant realities that do not make sense. Therefore they are important reasons for people to be suspicious of what actually happened including the possibility that he was not properly protected and there was an inside job to kill him. Nevertheless, no one in their right mind, especially trained Secret Service agents would have allowed him to stand back up in the same venue a few minutes after the supposed bullet hit his ear. And when he walked off stage there was ‘no’ blood dripping onto his white collar shirt as if a pasty-looking blood had already congealed on the upper ear? A mere two weeks after the incident his ear looks perfectly fine? Strange. Let all the investigators do their due diligence. Meanwhile children and innocent people in Gaza and the West Bank were, and are, being mass murdered on a grand scale while MIGA doesn’t seem to be especially bothered by these bloody facts when he says: “Israel needs to finish the job.”]

    Some naysayers claim the event, in which almost no bystanders in the seats behind the stage even bothered to run at the sound of bullets whizzing by, was a deliberately staged “Wag-the-Dog” Psy-Op (psychological operation) meant to sway voters to feel sorry for him and give more reason to vote for him. Others chime that seeing red was just enough blood to excite all manner of drama and sympathy for the same purpose. Why would the secret service allow him to stand back up shortly after he hit the floor (so he could melodramatically shake his fist in the camera—which immediately conjured up his cameo acting career at the world wrestling tournament)? It simply was not professional protocol, nor very smart, given dangerous guns going off, and not knowing the number of bullets or rifles or shooters still potentially within range? Something definitely seems amiss. And how ironic some Zionists were claiming the Iranians were likely behind it—with no evidence.

    Regardless, autocrat Trump isn’t even half way discreet about his obvious traitorous inclinations going against our Bill of Rights such as allowing free speech to remain free. His moral compass is so whacked out of shape he too declared campus protestors against genocide of Palestinians are a disgrace (while he consequentially espouses such as Israeli genocide with America’s involvement). And this guy is a hero? Talk about a performer.

    Paul Craig Roberts is asking: Is Trump setting up his own assassination?

    “Trump says that if Iran does assassinate him, “which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth.””

    Do you understand a trifle of megalomania here? Donald Trump approved of the real assassination of Qasem Soleimani, a popular General in Iran. In Wikipedia it specifically states: “Trump chose the option to kill Soleimani, prompting the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies that had tracked Soleimani's whereabouts for years to locate him on a flight from Damascus to Baghdad, reportedly to hold meetings with Iraqi militiamen.”

    Who hears any prominent Iranians asking for all the United States to be obliterated off the face of the earth because one leader was murdered? Moreover, whose goal of destroying Iran is this really? People of the United States or certain leaders in Israel? Who does Donald John Trump really care about? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

    He certainly cares about being elected. Some controversy has stirred over his apparent stating or misstating: “… I love you Christians I’m not Christian. …” (the quality of pronunciation is confusing)

    But according to one worthy historian, Trump actually converted to being Jewish (but you cannot tell this via the Internet—if true apparently hush hush)? Mike Gaddy claims Trump converted to Judaism in 2017 (listen to audio recording around minute 39 (actually listen to his spiel on the Trump Psy-Op starting around minute 34).

    Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy June 1, 2024 Hour 1

    [Note: Mike Gaddy is one of our best real historians for American History (especially for early American history of the American Revolution and the American Civil War). Many of us, have been given a false sense of history from our indoctrinated school upbringings for example for the American Civil War. Whereas, Gaddy works from the original documents as a forensic historian. Furthermore he worked at the NSA so he and his good-old-boy southern accent buddies have a lot to share that is definitely worth paying attention. You get some real scoopings on all the lawsuits and corrupted legal proceeding against Donald Trump and his Stormy conviction—food for thought—plus other important wag-the-dog insights.]

    End of Part VI

    To be continued:

  2. As long as people in the Western world continue to equate the Khazars occupying Jerusalem as God's Chosen People, in spite of DNA evidence proving they are not even Semitic, they will never be able to rightfully interpret the Bible, or what pieces of it that were not adulterated by the pointy headed hats in Rome when they put it together.

    The Western world, and especially White Americans, are willfully blind of the prophecies pertaining to them because they don't like what they say.

    Luke 21 clearly says that when the Son of Man returns, the "Times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled". The word 'fulfilled' means done and over with. This means White dominance of the world will be over.
    But Americans don't want to talk about THIS PART OF THE BIBLE because it HURTS THEIR FEELINGS. Pretty soon thought, the White Bible believers are going to have to face the reality of this verse, and we'll see if they still love Jesus after its all said and done because the Book of Enoch gives a detailed account of the Son of Man destroying all of the societal systems of the White people as he shuts down this reality. White Bible believers must ask themselves, "Why would Jesus shut down White society?", "Why did he say Gentile dominance would be over?". And then the only answer they can come up with will be that there must be something wrong with Gentile dominance and society. What could that be? Could it be that the Fallen Angels downloaded the ideology of White Supremacy as a virus into the consciousness of Whites to cause them to lack clarity, move forward for long times in error, shut down their higher chakras limiting their sphere of compassion (loving stray dogs but hating brown skinned humans), causing them to be blind to the destruction they cause, making it impossible for them to learn from or listen to those who don't look like them, and ensuring that they can't take part in ascension because their higher chakras are closed? Could it be that the Son of Man is shutting down the Times of Gentile dominance in order to SAVE GENTILES and give them a chance at Ascension? Would Gentiles be able to see this as a chance at being saved or MOAN AND COMPLAIN about the Brown people being uplifted and made whole? Did the White Bible believers think Jesus was going to return and say, "Hey, let's keep everything just the way it is with Whites on top having all of the material wealth and the Brown and Black people on the bottom"?

    The people occupying Jerusalem are White Khazars, not Semitic Hebrews which fulfills the prophecy of Jerusalem being "Trodden under foot" by Gentiles. Ignorant Americans continue to confuse Jew with Hebrew, not understanding the difference.

    Until you rightfully acknowledge who the real Hebrews are, you will NEVER be able to make sense of prophecy and that is why there is so much confusion.

    According to Strong's Concordance, the Bible passage where God describes his love for Israel above all others (Deuteronomy 10:15 “Only the LORD had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you ABOVE ALL PEOPLE, as it is this day”.) uses an ancient CHALDEAN WORD 'AHAB, WHICH MEANS ‘GERMINATION’ OR, TO “PRODUCE FRUIT”. The promise to Abraham that his SEED would FATHER MANY NATIONS is their ONLY IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTIC. (Genesis 17:4)

    This means the only characteristic of the “Chosen People” is their wide genome, DNA capable of “fathering”, or “germinating”, or “SEEDING” other groups; which is exactly what modern genetic scientists have found in Africans but NOT in those who occupy Jerusalem and claim to be Jews.

    The word ‘Jew’ carries NO GENETIC MEANING in the Bible as described by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament Bible (Romans 2:29 KJV).

    The word ‘Hebrew’ is BASED SOLELY ON THE GENETIC ability of one’s DNA to “father many nations” or, seed a planet, which requires a very wide Genome.

    Jews do not possess a very wide Genome as proven by the results of the 2012 John Hopkins DNA Study of the Jewish Race. Additionally, the study concluded Jews are not Semitic at all. Therefore, anti-Semitic legislation cannot be applied to Jews as this would violate the laws of Science and logic.

    This shows that some Black tribes were the favorite specimen of choice for Extraterrestrials when seeding the planet. With Blacks, ETs had a wide selection of genes from which to choose and simply needed to either turn off gene expressions or mutate genes to create new groups of humans. Something human science is also now able to do!

    The DNA Evidence shows Black people seeded most of the planet and they carry a very wide Genome, “fathering many nations” as only the offspring of the Ancient Hebrews could. Khazarian/Jew DNA is NOT Semitic and very narrow in diversity and cannot seed a planet.

    The criminal denial of this truth provokes all who know the truth.

    Here is the structure of the Joo’s crime:
    It is scientifically false to claim Jews are Semitic.
    It is intentionally misleading to use an identifier that has no genetic markers, to make material claims that can only be verified using an identifier that requires a specific genetic marker, namely, the ability to seed a planet, or rather, “father many nations”.

    Jewish control over media allows the omission of the 2012 DNA study results from public discourse. Jewish control over sports, entertainment, politicians and courts allows them to use the omission to act under the color of law and inflict emotional pain and suffering and irreparable harm and damage.

    J3w R@bbl admits the truth about Black Americans’ identity

    Scientist discovered that the entire human race outside Africa OWES ITS EXISTENCE to the survival of a single AFRICAN tribe of around 200 people who crossed the Red Sea 70,000 years ago. AFRICANS “FATHERED MANY NATIONS.”

    Examples of Africans “Fathering Many Nations” based on the DNA Science that PROVES THEY possess a Genome capable of SEEDING A PLANET!

    1. Blacks Fathering the European Nations

    a. Early Europeans who lived 7000 years ago had dark African skin and blue eyes,

    2. Blacks Fathering the Chinese and Asian Nations

    a. DNA traces Chinese back to Africa,

    3. Blacks Fathering the Polynesian and Island Nations

    a. 12 discoveries they don’t want you to know about African history,

    4. Blacks Fathering the Hindu Nation
    a. Was India Once An African Country?,

    b. Indian Sculpture Debunks History – Shows Ancient African Civilization,

    5. First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals

    6. Early Irish people were dark skinned with blue eyes – documentary


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