Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs – Luis Elizondo’s book and the COVERUP IN ACTION

“The only war is the war against the imagination. All others are subsumed by it.” DiPrima


…”CIA’s Stargate program. And yet, as valuable and accurate as its efforts were, the psychic program was eventually defunded and shut down. Some say the budget was the issue, but most knew the truth. They killed the program because it was too effective. That said, I wouldn’t assume that means elements of the government have not continued using remote viewing as a tool.”—Elizondo, Luis. Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs (p. 59). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

ACCORDING TO CHARLES HALL  author of Millennial Hospitality series, and documentaries called Walking with the Tall Whites, the TICTAC is a scout craft (possibly  a drone) belonging to the Tall Whites.


Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs


**”…Between the Collins Elite and the Legacy Program, we had two powerful forces that didn’t want us doing what we were doing. Both had more resources, and both had differing objectives. One group wanted to kill all efforts to investigate the topic; one wanted to investigate it while keeping the public and us in the dark. Both operated in complete secrecy.”

Elizondo, Luis. Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs (p. 81). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

WHAT IF THE SOLE PURPOSE BEHIND ORGANIZED RELIGION…the Vatican and their Jesuit army of spies (and other religious orders involving muslims and more superstitious type organizations), was to convince the people that any intruders from other dimensions were demonic and satanic?  That way, the real bed of satanism, (the Vatican-Reptilian lair) simply directed the people away from the real satanists (them) on to other competing races and beings.  Ones who were benign or even good and loving were targeted by this strategy including others that had darker agendas.  It seems this strategy has been largely successful and YOU are at the center of it!

And they commissioned authors to write a book with the sole intention of taking the eyes of the world off them and redirected gullible humans to look for “evil” off planet…and in their fellow man.

It’s called the Council of Nicaea and the book is the Bible…

Any real disclosure of other entities from other worlds and dimensions must of necessity expose the role of religion in essence forcing humans to see other beings and dimensions as  “demonic”.

A clever way of keeping humanity deaf dumb and blind to a more expansive view of our multi-dimensional nature and the multi-verse.

Interestingly, Elizondo’s book centers on the ROADBLOCK in the middle of disclosure and exploration of the unknown…RELIGION and characterization of anything from other worlds or dimensions as demonic and therefore “bad” and meant to be avoided.  THIS is what he encountered in his investigations at the TOP LEVELS of our military and government. And the men and women who would fight real honest investigation for this reason.  In other words they would insist on SECRECY at all cost.

…”They are deceivers. Demons.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This was a senior intelligence official putting his religious beliefs ahead of national security.”

Elizondo, Luis. Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs (p. 85). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

This means many people will have to rethink their approach and the preaching the gospel of the Reptilian Vatican if they intend to protect our Planet going forward….Because the real aliens are already here running the Vatican and the religious multitudes..the invasion already happened.

You can take down the Pope and take the gold from the Vatican but how will you remove the mind control exerted through the centuries and embedded in your own head?

From kerrycassidy.substack

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Was not in addition the vatican lineage. is was already alien shape shifter reptilians also Drac Archon hybrid darkened.
    Excellent Post and ending point
    Q: "how will you remove the mind control exerted through the centuries and embedded in your own head?" {the challenge is truth and set !}

    this is the hold upon all in that prism effect within ones own belief system that constantly breaks/vibrates the direct line understanding truth Life fiction and disbelief as to "psi-Implants " of all life long MK-Ultra programming events placed upon our minds from conscious and subconscious effects unknown to our awareness along with social programmed distraction and manipulation being caught in of duty mind growth and responsibility of caught in such binding hold. This also carries forward from Echos of blocked past lives as well. Blanked out by the Eprom reset at birth. Most still are caught deeply into this fixation and still are in that no not me mis-understanding and not awake to the reality to what really is happening. Wake up and see to believe Hints Tips and Queues are all around yet the illusion of truth and reality is passed off as, I don't need to nor "Care" in that belief to know.
    Questions questions what is reality what is ones own fiction to such and who really is in control when acceptance is thwarted off as just a flesh wound. Goes to all 6 dimensions of sense. Breath in this reality is quite a struggle. Can result in "Who is really in Control" The self the mind the illusion or a truth of an illusion standing hair on the back of ones neck. Once you convince yourself of all much of the above. Possibly the inner battle of acceptance can defeat the challenge 'And' learn to know better. He who knows the truth. Let the Truth set one FREE.

  2. Israel is connected to the Vatican in a dark way. I don't trust either one of them, they are ostentatiously showing their hand and we're starting to see in real time, the harm they have done to humanity.


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