The Congressional Hearing of 2023 exposed a dark web of secrecy surrounding The Program – the Pentagon’s research and development operation to reverse-engineer materials recovered from UFO/UAP retrievals. But was it all a misdirection? Where does it put us on the path to disclosure? Are members of congress right to be concerned about a potential invasion?

THE INVASION OF EDEN probes archaeological sites, Biblical and other ancient texts, and ancestral narratives from around the world, and casts a unique light on these questions. In its pages we journey from Washington D.C. to Arlington, Virginia, from ancient Armenia to the Red Sea, from the Trossachs of Scotland to the hills of ancient Greece, from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado to the Hawaiian Island of Molokai.

En route we learn from elite figures in the world of military intelligence, traditional guardians of indigenous knowledge, eminent astrophysicists, and sources close to prime-ministers and presidents. How will our religious and political leaders respond to major disclosures already in the Pentagon’s pipeline? What will change in that moment? Where will it put you and me? THE INVASION OF EDEN brings the reader right up date, lifts the lid on information suppressed for more than eighty years.



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. December 2024
    Red Alert ! Breaking News ! Truth Honor & Integrity show !
    Full on attempted Ai Cyborg / Takeover by the Satanist El_ite Zionists …
    Poison Vaccine Related !
    Nato is the private military of the Zionists, Rothchilds …Oops !!!
    please share far and wide !
    Must Listen !

  2. Daily Mantra; I embrace all upgrade appropriate on me this time under the protection of my higher self, I power up the pyramid of life that protect me from all lower vibration I am safe, I am love , I am grounded, I am a reflection of almighty infinite creator, I am a part of this grand solar system, I am new awaken hue-man DNA creating new 5D reality, "welcome to our Galactic brothers & sisters "

  3. Did Eisenhower agree to continue the abduction of humans for food and sex for the malevolent ETs? Has President Trump assembled a War Cabinet in anticipation of the Alien Invasion?
    Is there any truth to Nation of Islam and Wu-Sabat stories that aliens will invade and slaughter certain people among us?

    Will Black ETs will be landing all over the world to bring a decisive end to the Times of Gentile dominance and Trump is assembling a war cabinet to fight it?

    Kerry Cassidy interviewed William Thompkins and he touched on the Black ETs.

    Trump and the so called Q team know all about this.

    IS this why the Covid Jibby Jab was administered to kill so many because the governments of the world assumed Whites could never accept dominance by Black ETs?

    Telling them the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, will FORCE Western society to face the reality that the Times of Gentile dominance is over but also forge new alliances across all groups and END RACISM.

    We can expect the Hopi Indian Prophesied split between the White Population of those who are willing to live in harmony without dominance from those who want to pursue perceived technological dominance in space.

    Here’s the videos:

    Are Aliens real? Are UFO from earth or some planet? Is Elijah and Farrakhan connected?

    Here are other videos indicating that this was coming:
    Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible

    Elijah Muhammad Was Right: Pentagon Says 'The Mothership' May Be Sending 'Seeds' To Earth

    Harvard Scientist believes ALIENS just entered our Solar System

  4. Wu-Sabat say that Pleiadeans TELEPATHICALLY INFLUENCED YAKUB THE BIG HEADED SCIENTIST to create a specific group of Whites as a food source for Reptilians in exchange for the Reptilians to stop eating the Pleiadeans, but not all Whites were created as a food source. Not all Whites were created this way as Whites lived on the planet thousands of years before Yakub created his branch of Whites. And you can see this play out in the Hopi Indian Prophecy Rock story of the split that occurs in the surface population of Whites.

    People should be careful in listening to the Pentagon and governments.

    It is possible that the Pleiadeans are helping Whites “ascend” in order to deliver them to the Reptilians who have been evicted from planet earth and thus maintain their agreement to supply them food?


    If the Aliens guiding the USA were so good and benevolent, then why has the technology they’ve given them in the last 80 years been backwards and substandard? Why can’t the US dominate China and Russia? Why has the formula for time and space been wrong for so long? Why has the learning of Whites been so slow in so many areas? Don’t you think this was done on purpose?

    Why have they allowed the West to continue on in error in their scientific formulas?

    Why is it only now that the West can admit that the Hindus were right in so many scientific areas?

    Doesn’t this mean that the aliens guiding the Americans have been giving them false information but just enough to make them think they were progressing? How easy is it to make someone believe you when you start out with saying how special and unique and superior they are?

    Whites hate listening to the story of Yakub being their creator but maybe they need to listen to the details so that they can AVOID BEING VICTIMS OF THE PLEIADEANS AGAIN.

    Wu-Sabat says those Reptilians who eat humans eat the meat eaters among us because their blood gives off the scent of meat. That means we should all be vegetarians and we should question those that want us to continue eating meat making us a target for the aliens.

    Wu-Sabat says the Nation of Islam copied the story of Yakub from them and CHANGED and/or DELETED key points.
    1. Pleiadeans influenced Yakub to create a specific group of Whites
    2. Yakub intended to destroy his creation after a certain time.
    3. The experiments were carried out on the island of Patmos where John the Revelator writes from
    4. Yakub died before he could destroy the Whites he created.

    Is it really racist to examine the information or better to remain in denial and become their food?

    The Scientist Who Changed History Forever! Yakub: The Untold Story

    Not ALL White People Were Created As a Food Source For Aliens


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