The Broken Century (Video)


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. You are NOT alone. We are many, but not yet a majority. We ARE aware and highly uncomfortable. We do what we can while on mission to hold the Light so others will wake up.
    Have faith that we are making a difference and never give up….then the darkness wins.
    I have faith in you……jeriAYA

  2. This man is right but wrong in his negativity. there are many many good things happening and good people. Lets look hard at those and change ourselves as individually rather than than seeing all the bad things happening. Nice if someone posted all the good being done and for this individual to talk about that so sending positive vibes out there of how we can all help and support the good not focus on all the bad. every day to say all the good that happened change the negative news for instance adding half at least being good positives…almost never do we hear positive news on the news on TV or the papers.

  3. Geeeee! Is THIS guy the ONLY (White) guy that finally SEE’s the mess THEY created…THEY are the very ones that created “Racism”…WHO controls the ENTIRE “Slave Money System” (White FAKE Jews!) WHAT race is the “Vicar of God/Christ” (White!)…WHO is it that is STILL at trying to Alter world history, with MASSIVE LIES???
    Listen to one of YOUR own:
    Who the REAL enemy is:
    Unless YOU take responsibility for WHAT You created and come CLEAN about the TRUTH…YOU WILL BE REMOVED…(Only the hardened ones)

  4. Wonderful video. I wish we could see this on mainstream TV and in our schools. this is truth and also reality. Time to make ths world right!!!

  5. I will write here again about the rules of orgonite making because there is too much confusion among lightworkers.

    The Rules for making Orgonites:
    1) First and most important is that orgonites MUST NOT have visible crystals. This is not negotiable! NEVER a visible crystal!!
    2) You ONLY use a Special Type Epoxy Resin. That’s what it is called. The orgonite must have 50-50 ratio of metal to resin. Do NOT use polyester because it is carcinogenic.
    3) The metals you use should be like rounded melted pellets(but not perfect spheres). The only metals that work are aluminum, copper, titanium, silver, palladium, platinum, iridium. And they must be pure. Gold is forbidden!
    4) The shape must be one of the following: half sphere/ Cheops Pyramid with golden ratio/dome/inverted cup/cone with rounded tip
    5) As for crystals you ONLY use Clear Quartz inside SBB spiral with golden ratio. The crystal should be attached to the tip of the spiral and ALWAYS placed deep inside the matrix of the orgonite. The crystal works better if it is unprocessed.
    6) The metal pellets MUST be arranged as dense as possible. The orgonite should not have gaps or air bubbles inside it. The smaller the size of the pellets the better the orgonite works.

    If it follows these rules, the orgonite certainly works great. If you have a piece that doesn’t follow the above rules throw it away or bury it very deep in the ground.
    A perfect example is these products that convert all negative energies into positive ones.
    [email protected]


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