Benjamin Fulford - Interview 13-12-18

King Pin Bush death signals critical cabal loss. Rothschilds add nail in their coffin? 3M Woes (Macron, May, Merkle). Upcoming US Senate Hearings

Today’s release recorded on the 13th December 2018, Prepare For Change continues its interview series with Benjamin Fulford.

In this episode, we discuss the recent “official” death of Bush Snr AKA Scherff, the notes that where given to the bad guys at the funeral telling them the game is up, discussing China and how they’re involved with the Clintons and the recent “suicide” of top scientist there.

We further discuss how things are heating up in America and that January is looking to be crunch time for the mass arrests and military tribunals. We also touch on the fact that the Rothschilds are selling their Trust business, something that the family has had for over 145 years!

Things are continuing to heat up and so much is happening it’s difficult to keep on top of all these changes in the background.

Benjamin Fulford Continues to Work to Liberate the Planet

Benjamin Fulford continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity.

This interview is about 50 minutes long and we hope you enjoy it.

Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford… and turn our world into a wonderful place!

Please Consider Donating

We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to support about  460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.

Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.

For previous interviews Benjamin Fulford interviews in 2018


  1. Trump is following the plan for the Anti Christ to kill himself in the third temple with the spear of destiny… But you know this

  2. Is it possible to get transcripts? I don’t have time to listen to these interviews – it’s so much faster and easier to read.
    Thank you.

  3. #fulldisclosurenow Why bother with another economic system its useless with the advanced tech why worry about it? We need something based around the supressed technology release the tech and than restructure. Its really very simple.

  4. Oh now it’s January we have to wait for. Before it was said to be right after the election. You know that criminals are not going to prosecute their own criminal friends I hope. But it’s deeper than that – why are “enlightened beings” waiting for others to be arrested? This is not enlightenment – this is vengeance. And slavehood. It doesn’t matter what they did – we are all culpable – we all allowed this to get to such a stage. We need to be asking each other and our own self – what has to change in ME and in YOU, in the people on the ground. The reason things are so bad is because we looked to these people to decide our morality and our lives for us. Now that they’re slapping us in the face over it, we blame them for our sloth.

  5. Spelling errors:

    “In this episode, we discuss the recent “official” death of Bush Snr AKA Scherff, the notes that where giving [SIC: were given?] to the bad guys at the funeral telling them the game is up, discussing China and how there [SIC: they’re?] involved with the Clintons and the recent “suicide” of top scientist there.

    We further discuss how things are heating up in America and that January is looking to be crunch time for the mass arrests and military tribunals. We also touch on the fact that the Rothschilds are selling there [SIC: their] Trust business, something that the family has had for over 145 years!”

      • I forgot this minor error: “involved with the Clintons and the recent “suicide” of top scientist there.” (Singular or plural? If singular, insert the letter “a” – if plural, make it plural.)

        Also, I wonder how you could respond to a lingam massage.


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