Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
(I’m trying to post this comment 1 more time, and when it doesn’t show up, I give up)
This video is one of the clearest explanations about what a virus is. And it demasks the scam we’re all part of against our will and appreciation. The content of this video is fully in sync with what David Icke explains about what he has learned from a perceptive virologist, in the interview that is now banned by YouTube. It’s still present here:
If I’ve understood what’s explained in this video, the signal of a virus present in a human body is picked up by all the cells of the body and by all those present with that person. There’s an energy-transfer involved that isn’t physical but works as an agent to create contamination and even the illusion of it.
Also, when notes are made in haste, due to work pressure, the cause of death may be described as COVID-19, when only the symptoms are similar. Without proof by a test. Medical staff members in the US reported this as something that is being practiced.
The counts of patients and deaths are therefore inaccurate and not COVID-19 cases.
In other words, just to see if I’ve understood it clearly, the virus works as an instrument in a form of self-fulfilling prophecy and hitchhikes on the vibration of fear that is collectively shared, causing the cells of the body, that has received the virus and is now in an alarm phase, to go in resonance with those of others who are in fear as well, near it.
When one person in such a group shows symptoms, it’s spreading like an automatic messaging service, informing all cells of others around that person as well. That is, as long as they believe that program to be true. And so, the question to all of us here, hmm, to those of you feeling called, I should say, I’m not preaching in church what you MUST do, is:
It seems that the work has just begun, to liberate ourselves from this scam. And holes begin to appear already, in this scam, for those who pay attention.
This worldwide pandemic is a construct based on the vibration of death and destruction and yet, such a construct will always fall prey to its presence outside the space where life’s potential for love in freedom of expression is present. There! I’ve said it, I’ve never felt the truth of that so strong and vibrant.
It’s an extremely clever construct, playing the strings of our human nature, especially the instincts. Isn’t it clear where we’ll find the remedy now? Can we remind each other of this?
We need to stop believing the lie and still play according to the rules of the game in the present playground, with a 1,5-meter distance between us. It’s a sublime form of martial arts and I’m very fond of that dojo, ha!
Thanks for all of the comments everybody!
This info was very educating for my satisfaction. Gave me a lot to process but it seems logical, and from personal experience I become more frustrated with our medical advice for every new episode of health problems that occur. Bottom line fellow citizens- keep turning away from the media that produces feelings of fear, go within and ask for your Higher Self to guide you and lets bring in the New Earth that we are trying to achieve. The Dark has had its time with us. Let’s be the Light we truly are.
So once again we are left with no transcript of this video. Not everyone wants to watch a video on their computer or phone screen why don’t people understand this very annoying to say the least so from now on you offer video offer the transcript for it is that too much to ask?
Hello Ben Grego, I don’t understand your request. In order to watch a video, you need a screen, either a computer or a phone. The full text of this video is present on the screen, you can read it for yourself. Same as when you read the transcript, separate from the video but still on the screen. Or are you planning to print the text and read it from paper? It’s possible that there’s a transcript of this video below the video, on the right, under the 3 dots . . .
I think you’re quite bold, dictating others here, to fulfill your demand. I almost decided to let you “simmer in your own fat” as we say in Holland. But I decided otherwise.
Watch the video. It is typed on the screen. I’m not a fan of videos either but having someone type it out is not always available I think. I got a lot from this video. Thank you Derek.
Suggestion, Ben: Why don’t you write the transcript of the video and send it to PFC. That way you would have it, and others would as well. Is that too much to ask?
what about AIDS
great explanation, that I share with pleasure on my FB
…excellent presentation ~
This is a tiny correction for the comment I’ve made here earlier today. The term “absence” needs to be replaced by the term “presence”. A small twist of the tongue, big difference.