From Jordan Sather:

States around the country are beginning to require “media literacy” classes for K-12 students.

As if schools aren’t brainwashing our kids enough, now some states are requiring “media literacy” classes for students.

Here’s a recent press conference from New York Governor Kathy Hochul announcing her state’s attempt to fight “conspiracy theories, misinformation, and hate speech” with a “Media Literacy Tool Kit” that will be given in K-12 schools:

Führer Newsom of California also just signed a law requiring them. California schools will be incorporation media literacy into English, science, math, and history classes throughout every grade level.

Other states like Delaware, New Jersey, and Illinois came forth earlier this year with similar agendas.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy echoed the New York Governer’s dystopian rhetoric in a similar statement. “Our democracy remains under sustained attack through the proliferation of disinformation that is eroding the role of truth in our political and civic discourse,” Murphy said.

All Democrat governors, notably.

While yes, we do need to teach our children how to spot FAKE NEWS and misinformation, this of course is being inverted 180°. They will the students to adhere to whatever the “official narratives” are from the mainstream media, authorities and experts without question, while discounting true information, otherwise known as CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiEs, that come from anywhere outside these official sources. These will be classes and courses designed to embed propaganda further into our children’s minds.

They always gift wrap their social engineering dark agendas with good sounding, agreeable narratives.

“We need to protect the environment” – yes we do – “So you must accept our Green New Deal agenda!” – um, no.
”Racism is bad!” – yes it is – “So you must accept our woke DEI agenda!” – no, I won’t do that either.
”The health of society is important!” – uh huh – “So put your mask on and take this vaccine!”.

And we could go on and on with examples of their virtue signaling.

It’s now becoming ever more obvious that our schools are indoctrination centers telling students what to think, not teaching them how to think, and it’s clear the Powers That Be are worried about society waking up to what’s truly going on in the world so they’re going after the next generation in an effort to extinguish the spark of critical thinking in our youth.

Today’s lesson: we need to not only protect our children’s bodies but protect their minds, too.

Homeschool if you can, if you can’t, make sure you talk to your kids about what’s going on in their schools. Meet their teacher, tour their classroom, and check over their schoolwork to see if any propagandist narratives are being impressed upon them in class. Take it a step further by going to school board meetings, joining the PTA, or grouping with other parents that have kids in the school who are concerned about the indoctrination of their kids with twisted ideologies.

The only way the Powers That Be can win is if we sit on our ass and spinelessly let their agendas continue. Get active and get involved – our children depend on it.

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