Proof of God – Genesis to Revelations, Astrology and Eclipses


Proof of God – Genesis to Revelations, Astrology & Eclipses
Rev. Kat Carroll

Is God’s hand in everything? The Hebrew language, astrology and numerology certainly make it seem feasible.

With all the scary talk of comets and the solar and lunar eclipses, I decided to do some digging of my own. I enjoy astrology, but I’m not an expert in that field. However, I hang with people who are, and some interesting alignments have taken place with more  upcoming. The alignments seem significant and related to biblical passages with numeric value and symbology.

The Bible is full of repeating numbers with numeric significance. The Sepher Yetzirah states that it is from the letters themselves that God “depicted all that was formed and all that would be formed.”

I began to see repeating patterns in history and significance to biblical events in play from the past and even now. And I see all the signs and wonders as positive.

Recently, a great YouTube video was released by the Channel Men’s Morning Light (MMM) that was explaining some of the details about the upcoming eclipse on April 18, and the two previous. I was gob smacked! The link is included later in this article.

Most people are aware of the creation story. It’s all detailed in the first chapter of the Bible,  the Book of Genesis, which means Origin or Beginning. And like every good book, there are adventures, pit falls, a hero, and plucky sidekicks. It has adventures, enemies, war, peace, love stories, and a ton of “knowing and begetting” in a long list of Kings, and the various tribes of man.

Some would call the Bible a story of the Hero’s Journey and feel we are the sun/son of God. It’s as if we’ve been strolling through the wheel of the zodiac, each planet or star having an effect on us individually, and collectively. From that perspective, it makes it easier to understand some of the symbols and their deeper meaning during the alignments. This is a great guide to the symbols and their meaning – Those Mysterious Astrological Symbols, Explained

There are many players throughout the old and New Testament, and the events that took place can be compared to current situations taking place in the world. Predominantly, like the people in the bible stories, it seems we are being tested with some strange trials and tribulations, including revelations about governments and other agencies worldwide. What is also noted are the revelations causing revolutions as people rise to take back their power and freedom.

But for now, let’s look at this “by the numbers” and go to the beginning where all good stories start. The book of Genesis –

According to the bible, Earth, the stars, planets, and all living things were created in the first 6 days, including man. Then God rested on the 7th and commanded that we keep that day holy. Saturday is that holy day and the last of the week. In the New Testament, the seventh day of the week is called the Sabbath; it is mentioned 58 times.

Seven days for creation sounds ludicrous. There were many misinterpretations in the bible and confusion in the translation to other languages. The Hebrew word used for day is “yom”, which simply means a period of time with a beginning and an ending.

The first things created were day and night, the land and seas, and the stars on the 4th day. The stars are for keeping time, for signs and seasons and portents (somthing im-portent). This is what I’m most interested in at this time of great changes on Earth. Mankind has been tracking the movement of the stars and planets for thousands of years as is evidenced by ancient monuments around the world; Stonehenge (United Kingdom), Chichen Itza (Mexico), Jantar Mantar (India), and Ulugh Beg Observatory (Uzbekistan), to name just a few.

In the U.S., Chaco Culture National Historical Park is often referred to as “New Mexico’s Machu Picchu”. Chaco Canyon is renowned for its limited light pollution and unobstructed views of constellations.

Ancestral Puebloans used the night sky for guidance in their daily lives, and their legacy lives on through these ancient structures. As a child, I recall pictures in my grandmother’s house of these rock dwellings where the Pueblo Indians lived. There dances and Kachina dolls tell a story of celestial ancestors and inner earth beings who helped them during catastrophic earth changes.

The above image is a bas-relief at Hathor’s Temple in Dendara Egypt. It is one of the oldest ancient Zodiacs on the cealing of the pronaos of a chapel dedicated to Osiris. John H. Rogers characterised it as “the only complete map that we have of an ancient sky”, and it has been conjectured in the past to represent the basis on which later astronomy systems were based. It is thought to be at least 2,000 years old. More images can be found here.

The Magi, or Persian astrologers and priests, were so good at reading the stars that they predicted not only the birth of Christ, but where he would be born.

Thank goodness they never returned to King Herod to advise the location.

Let’s take a look at upcoming events through the lens of astrology.

Beware the Ides of March and what follows
Notable recent or upcoming planetary alignments for 2024

(I want to thank Claudio Silvaggi of Isis in the Bible for most of the list below!)

March 8 – Mercury and Neptune align giving a boost of intuition and access to Akashic records.

March 14 – Sun conjuncts Hygiea, Hygiea gives Kundalini cleanses. All chakras will be letting go of what no longer serves, especially those that align with your natal chart to be affected. At the same time, the moon aligns with Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades Taurus constellation, it brings forth potent spiritual energies and insights. Did you notice an increase in your intuition?

March 15 – Ides of March, death of Julius Caesar – Deadline for settling debts (where the phrase about death and taxes may have originated.) Although the date for tax collection has been moved to April, It is still a symbolic time of reckoning or recounting your deeds. Have you forgiven your debtors (trespassers) as they would forgive you? From the All Father prayer.

March 16 – The Sun meets Neptune. Energy pulsations through the organs. (I was energized and stayed awake to work on projects for 40 hours)

March 22 – Alignment of Neptune (energy), Hygiea (cleansing) and Icarus (our spiritual wings). Those who are already activated will be helping others to awaken to truth and love.

March 24-25 – First Full Moon of Spring

March 24 – Palm Sunday – Jesus enters Jerusalem and confronts the money changers in the church (Will this affect the banking system? Can they account for themselves?)

March 25 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. It will be visible to the naked eye as 95.57% of the Moon will be immersed in Earth’s penumbral shadow. It is aligned with Libra, the sign of balance, justice, and harmony. At the same time, the sun will be in Aries. The Moon itself will be in Virgo (rightfully so, these two eclipses are before the Sun in Libra (weighing of the heart) – meets with Mary (virgo)

March 26 – Eris and Mercury – Mercury is the Akashic records (your history) & Eris represents the divine goddess who sees all our good deeds. This is the spiritual reckoning or recounting of your deeds.

March 28 commemorates Holy Thursday (Last Supper)

March 31 Easter celebration, symbolic resurrection after 3 days entombed (3 days of darkness)

April 2 – Mercury goes retrograde – You will be shown signs of what needs to be changed from your past. Practice forgiveness, in both asking and offering.

April 4 – The Sun and Icarus meet. Are you flying too close to the sun? Work on spiritual matters more than the material. Don’t give in to temptation.

April 8 – Full Solar Eclipse, Passover spans 7 US cities all with the same name, Ninevah. Mercury aligns Eris charging us with love and light (there is also a comet that will Passover)

April 11 – Sun meets Mercury in retrograde– A reckoning before meeting again with Eris. This is like the mother or principal looking back at our deeds, much like reviewing a report card from school. And we are all in school here! Also, Jupiter aligns with Uranus after the eclipse. Jupiter is about law (Ides of March, a reckoning), Uranus holds up the sky, our head.

We already know that the financial system is collapsing under its own illegal practice of charging income tax and interest (usury) on loans. This is where debt forgiveness or a jubilee may finally take place, if not this year, then 2025. We should all be practicing charity and helping others and it will only ramp up over the next 18(ish) months, until a new and fair financial system is established.

This alignment was last experienced post WWI when Wall Street went through the Black Thursday market crash of 1929. Many lost their fortunes and many also got rich. Time for a reckoning! Remember, the reckoning is spiritual as well as physical. Make sure your ledger is clear!

April 14 – Eris meets the Sun (you) – The mother returns with love. This is humanities Phoenix Rising event, back to One Love. This is one week after the eclipse. This is the true Easter (rising in the East, we have an east’er) when the Sun rises in the East with Eris…

April 15 – From the book of Revelation – Babylon (Rome) will fall. The armies of God will triumph, and Jerusalem, God’s city on earth will be restored. The original day of reckoning for taxes was March 15 and was changed to April 15. In the Hebrew calendar, that puts it in the middle of the year as their new year starts in October. Are we looking at freedom from debt slavery?

Apr 22 – Monday evening through Tue, Apr 30 – Biblical Passover, Slaves freed from Bondage in Egypt. Lambs blood was placed on door frames as a sign to Passover the house and spare the occupants. It had to be a pure, unblemished lamb, like the story of Jesus as the sacrifice for all humanity.

May 1 – Jupiter moves into Taurus -Expansion of law (Perhaps an invigoration of Constitutional law). The courts and banking systems ledgers will come under a reckoning or recounting of their ledgers, both fiscally and spiritually.

May 18 – National Astronomy Day and it arrives 40 days after the April 8th solar eclipse. A reminder to look to the skies for those signs and portents. I hope you never tire of looking at the wonder of God’s creation.

I highly recommend the YouTube channel and Facebook page of Claudio Silvaggi who studies astrology and the significance to Egyptian symbols left on the ancient structures. Some of my notes came directly from his talk on March 13, 2024 –  iyoutome – isis in the Bible Replay Winter Week 10 – Mar 13th 2024 -The Aisle

Let’s take a closer look at the major events in the sky, the solar and lunar eclipses.

Eclipse (Our Passover events)

Solar eclipses are mentioned 27 times in the Bible. We know from Scripture that God uses signs and wonders in heaven to communicate with His people. That includes rare solar eclipses.

The sun’s corona is visible for a few minutes during the moon’s Passover of the nation. Full solar eclipses are rare, especially over land. The eclipse of August 21, 2017, was the first in about 100 years and spanned the entire Nation. A partial eclipse took place October 14, 2023, and the next full moon eclipse takes place April 8th, this year, also crossing the US.

Pastor Mark Biltz states the path of an eclipse has significance and could be considered a sign or warning. 3 eclipses have occurred over the US, for the first time in recorded history. Is there a message for North America?

The following images came from Trapper Jack and this YouTube video: April 8, 2024, Eclipse Will Pass Over 7 United States Cities Named Nineveh

The first partial eclipse over America happened to cross over 7 cities named Salem (short for Jerusalem).

On April 8, 2024, a solar eclipse will pass over 7 US cities named Nineveh. Also, Nineveh Nova Scotia Canada is in the path of the eclipse.  If you’ve ever watched the TV series the Curse of Oak Island, you’ll know they are searching for ancient treasure and gold in Nova Scotia.  Is there an esoteric message for the world?

This eclipse will last about 2 minutes longer than 2017. This will be the last total solar eclipse for 20 years. The X is also the symbol for the Hebrew letter Tav – A mark, also meaning perfection and completion. God’s Mark and reminder for America?
One Nation under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all.

What’s the significance of 7 cities named Nineveh? The story of Jonah and the whale.  Jonah was ordered by God to travel to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. His job was to give a warning to this corrupt city. They would have 40 days to repent or some form of retribution and punishment would wipe out the city (like Sodom and Gamorrah)

Jonah didn’t want to go and left on a ship. When the ship was besieged by storms, Jonah confessed he was going against an order from the Lord. As a consequence, he was thrown overboard and then swallowed by a whale. He was dead for 3 days then spit up on land, resurrected, and walked 3 days to reach Nineveh.

The people of Nineveh did not at first believe Jonah’s message. What convinced them was a sudden darkening of the skies, a full solar eclipse! They repented, fasted, wore sackcloth, and were spared God’s wrath.

In 2 Kings, the same man, Jonah, was tasked with restoring the boarder in Egypt. April’s eclipse will be starting in America near the Mexican city of Eagles Pass, a hotly disputed area with a battle to restore the boarder. Coincidence, or have I got your attention?

Does the eclipse have similar meaning for America, a warning with 40 days to repent? 40 days after the upcoming Eclipse of April 8 is May 18, National Astronomy Day…. Will there be more signs?

We will have been warned three times. The good news is that it’s probably not for the majority of us that live here, but for corrupt establishments, banking, government, medical industry, and many corporations doing things they ought not to for a very long time.

How many coincidences before the signs are concidered statistically impossible, and accepted as real?

By the way, that X over America is symbolic for Tav, the X or cross in Hebrew. The basic meaning is “a Mark”. For signs in the sky, God has left his mark over America!

On August 2, 2027, a total solar eclipse will occur in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. In Africa, the path of totality will cross over Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, and Somalia. In Europe, the path of totality will cross over Spain and Gibraltar (U.K.).

The Hebrew story of Exodus is where Moses guided his people of Israel out of bondage/slavery in Egypt in the 13th century BCE. In Genesis, God promised Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan, so Canaan became known as The Promised Land. Modern Israel and Palestine encompass the majority of Canaan.

With the battle between the Palestinians and Israelites taking place in the Middle East, I can’t help but think we have come full circle in our story, from Genesis to Revelations. Could this represent Armageddon, the final spiritual battle followed by years of peace and prosperity?

Armageddon – Megiddo is an archaeological site that was inhabited between roughly 7000 BC and 300 BC. Numerous battles were fought near Megiddo during that time, and the Book of Revelation refers to this as the site as Armageddon. It was prophesied that a final battle at the end of time would take place there. The end of time, or an era, which will bring in a new era of peace and prosperity, beauty and justice – The Golden Age, or Age of Aquarius.

I’m also guided to think of Jubilee. Although there are several explanations, let’s consider what it meant in biblical times. It represents a year of emancipation and restoration provided by ancient Hebrew law to be kept every 50 years by the emancipation of enslaved Hebrews, restoration of alienated lands to their former owners, and omission of all cultivation of the land.

“According to Leviticus, every 50th year was to be a time when Hebrew slaves were set free, lands were given back to their former owners, and the fields were not harvested. This year of liberty was announced when a ram’s horn was blown (the Shofar). In Hebrew, that ceremonial horn was called a yōbhēl, and the celebratory year took its name from that of the horn.  In Latin, yōbhēl was transcribed as jubilaeus or jubilare, meaning to let out joyful shouts)”.

The Shofar is blown at the beginning of the Jewish Holy days in October, their New Year. In the last book of the Bible, Revelations, 7 Trumpets are to be blown at the end of the Era to signifying God’s Judgment on the wicked.  Beginning and ending. Alpha and Omega!

Soon, we will all be letting out joyful shouts!



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Rev. Kat Carroll
I've been interested in all things related to metaphysics, parapsychology, spirituality and anything related to space since childhood. I'm the kid who used to let the Jehova Witness and Mormans into the house so I could ask a million questions. I've always wanted to be of service and ended up working as an EMT and later in law enforcement. A family job transfer lead me to Washington State for 5 years where I went back to studying spiritual phenomenon and meeting some fascinating people. I've had several initiations, was taught energy healing and became certified in Reiki III over the final 3 years. I had a larger awakening and understanding of how it Reiki worked, remote sensing and more after returning to CA in 2001. I love researching and now writing and being a spokesperson for benevolent contact with NHIB through the practice of meditation. I experienced a spontaneous healing and not long after the "quickening" of 12/21/2012, began having more paranormal experiences, including seeing the UFOs, and orbs that fly over at night. I'm also a volunteer /Admin for ETLetsTalk and love teaching others how to make that connection that I know will one day lead us out of the darkness and into a brighter future.


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