Is there room for spirituality in the scientific studies of
and creation itself?

Rev. Kat Carroll

I had been listening to a video short where a boy was asked if he ever wondered if reality was, well… real.  His response surprised me. He said “no” and asked if it mattered.  I had to think about that. Does it matter?

We hear opinions every day on religion, spirituality, consciousness and all the mundane topics of the day. The bible was written by men, translated and edited repeatedly, sometimes to serve the leaders of the day. What was lost, what was changed based on the opinion of the day?

Recently, we learned that a lot of what we see in the news is fake and there are no laws prohibiting the use of lies and propaganda on an unwitting audience.  Market crashes, such as those of the past and what we are seeing today – can be manipulated, and politicians lie.  Just like the mockingbird press that is mainstream media, the information is parroted from person to person and even in group settings by each of us who are willing to share their voice in public.  And we share it eagerly, often without knowing what’s true and what’s an opinion, or false information. If ever there was a psyop, we are watching it now (IMHO).

With so many opinions, and often so little fact to back it up, what is real?  I decided to ask the question, which is the title of this article, and Meta AI was quick to respond.  Remember, Meta (which was Facebook, was created by DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and what information is not programed or taught to AI is gathered from the internet, which means it will contain the good, the bad, the ugly and some truth. The program is only as good as the information it receives. Discerning the truth from the garbage input is what we need to discover… but how?

Are we truly informed of our reality or simply creating it based on where we focus our attention?

Below is Meta AI’s response to my query:

Based on the search results, there is a growing recognition of the potential for spirituality to inform and be informed by scientific studies of consciousness and creation. Researchers are exploring the intersection of spirituality and science, acknowledging that:

  • Quantum Mysticism and Quantum Consciousness are emerging areas of study, suggesting a possible connection between spirituality and quantum physics.
  • Spirituality is seen as a quest for deep self-exploration and personal truth, which can be supported by scientific inquiry and empirical evidence.
  • Spiritual experiences, such as those reported through meditation and spiritual healing, can have a positive impact on mental well-being and emotional health.

Challenges and Opportunities

However, there are also challenges to integrating spirituality into scientific studies:

  • Empirical boundaries: Some researchers argue that spirituality ultimately transcends empirical boundaries, making it difficult to study using traditional scientific methods.
  • Dogmatic practices: True spirituality is not about adhering to dogmatic practices, but rather a blend of personal growth and scientific inquiry.

New Perspectives

The search results also highlight the potential for a new perspective on consciousness, one that combines scientific and spiritual approaches. This Spiritual Science perspective:

  • Sees consciousness as a fundamental quality of the universe, offering elegant solutions to problems difficult to explain using the standard scientific model.
  • Proposes an integrated approach, combining scientific and spiritual methods to understand the world and human experience.

In conclusion, there is room for spirituality in scientific studies of consciousness and creation, particularly through interdisciplinary approaches that acknowledge the complexity and multifaceted nature of human experience. While challenges remain, researchers are exploring innovative ways to integrate spirituality into their work, leading to a deeper understanding of consciousness and its relationship to the universe.

That’s a pretty good summary from artificial intelligence. AI lacks the spiritual nature and creativity we humans possess. I’m not ready to surrender my consciousness to what is basically, a machine, no matter how good it calculates and measures its answers based on input it receives (even though that’s exactly what we do!)

Here is my personal conclusion, our concept of reality is varied and filtered by our family upbringing, the education system, religion, jobs and peers, and whatever comes our way in daily life. Sometimes the events are unusual and unexpectedly unique to our “normal” life experiences. Paranormal events like spontaneous healings, UFO and cryptid sightings, and contact with not quite human beings and what we call spirits. Is it all in our head? Whether brought on by mechanical means, hallucinogens or altered consciousness via meditation, if it’s in our head it’s a real experience that can alter our perceptions and opinions of reality.

Does reality matter?  It only seems to be a problem if our reality changes too quickly leaving no time to adjust, and when we feel we have no control. We do have control over our reactions. To discern the truth from the lies and speculations, we need to shut off as much of the noise as possible and spend more time in nature, in meditation, and with  family and friends. They are the “real estate” we should protect, along with our greatest asset, our mind.

The truth will come to you if you seek it from within.


Rev Kat Carroll

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Rev. Kat Carroll
I've been interested in all things related to metaphysics, parapsychology, spirituality and anything related to space since childhood. I'm the kid who used to let the Jehova Witness and Mormans into the house so I could ask a million questions. I've always wanted to be of service and ended up working as an EMT and later in law enforcement. A family job transfer lead me to Washington State for 5 years where I went back to studying spiritual phenomenon and meeting some fascinating people. I've had several initiations, was taught energy healing and became certified in Reiki III over the final 3 years. I had a larger awakening and understanding of how it Reiki worked, remote sensing and more after returning to CA in 2001. I love researching and now writing and being a spokesperson for benevolent contact with NHIB through the practice of meditation. I experienced a spontaneous healing and not long after the "quickening" of 12/21/2012, began having more paranormal experiences, including seeing the UFOs, and orbs that fly over at night. I'm also a volunteer /Admin for ETLetsTalk and love teaching others how to make that connection that I know will one day lead us out of the darkness and into a brighter future.


  1. I study magick, the occult and quantum spirituality. The 7 Natural laws of this universe are explained in the Hermetic Principles. The first principle is that "all is mind". We understand that nothing is "real" because all is One consciousness having multiple experiences of itself. We understand that perception creates reality. There's is only one absolute Truth and that is that Consciousness exists. Another way of saying that is "God is". No other words follow that sentence. Or another way of saying it is simply "I am".

    If anyone is interested, I recommend reading The Kybalion for learning the foundation of the laws. I also recommend reading the Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts as it's a fascinating look at how reach of us are creating our experiences through our individual attraction points.

  2. Is a possibility! of Consciousness in of form "Ones own Spirituality". Would feel to think both are more so, one of the same.
    Was could there be a Base_Line in all of as each time we 3D-cycle, to experience and express along the way to also grow/evolve such by?.
    Toss in Perspective as to how one may view such combining of Words to Feature Drive of its essence. Again along this path of ones self? And unity provided. (a great one, shared me reference to as "schmicks", schmicks do add up.)

    Is, does, Consciousness drive spiritually on this 3D stage by experience in learning much of the sensation what consciousness interfaces of all things. Experience to culture refined consciousness filling spirit like breath.
    As consciousness filtering evolving "culturing" by experience an learning all things possible. Allow thy Cup to run'th over! breaths into one spirit, spirituality unique. Spirituality as a whole of Tuned in Souls enlightens all thing.

    Ah "Grasshopper some times you have to Un-Learn what one feels to know to learn anew"


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