This is an excellent discussion and summary of what we are currently going through and where we are headed….


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. if this is an illusion why is man all in and has been knowing all these things by all the right and wrong scientists specialists and ones to know all things. Yet sitting on a fence post like black birds cackling the taste of bug has all gone wrong. Or is it that too much ink and poisons have stuck the dud-bomb into ones mouth and sucker is the label on its tail.

    There always has been something wrong with this entire picture and still as it be: " if one man can say Kill them, only that one, all of them, or just part of them." An a one other person can have the bible removed from schools. Teach wrongful subject to "Children" Lawlessness and corruption to all thing now tainted. How is it man now sitting in such a large arm chair Does Jack!.
    Not one Man has the right for doing all the right and proper action to stop the triumph of Evil. Even many good men in numbers, cannot stand up to say this is wrong and stop it now or else. They put dirt in our mouths and we pay them to do it more to us. Yet we can Examine create Studies and even Scientific Checks an Bounds.
    Yet we Pay Taxes and all encircling ourselves in such….. xyz ! ?
    What people is wrong with this picture. ? Are Bug Steaks and burgers looking okay. Does it really matter if they Line you Up and Shoot you on the wall only to scrape your remains away to make room for the next being pushed down the line. By such an easy flow of easy subject ones they call I think there human'z !
    Perspective! is it or how to what ways do or someone must say a something that people will respond and correct all wrongs of the world past present and yet a future to where is to go when we have no more oxygen to breath in our air space out doors?. guess "N.O.G.A.S" until its further the too late than it already is.

    Because no good man does nothing. But just bark a tiny little voice and bumble mumble its okay if such does not soil my shinny shoes. Or the need to squat in the mud. Maybe it be like what the USA has done to the South as too open all zoo cages and release all the Tigers Lions Everything! that are Left and still alive and let them Roam all to feast on the empty mindless zombies all of us.

    Like the Queen said – if I had Balls I'd be King.

  2. Simply "Remarkable" in a short cover yet so important colors of words expressed in a Wake Up Stand Up "HUMANS" to the reality of BALANCE. "TRUTH" add to that, ALL PLURALS OF TRUTHS by such of so many we scantly disregarded into listening and believing and made vulnerable by the repeats of LIE's forced upon by sheer "Infiltration" of unknown Forces (I'll tag such say as "Dark Forces) Intent on Infiltrating deceiving and propagating ripples of well versed lies causing slips trips and falls of ones own to polarizing and dancing on conditional unknowns as to allow take over and redress our consciousness into beliefs the Lies are the new method to embrace and move with such direction that has brought us here today. (Just what have we become?)

    Short find once as seen "quickly removed" what North America was prior to Columbus arrival to the lands of America. Shared to show all nicely highly concentration of ALL INDIAN NATIONS so precise and neighboring side by side closeness sharing all lands "TOGETHER" Did the one Chief Express in that short clip A Real Truth. AS ALSO DID "JESUS CHRIST " And Many Others Iterate in by Delivery of similar Lifes – Logics in teachings and kindness of expression.
    Did the life of hosted lies by fake history, we still really don't know 300 thousand plus years where when "Atlantis" Circled the globe also in Relational Pods of Life Centers all networked and UNIFIED as too "Unity conscious by arrangement Harmonious operations. Where by all exemplified the "Principles" meanings -> thru properly operating on known feature in by repeating methods, produces all the same results.<-" equals PEACE EQUITY FAIRNESS, PRIMARY FREEDOMS FOR ALL PEOPLES IN UNITY TOGETHER. ( there where no silos of borders country province nor state. or even the quadrants how it is now secretly being re-assigned by ).
    That we the people human all have this in the palms of all our hands When joined and that is discarding all tricks phobia no second guess.
    To share say and know by this we are "THE ONE" of Human Race we can regain our maturity of PROPER BALANCE and start "our next" i-Ching ( book of changes ) to Reform regroup change make direct necessary reconstruction to remove all invaders "outside the planet" above below within and not of our own Choice of Consciousness behavior to Freedoms as given. NO ONE CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. Feel to believe All is already decided. Feel to believe this ending is appropriate for all.

    New Prayer for "America" let alone could simply be to all the world in by all its grace:

    We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us. Many times we have done nothing, while Satan's workers in their attempt to rule the world have taken away the un-alienable freedoms you gave to us. O God Aton of Light, Creator of the human races, King of Wisdom and the One Source of all, we rejoice that your Spirit lives within us.

    We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the evil forces. We ask that your Spirit awaken our Earth-Shan people to Truth, and that they shall pray for this nation. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation. May each individual be empowered to make a strong stand against the "lies" and darkness.

    By working with the creative Power of God Aton within us, we believe that America can once again be a shinning Light of Truth to all the world. We believe that this nation can be a people of right-living. We believe that this has already begun.

    We order now through our God Spirit that all evil forces on Earth-Shan be removed and cease to exist forever in Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda's name—that they not hinder any longer our battle for freedom and Truth. We give the Lighted Realms permission to assist us in making this so. We ask for your protection as we confront evil. We ask for your courage and wisdom as we act, and we ask for your power to accomplish our Mission.

    May our original Constitution and our Bill of Rights be so re-established in the Republic of the United States of America. May the Laws of God and the Creation be established as the Supreme Law of this land. May we again become "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." We walk in faith, believing that this shall be done.

    Fill this land and our world with your Spirit of Love, and Hope, and Peace, and Joy. This is our prayer to our God-Spirit within us, to God Aton of Light. We pray this in the name of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda—and in Heaven's sequence. Not our will, O God, but in all things let Your Will be done.
    So Be It!
    #—————————————————————————————————————————————————-# Amen


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