This article in the Atlantic by Establishment Drone Director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis S. Collins, should interest us.

Not for its utterly predictable and easily debunked attempts at gaslighting about what the early days of “covid” were “really” like (the terror! the deaths! the hospitals like war-zones ! oh the humanity!).

No, what makes it interesting is the question in its title-

Why Didn’t Facing a Common Enemy Bring Us Together?

This is a respected mainstream drone authority in an establishment journal making two important admissions.

1 – that “covid” was anticipated to unite us

2 – that it failed to do so.

The first one is obvious – I mean, in his own words, “covid” was expected to “bring us together” – be a big global(ist) kumbaya moment. It was expected to be the trigger for humanity to put aside its differences in the face of a terrifying “common enemy”.

Yes, we were expected to cry with one voice, – we will lock ourselves down! Yes, we will wear face masks! Yes we will be injected with untested experimental compounds and endure empty food stores and invasive testing, QR codes and enforced medical interventions – to save us all from something much much worse!

This, of itself, isn’t really new information of course. The signs were all there very early that this was where it was intended to go. Does anyone remember ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown in March 2020 saying the quiet part outloud WAY too soon and telling people “covid” inexplicably required a global government to deal with it? (our emphasis)

Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response.

“This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.

Yikes, bit of a giveaway, right. We can be sure he got a phone call after that saying “too soon Gordon, too soon!”.

A little more circumspectly, in the same month, the German Development Institute saw…

Coronavirus as an opportunity for international cooperation

Brookings agreed with the GDI, and widened the discussion to include our old friend “climate change”, arguing “global cooperation” was essential for tackling both.

In July 2020, Secretary General of the UN Guterress in his annual lecture told the world (our emphasis)…

COVID-19 is a human tragedy. But it has also created a generational opportunity.

You don’t say…

An opportunity to build back a more equal and sustainable world.

The response to the pandemic, and to the widespread discontent that preceded it, must be based on a New Social Contract and a New Global Deal that create equal opportunities for all, and respect the rights and freedoms of all.

This is the only way that we will meet the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, agreements that address precisely the failures that are being exposed and exploited by the pandemic.

In September 2020 UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was the chosen mouthpiece for a similar call for “global unity” as the only way forward.

And also in September that year the UN (again) joined its voice to the chorus, advocating “multilateral cooperation” to deal with this devastating plague of totally unremarkable seasonal flulike illness (our emphasis)…

The COVID‑19 pandemic has been a test, demonstrating that multilateral cooperation is the key to overcoming global challenges, the President of the General Assembly said today at the conclusion of the seventy‑fifth session’s unprecedented general debate…Assembly President Volkan Bozkir (Turkey) said Member States had voiced their strong support for multilateralism, even though, for the first time in United Nations history, global leaders could not physically attend the general debate due to COVID‑19‑related restrictions at Headquarters. Indeed, the fact that leaders chose to address the General Assembly reflects the role of this world body, he said, with the vast majority confirming that multilateralism is the most effective system to address global threats.

Even China and Russia – while still apparently subject to western aggression – were 100% on board the “global cooperation train” over covid.

As we know the pandemic lie began in Wuhan with the bogus claims of a “new type of pneumonia”, and concomitant bogus search for the “cause”. In reality there was nothing unusual about the pneumonia cases, this was just the foundational lie to give a reason for a “new virus” to be searched for – and of course “found” in record time. Thus paving the way for everything that followed neatly on.

In March 2020 the Contemporary China and World: International Think Tank Webinar on Combating COVID-19” was held.

And guess what it was advocating (our emphasis)…

Noting that COVID-19 has become the most pressing challenge facing the international community, Du urged think tanks to call on all countries to put aside their differences, build consensus, strengthen cooperation and help one another.

Russia, as we all sadly have seen, has been an enthusiastic purveyor of the covid lie, and was so committed to “global cooperation” as the cure that in 2021 Putin still considered it was more important than Russia’s economic recovery (our emphasis)…

ST. PETERSBURG, June 4 (Xinhua) — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday stressed the need to join efforts globally in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

The world has not yet recovered from the difficulties and restrictions caused by COVID-19, and effective results could only be achieved through cooperation, Putin said at a meeting via video link with representatives of world news agencies.

“If sources of COVID-19 infections remain somewhere in the world, then they can again trigger a spread globally,” he said at the meeting on the sidelines of the 24th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The Russian leader believes that economic benefits should not be a priority at this point

“We need to prioritize humanitarian issues and the fight for the health and lives of people,” Putin said.

So, the road map was pretty clear from the start. The fake pandemic was intended as another “catalyzing event” that would launch us into another new age, not of perpetual war this time but of “multilateral cooperation”, a new type of “global governance”, united by new global(ist) pandemic prevention legislation, which turned nation states into mere regional authorities ultimately answerable in all things to a new central global(ist) administration (the UN and its affiliates).

To that extent the Atlantic article is just more confirmation of this intention.

What makes the article more noteworthy is the admission that what they all expected – didn’t happen

Here’s how our Atlantic writer puts it…

We urgently need to learn from what happened here. The worst pandemic in more than a century, driven by the dangerous and highly contagious virus SARS-CoV-2, should have energized and unified us. COVID was the real enemy. But instead, the pandemic tore us apart.

Ignore the inevitable blatant lie about “SARS -Cov-2” being “dangerous” (even their own official figures say ‘it’ was no more dangerous than the flu) — look at what he is admitting here.

The ‘pandemic’ “should have energized and unified us” – but it didn’t.

This is something we don’t hear about too often. Covid was supposed to “unite” us, but it failed. In this guy’s partisan language it “tore us apart” – by which he means that at some point unexpectedly large numbers of people stopped blindly obeying and started thinking for themselves.

Which had apparently not been anticipated or planned for.

They started refusing the vaccines. They started defying the lockdowns.

Remember that? The vaccine resistance. The stand in the park meet ups? The court cases? The ordinary people actually really linking hands and supporting each other in defying the legislation, the forced incarcerations?

Remember the truckers?

Remember how, ironically, people were “brought together” against a “common enemy” – just not the one Francis and his chums had intended.

Do we all remember that part?

Because clearly the narrative managers do – and so we probably should too.

It clearly dismayed the likes of Francis in the Atlantic, who just can’t get why “50 million Americans” (a potentially conservative estimate) refused the vaccine. Of course this disinformation drone respected government official spins it as being tragic, and inevitably spews more old statistical lies about “covid deaths”, which can be shown to be meaningless. But it can’t conceal the root of his concern, which is simply – ‘why oh why did our narrative fail?’

This is an important reveal we should all focus on. Because – I suggest – it was this “failure” that led us to where we are now.

The “global unity” project did not work as intended. In fact by 2021 it was falling apart due to narrative inconsistencies and simple grassroots resistance on a level not accounted for.

So it had to be replaced – at short notice – by something else.

Something else that would –

💢 put a quick stop to the growing resistance

💢divert attention from the sinking wreckage of the unity project

💢 permit the globalist agenda to continue but at a slightly slower pace and by a different route, maybe multiple routes, that might bamboozle people afresh into accepting it

What do we think that ‘something else’ might have been?

What new narratives have emerged that have succeeded – impressively – at some or all of the above?

There are so many to choose from aren’t there.

Are enough people sufficiently aware that, while “covid” may have been reluctantly retired to the back burner, the agenda it was intended to promote is still being rolled out, piece by piece, under different banners, for different alleged “reasons”?

Answers on a postcard.


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