Watch the inimitable Professor Ian Plimer launch the Institute of Public Affairs’ Climate Change: The Facts 2025. Climate policy remains the single biggest policy obsession of Western governments and institutions such as the United Nations, NGOs and universities. It impacts trade flows, the geopolitical balance, economic growth, and public opinion in the West. Climate Change: The Facts 2025 is the fifth edition of a series of books that has spanned 15 years. It is a truly scientific work and was edited by Dr Jennifer Marohasy and Dr John Abbot. The research contained within, from highly credentialed contributors, provides a more complete answer and awareness to how natural variation influences the view of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Already too late. Previous All word by a daily heart life delivery 'One' Dane Wigington at has also expressed in 100 different levels such microscopic scientific proof to detail as to "Worry about climate" the current acid washing dosage Checker Boarding chemical Aerial Dispersion hence chemical assault "onto" the entire global air space and physical construct in current standings and weekly updates to Climate.
It 'chemical residual accumulations', continuous 7×24 pattern delivery has already caused greater damage destroying the planet eco system onto the planets surface, is far in of current event, than petri dish and litmus paper testings.
So nice to hear such a professional "Scientific Delivery" Down Under! exhibiting the right words even as to cause laughter of such audience. Yet not so funny by effect and reality. As it seems now America has also done publicly of all similar out cry and blood line effect along web based presentations. Now Australia to share adding such out cry parallel cast to Science knowledge confirming all the same in level of verbal education to present in compounding effects and scientific conclusion. A one book to the rescue. So was another King James book altered in truths before public view could learn hidden truths without replacement of dialog as done. Scrutinized and demonized by process of intent. Not of balanced mind. Still utter the Told You So!
Provides a refreshing level of Truths given knowing even by his words saying in next years becoming challenge will exist. Already too late depending upon Perception of ones nose to face. As mankind cannot learn by other galactic mistake in Sci-Fi example also destroying similar planet environments pushing such few last surviving populace to escape the planets fall into space and searching other planet life that "Might' support such habitat like planet Earth now in its crest of final stages also to being revealed in similar state progression.
Yet as people cannot see what is in face by devious deceptions, the "After Affect will certainly catch up with that" Should have paid attention when the signs where already present.
Man kind has much been swindled into the Vaccine of voodoo spelled effort tossing most all into oblivion of Money Bitcoin crypto AI and the lies in 'govern-mental controlled media' news channel as to trust its deception and keep the " Doesn't bother me syndrome guess its not a problem and return to ones "Screen by habitual addiction".
When the smothering blanket is pulled over ones head and cinched at the neck! might only be the time when people actually wake up. Whilst attention being distracted the world behind your backs has smoldered away. The smell of Victory in the morning is napalm of lies and devious deliberate manipulations. Easily Tricked!. Gone with the common sense of all things even before 911 events attempt to wake people up.
Continued nourishment will carry by frozen or dry bag, can, and box, when even that will be also the too late there is nothing on the food outlet shelves the longer. Too late even emotion by the few that might even click on this is read view even listen start to finish Question the charge to participate. Shocking that it is. Such efforts have been carried world wide. Yet the brain washing still emits " What you believe in all that? aerial dispersion stuff, "Nonsense?" What can harmless vapor let alone any to raise their heads in effort to even knowing let alone "ACCEPT" such is already been burning in the background for greater of 50yrs already. (trees dying, to falling over, Can't see the forest for the trees! ??? Where did, are the trees now!")
Watch "the Dimming" for a cry to see Eagle passage in Virginia. (The see to find evidence of your own new knowledge and what you see to find maybe shocking enough. But Accept the duty to learn such info and wake up to how far progress has spent)
That beer or wine single malt of choice milk juice etc, one might be consuming contains Nuclear isotopes and now a whole cash drawer of other delivered Toxic Additives and toss in Everyday Chemicals to each glass. Yet as even mentioned you paid for " your own death sentence " slow and harmless by simple tricked spell yearly by the new book written by criminals. Tax Time "Pay your taxes". still all about the money an money for nothing easy tricked again.
Decay of Lifes Principles etiquette is the evidence. in every principle of life one might already be "trying/supplimented" to circumvent the slow death killings by.
tic tok
There really is such a thing as real climate change. It has been happening in real life for at least a billion years. For example, this location where i am now used to be under many fathoms deep in ice year around. There is also such a thing as the climate change scam. That is a huge and intricate psychological offence designed to defraud the public into giving consent to tyrannical measures to allow big government to deprive it of every more purchasing power and freedom. It is a tapestry of lies.