Stellara Vox here ready to help you remember the truth of who you are today. I’ll share ten signs that you are a Pleiadian starseed on a mission to anchor a new frequency on planet Earth. We are Pleiadian starseeds here to be ambassadors through time and play a critical role in the ascension of human consciousness and the planet. Once I saw the word Pleiadian flash across my mind’s eye in a yoga class, I went on a deep journey within to uncover my origins and reconnect with my sacred mission. Join me in discovering the signs that you, too, are a Pleiadian starseed ready to shine more brightly with the recognition of the truth of who you are. In this video, learn to appreciate the signs that you are a Pleiadian starseed and allow yourself to reconnect with the deep knowingness of what you came to the planet to do – and most importantly – to be. You


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