The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky by US President Donald Trump signifies.

First of all, to understand we are dealing with the end of an entity that goes back at least a thousand years, look at the images below.

They show the Ukrainian government uses the same symbol as the Khazarian empire did over a thousand years ago. The elite of this Satan-worshipping empire have been plotting revenge against Russia ever since Christian Tsars destroyed their empire over a thousand years ago.


It goes even deeper than that. We are witnessing the end of a 3000-year-old plot to enslave all of humanity. The KM have been defeated by an Anglo-Saxon, Russian and Jewish alliance.

The news events you see over the coming days and weeks need to be looked at in this context.

What we were shown last week was a farce in which Zelensky, Trump and Vice President, JD Vance argued in front of a gathering of the world’s media. Ostensibly Zelensky was there to sign an agreement offering $500 billion worth of Ukrainian rare earth metals to the United States. What happened though is that he asked for the US military to fight against Russia in exchange for the minerals. Trump and Vance said no, and Zelensky was unceremoniously booted out of the meeting. The videos below show some of the highlights of this farce.

It was a farce because first of all, Ukraine does not have $500 billion worth of minerals. Russian FSB sources say there is about $20 billion dollars worth of minerals in the Ukraine that are on Russian-controlled territory.

Furthemore, Zelensky cannot give Trump the mining concessions because he  already gave them to the UK. On January 16, just four days before Trump’s inauguration, London and Kiev signed a hundred-year partnership treaty. It stipulates the UK will take control of all ports, power plants, natural gas concessions, storage facilities, pipelines and titanium deposits in Ukraine.

Three high-level sources, including one from the US Space Force, say now there will be a financial collapse in America this year along with civil unrest and war. Trump was clinging to the idea of $500 billion worth of minerals because he was hoping to use that money to avert bankruptcy.

His talk about replacing the internal revenue service with an external revenue service is another case in point. The Trump people are stuck in the original constitution from 250 years ago when tariffs were the main source of government income. This is not 250 years ago. The US government gets 5.1 trillion dollars a year from taxes. US total imports are $3 trillion a year. That means the US would have to impose 150% tariffs to get the same amount of money. That is impossible because people are not going to pay 150% more for their imports.

The talk of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada is also impossible. US farmers get 80% of their potash from Canada. Putting a tariff on that will raise costs for US farmers and make them uncompetitive. Then there is aluminum and steel. US industry depends on cheap Canadian steel and aluminum made in giant factories that use cheap Canadian hydropower. You cannot just delete or move these giant industrial facilities with the stroke of a pen. Without this cheap metal, US industry becomes uncompetitive.

Clearly the elephant in the room remains the Federal Reserve Board. It needs to be nationalized along with all the other central banks if the US is to avoid bankruptcy. That is what the real war is about. This will involve bankrupting the US Corporation and replacing it with something new. Here is commentary from a Pentagon source about the situation:

So, the time has now arrived for the U.S. to show the world their gold hand. Will Trump suppress the news, if it is bad?  Very likely. Whether the gold is or is not in Fort Knox, it could be seen as a sideshow. After all, it accounts for only 2% of all the gold ever mined in history. But on the other hand, either little or no gold there, results in no confidence in the U.S. or in the dollar.

At $2,920, all the gold officially held by Central Banks is $3 trillion. Just one US stock – Microsoft – has a market cap of $3 trillion. How can the value of a SINGLE AMERICAN COMPANY equal the total central bank gold holdings?

It tells us, how overvalued stocks are; and that the gold price is ridiculously low. 

Gold is just starting another massive UP-MOVE. This is the acceleration or exponential phase, as explained below.

Now Trump says the U.S. will move forward on a “Crypto Strategic Reserve” that includes XRP, SOL, ADA, Bitcoin, ETH, and other cryptos. This is all fine and dandy but he will have to back them with a basket of real-world goods or he will just be whistling in the wind.

In another sign of the financial bizarro world, a Citigroup attempt to credit a client’s account with just $280 went wildly wrong, crediting it with $81 trillion instead, the Financial Times reports. The colossal error undermines the company’s drive to convince regulators that it has rectified operational shortcomings that have plagued it for years.

This was probably not a mistake, it was some kind of high level money laundering operation; all they needed was for the money to appear in an account for a few seconds to cook some fake books with.

Facing bankruptcy, Trump has allied himself with Russia against the owners of the FRB, the EU and their front man Zelensky. In what amounts to a declaration of war Trump said: “The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States. That is the purpose of it.”

To show support for Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin says “We’d be open to working with the U.S. on rare earth mineral resources. We have far more than Ukraine… we have deposits [all over] the region. Developing them needs capital investments. We’d welcome private companies.”

More evidence of a US/Russian alliance came with the news the U.S. plans to “act as an intermediary” and transport Russian gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipelines to Germany. Secret talks have been taking place in Switzerland to discuss a deal for several weeks already.

This Putin/Trump bromance prompted the Europeans to call a meeting at the Rothschild-owned Lancaster House, a 200-year-old elegant mansion near Buckingham Palace, The meeting included leaders from France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, Czechia and Romania, as well as the NATO secretary-general and the presidents of the European Commission and European Council. Even the gap-toothed Justin Trudeau avatar was there.

Here you can watch Zelensky arrive at 10 Downing Street in London after being “kicked out” of the White House. He ignores questions about getting Trump back on the side. He then went to the meeting at the Rothschild property.

After the meeting, EU globalists Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, EU Commission, Roberta Metsola, President of EU Parliament, Antonio Costa, President of the European Council, and Manfred Weber, President of the European People’s Party all sent out this same message:

Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President


We will continue working with you for a just and lasting peace.

This meeting was followed by a blizzard of propaganda. For example, the KM published this picture of a fake bloated King Charles with a fake Zelensky.

Then blackmailed pedophile UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he wants to put UK “boots on the ground and planes in the air” to defend a peace deal in Ukraine.

The reality though is the British army only has 25 main battle tanks working at best, and troops are “not set up” for a deployment to Ukraine, according to the Independent.


That is why EU witch  Ursula von der Leyen said “We have to urgently rearm” at the London Ukraine summit.


The problem is that with the new Russian/US alliance, Russia can occupy all of Western Europe within a few weeks without worrying about US retaliation. What is going to happen is the Europeans will have to surrender to Russia and ask for their protection from China.

Here you can watch a brainwashed EU bureaucrat Kaja Kallas slowly approach conclusion only Russia can protect them from China..

The Russians will be happy to do this as soon as the war crimes trials for the Nazi mass murderers have been conducted.

Here you can see group photos of the pedophiles and murderers the Russians want to bring to justice:

The situation has also led to a flurry of back-channel communications between the CIA, the FSB, MI6 and Asian secret societies.

These groups have a long standing agreement that no matter what, they will not be fooled into starting all out thermonuclear war. A Senior Japanese military commander recently confirmed to this writer what US Space force and other sources say, and that is that nuclear war has already destroyed civilization on this planet at least twice.

This time, to avert all-out war, a plan that has been agreed to by various Western and Eastern secret societies that calls for



Replacing the current UN centered international architecture with a global village of seven groups who would deal with situatons that affect us all.

In a sign the US military white hats behind Trump go along with this plan, de facto US military spokesman Elon Musk backed calls for the US to withdraw from NATO and the United Nations after months of badmouthing the two international organizations.

The UN is closely linked to the Rockefeller family. Family patriarch John D. Rockefeller had the following creed about non-KM humans: “We will shorten their lives and weaken their minds, pretending to do the opposite. We will use our scientific and technological knowledge in subtle ways so that they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, as well as in the air. They will be covered in poisons wherever they turn. Soft metals will make them lose their minds.”

The Rockefellers managed to avoid war crimes trials for supporting the Nazis by donating the plot of land the UN headquarters are built on.

Most of the UN’s activities are funded by KM honchos like the Rockefellers.

The Rockefellers are also the people behind cancer. As Polish intelligence informs us: “The cancer epidemic is an undeniable fact and the long-term effectiveness of its treatment with Rockefeller methods is below 3%, i.e. killing people with chemotherapy is over 97% effective. Over 95% of all cancers are mitochondrial metabolic diseases and have nothing to do with genes but with environmental factors, such as chemicalization of food.”

This same Satanic KM group was trying to use their privately funded WHO to turn the planet into a giant human factory farm using their pandemic treaty. This is now blowing up in their faces. A representative of the Polish non-profit CitizenGo organization says:

“I just got back from Geneva, straight from the UN headquarters, and I can tell you one thing – WHO is in serious trouble. Panic, chaos, desperation – you can see that they are losing ground. They are doing everything to save the situation, because we are the ones who are dealing them a heavy blow.

The WHO is cracking under pressure – I saw it with my own eyes. Delegations are getting nervous, and more and more countries are starting to hesitate.”

Bill Gates -the person supplying over 80% of the WHO’s funds- applied for Beast System Patent 060606 in June 2019. Then he released COVID-19 via EcoHealth on September 11, 2019. Then he published Patent 060606 in March 2020.

This mark of the beast patent is to track “all vaccinated people worldwide connected to the ‘internet of things’ via a quantum link of pulsed microwave frequencies at 2.4 gigahertz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide stored in the fatty tissues,” according to Polish intelligence sources.

It wasn’t just to track us. It was also to kill us. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates injected the World with HIV and Cancer.: “An SV40 Monkey Virus…that showed up in 1951-1955…now shows up in the ‘Covid Vaccine’…75 years later…?”

We also have plenty of evidence the corporate propaganda media uses fearmongering lies to try to fool people into taking these toxic vaccines. In the latest example, ABC News uses a Mumbai image from 2022 to push the “measles outbreak” in Texas in 2025. Nothing spells out HOAX like faked photos on main stream news.

US Space Force sources tell us the uber James Bond villain Gates has recently gone missing. It is not clear yet if the MI6 007 hit ordered on him was successful or if he is hiding in a deep hole somewhere,


A lot of other villains are definitely getting rounded up. Satellite imagery of the Guantanamo Bay naval base showsroughly 175 new structures — mainly temporary buildings and canvas tents — constructed between Feb. 2 and Feb. 19.

The question is, will these new facilities house pedophile Satanists or illegal immigrants?

There is a big question mark hanging over whether we are finally going to see a real crackdown on the child killers:

US Attorney General Pam Bondi received fierce backlash on both sides of the political aisle over the chaotic release of federal files on the late billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, which has been described as a “debacle” and an “absolute clown show.”

The incident had Republicans and Democrats alike up in arms, after the files failed to yield major new findings and featured some information that was already public. Copies of the ‘Epstein Files’ were given to a number of hand-selected influencers before being published on the Department of Justice website several hours later.

“It was not a good day for the administration,” Florida Democrat Jared Moskowitz said, speaking on CNN. “ If you look at the traffic online over the Epstein release, I have never seen the left and the right come together in a moment on the debacle of [the files’ release.”


In another bad sign: actor Gene Hackman has died alongside his wife, pianist Betsy Arakawa, and their dog at home.


Gene Hackman’s death is under suspicious investigation after authorities found the home’s door left open and unsecured, with pills scattered beside his wife.

Pentagon sources say Gene Hackman was supposed to be the first witness for the DOJ/FBI on Hollywood pedophilia.

Ian Carrol says it correctly.  Dan Bongino, the new deputy director of the FBI, doesn’t dare call out Israel as the nation that was behind Epstein’s blackmailing operation. The evidence is overwhelming that he is a Mossad asset.

Then there is this:

Asking for a friend: How long can the JFK files, MLK files, and Epstein files sit on Pam Bondi’s desk?

Did we get played again?

The answer seems to be it’s a small club that controls them all

Now an FBI whistleblower confirms FBI employees were destroying evidence related to Jeffrey Epstein’s files and the JFK assassination.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger Xd: Hey everybody, @RepLuna is gonna release everything… just as soon as the dog-and-pony show is complete, and they’ve scrubbed all ties to Mossad, and Israel are removed from everything, and all the important people who have ties to Epstein Island are scrubbed, and as soon as all the cover stories are complete, and as soon as the internet archive is scrubbed and all social media is scrubbed…

AND THEN you will get the truth!

The days when Israel can suppress the truth are ending quickly because Israel itself is basically finished. Mossad sources say the cease-fire in Gaza and exchange of hostages is really a total Israeli military defeat. When they talk about new offensives by the IDF “The meaning: Israel is about to collapse. They have nothing left. It’s all bluff,” the sources say. Israel is now admitting the October 7th attack was a false flag aimed at justifying genocide.

No matter what, more such truth is coming out. In the most recent case, children’s clothing and books were discovered in tunnels underneath an abandoned KFC near Yuma.


Also, a Russian task force has just rescued thousands of children trafficked by Marina Abramovic, according to Russian FSB and other sources. Russian special forces rescued thousands of enslaved children from a factory farm in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, as President Putin’s campaign against the global adrenochrome industry intensifies. According to Russian sources involved in the raid, the bust that liberated hundreds of children was made possible by the infiltration of an adrenochrome party organized by Marina Abramovic and attended by elites in Paris, France. Ukraine is the global capital of the child sex trade and investigators warn it is home to a network of adrenochrome factories.

Vladimir Zelensky and his backers will go down as some of the worst war criminals in history. Zelensky and the so-called “Russian” Wagner mercenary group rounded up Ukrainian men and sent them to designated zones to be killed with artillery fire. The women and children were then rounded up and sold as sex slaves, or involuntary organ donors or tortured for adrenachrome.

The population of Ukraine was 53 million people in 1993; now some estimates say it is as low as 18 million. A significant part of the population fled to the EU, or Russia. However, about 1.5 million military-aged Ukrainian men were killed, Now, most of Ukraine’s best land is controlled by the likes of Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street.

The Russians are demanding compensation for the trouble caused to them by this KM Ukraine genocide. Russian President Vladimir Putin and senior Russian officials continue to reject US negotiating terms and demand that Ukraine surrender territory that Russia does not occupy. They say “Novorossiya” is an “integral” part of Russia. Putin and other Russian officials defined”Novorossiya” as all of eastern and southern Ukraine (including Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, and Mykolaiv oblasts.

This is in line with the agreement reached between the five eyes and the Russians. Under this agreement, Odesa will return to Russia but be a free port like Hong Kong to allow Ukraine unimpeded trade access with the world.

Similar agreements are being implemented around the world,

For example, in a sign they are preparing for an East/West future planning agency, the Chinese regime announced plans for a nearly 700,000-square-foot embassy at the Royal Mint Court, a historic site near the Tower of London, in 2018. The plans received a boost in January after the British foreign and interior ministers indicated they would support the construction proposal.

If completed, the new Chinese Embassy would be 10 times the size of China’s current embassy at London’s Portland Place and almost twice that of the Chinese Embassy in Washington.

Of course, the Asians have some house cleaning of their own to finish before a planning agency can be stared.

Japanese journalist Yukio Ishihara just returned from a mission to report on the horror of the specialized fraud bases in eastern Myanmar. Tens of thousands of foreigners are being held captive and forced to commit fraud at these bases. The Border Guard Force (BGF), an ethnic armed group that effectively controls the region, has rescued more than 7,000 foreigners from about 30 countries in searches of these bases. One fraud base, “KK Park” is run by a Chinese crime organization and holds more than 10,000 people who were taken to Myanmar via Thailand. The total damage from specialized fraud, ransom demands, and other losses in Southeast Asia is said to be more than 45 billion US dollars. If you ever get a random email from a “beautiful Chinese woman” offering you some sort of deal it is probably some poor Chinese guy being held prisoner in Myanmar. Ishihara says there is also a lot of organ trafficking and kidnapping for ransom. If a victim is not good at fraud and his family cannot ransom him, his organs are trafficked.  We are also getting reports of bioweapons factories are being set up in the region

So basically, China has a Ukraine-style crime zone on its borders that it needs to clean up.

We are also getting new reports of directed energy weapons attacks in Asia. These photos showing buildings destroyed and plants intact are from a recent attack on Japan.

Also, a DUMB in Indonesia was just taken out as this news report indicates:

A shallow 6.1-magnitude earthquake hit near the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no damage or casualties immediately reported.

“I know the area well. The Northern part of the island is known as a child/women trafficking center. The name of the main city is Manado. Very beautiful girls there. Tall with fair skin,” a Pentagon source says.  

To summarize, the planet Earth has been suffering from a Satanic infection and we are on the verge of being cured.




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