Global Situation Report and Free Energy
By Rob Potter of the Promise Revealed
Dear Promise Revealed Friends,
Here is part A – 1 of Global situation report: Click here Part A-1
Part 2 of Global situation report: Click here for part 2
Report, Kim Goguen as Ground Command, Part # 3 The Big Reveal Free Energy
This power cube is not out yet but when enough of the silence group and their murder for hire people are removed this can be safely released. Realize they have killed people with cars that run on water!
They have killed doctors who cure cancer (too many to name) they have also confiscated and threatened many with other types of free energy. This is the real deal and will lead to much more freedom.
After this we will get anti-gravity sleds, and the secret space program will take a knee, and our space fleets will be used openly.
The Venusians are preparing for this as we will soon join the galactic confederation of light. The moon bases, Mars bases, and other space platforms will soon be revealed.
Please do not get too triggered by my intel. This will probably be one of my last talks about the deep state. More actual Venusian messages will be shared regularly from now on at my websight:
I’m sorry this took so long to get out. A lot has been going on in my personal life. Please note, you have three YouTube links. I did a couple videos and really needed to expand a bit. Forgive me if I am a bit feisty in these but it is so sad to see everyone if following FAKE NEWS.
Please disregard everything on TV about the new leader. HE DIED ON EARLY 2022. Outrageous yes. Do you dare investigate? Please Google search to look at a picture of Trump and Donald Jr. in 2019. Trump the real one was 6’5″. Now he is shorter than Don Jr. who is 6″1″. Do you remember when the ambulance went to Mar a Lago? The second to last Trump clone was malfunctioning. The “duck dynasty” operatives running the fake Trump quickly kicked out the secret service. The ambulance was called and retrieved the very last Trump Clone.
The final clone was activated and lasted less than an hour. Now it’s all doppelgängers and mask wearing doubles who certainly change a lot from day to day. The trump Operatives have convinced the world they can get the money.
They cannot because Kim Goguen is Ground Command, and she holds the position that was once held by a fallen angel named M.
If you click the link below, even Benjamin Fulford noticed the difference. He has recently called him fake Trump. Sadly, he thinks the real Trump is still alive and exposes many things but, he rejects Kim. Benjaman Fulford Acknowledges Fake Trump
I would strongly suggest you Google search for a Putin image from 2010 and then search for a recent image. Please notice how his head has changed sizes…. for real! Look at pictures of the Stand in for Hillary who is also dead. She is a full 12-16 inches shorter when she stands next to Bill Clinton always with a mask. Pence is also dead, a fake replacement, and the same for Dick Cheney. They are not the original people!
HRC appeared to be handcuffed from behind as she was surrounded by “aides” on 9/11/16. We were told she had tripped, was over heated, and later it was pneumonia. But the person on the right above that came out of an apartment a few hours later looked younger, thinner, wearing a different color blazer. Was she arrested and taken to GITMO that day while the media covered it up? Watch the video!
It’s a wild, wild west out there and the house of cards is soon to collapse.
The entire world has been run by fallen Angels according to Kim Goguen, and for 250,000 years! This includes Seraphim, Elohim, Cherubim, and even Ophanim!
Awaken dear ones. The world is about to Change.
Warm Regards
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