Home Authors Posts by Dane Arr

Dane Arr

Dane Arr
Inventor, Designer, Astrologer, Writer, Web Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur, Father, Husband, Grandpa and all around mad creative, born under Pieces at 5:55 degrees in California USA.
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Cannabis Oil Is Gathering an Unstoppable Momentum as a World Class...

Published on blacklisted news.com, Cannabis Oil is Gathering an Unstoppable Momentum explains the difference between cannabis oil and hempseed oil, along with the many benefits...
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How Frequency And Vibration Create The Structures Of Matter And Life

In an article by PL Chang on In5D.com, How Frequency and Vibration Create the Structures of Matter and Life, he discusses the neutral point...
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Charles Darwin Was Wrong. Consciousness IS Key To Evolution.

In this article from Anohq.com Deepak Chopra is quoted as saying "Charles Darwin is wrong!" which get him five stars on my scale. What...
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UFOs Charging From the Sun — Type II Alien Civilization in...

UFOs Charging from the Sun, an article from Humans are Free.com, discusses the Michio Kaku theory of three types of civilizations, which places ours...
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An Apology to Humanity

 by TFJaxen ©2015 Setting the Stage If you have it readily available please listen the wonderful song by Enigma, A Return to Innocence, 2001  before reading, then this...
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Long Island Physical Clearing: May 9th

On Saturday the 9th of May, a group of dedicated Lightowarriors and Lightworkers will be in LI to anchor Light, clear the Energies and...
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2015-03-22 Gordon Asher Davidson in Mandarin

2015年3月22日 哥頓.艾舒亞.大衛遜哥頓.艾舒亞.大衛遜是加利福尼亞州 的『遠見領導中心』(Center for Visionary Leadership)的創辦人之一。他也是『Transfiguration of Our World』的作者和『The Practical Visionary, Spiritual Politics and Builders of the Dawn』的合著者。他亦和其他人創立了天狼星,一個在馬薩諸塞州 的生態和靈性社區村落。他還是『Social Investment Forum』的創立董事。他的著作『Transfiguration of Our World』記載了一個故事。這個故事說明當那些尋求解放所有物種從而令其達到神聖潛能的人和宇宙的靈性力量聯合時,人類的靈性和不屈不撓的自由便會得到勝利。而這個故事正正發生在現今的地球上。這本書為讀者提供了一個對當前世界局勢的起因令人驚嘆和具啟發性的概觀,和光明勢力為地球的轉變而準備的現在與長遠目標。它解釋了世界是如何受到人類和跨維度的光之聯盟的共同創造影響,和他們如何合作將地球上的黑暗(勢力)改變,和如何為一個以愛及提高靈性的計劃為基礎的文明提供支援。你將會以意想不到的新角度去理解: 地球上光明和黑暗勢力在歷史和現在的戰爭; 由靈性上高度進化的物種跟從宇宙法則為解放地球所帶來的新能量; 一個正在進行而為了重新平衡地球生態的詳盡計劃 這還包括金融,政治和媒體的改革,一個更公平的資源分配,重新建構大自然環境,和一場為了在靈性上團結人類和其他高度文明的復興計劃,這將包括外星文明。 2015年3月22日,星期日『為變化作準備』電台節目主持:朱迪,...
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Self Heal Emotional and Physical Ailments and Recognize Your True Potential

Join up with Vanaja Ananda and many magnificent soul sisters and brothers for a FREE distance healing meditation done globally twice per week in...
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Report on Cobra/Isis Breakthrough Conference held in Alfriston, Sussex, UK April...

By Murray MorisonArrivalAs some of the content of this conference may be similar to other conferences, the focus of this report will be to provide...
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Entities: A Life Force of Their Own

By Liam R. PhillipsIntroductionAn entity by definition is anything that has a life force of it’s own. In this article we are going to...

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