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2020 to 2030 – A Lost Decade or Opportunity for Great...

2020 to 2030 - A Lost Decade or Opportunity for Great Change? Rev. Kat Carroll Here it is, August of 2024. We are more than halfway...

Official Report : Cobra’s Workshop in Malaysia “Rise of the Dragons”...

ASCENSION WORKSHOP Rise of the Dragons . Malaysia 2024 Notes of Ascension Workshop at Kuala Lumpur by Nogi July 17th, 2024 https://www.lemurialight.com/compressionbreakthrough/2024/ascension-workshop-rise-of-the-dragons-malaysia-2024 Content Disclaimer Opening of the Workshop Remarks before Beginning ...

Official Reports : Cobra’s Workshop in Paris “Saint Germain New Atlantis”(June...

FRENCH TRANSLATION / TRADUCTION FRANCAISE : https://fr.prepareforchange.net/2024/07/27/notes-officielles-atelier-de-cobra-a-paris-saint-germain-nouvelle-atlantidejuin-2024/ ( PFC NOTE : our French PFC team has made a FRENCH BROADCAST with testimonies and explanations about the...

All will be revealed

The dark forces that have enjoyed unlimited freedom on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years are now facing our helpful alien brothers...

God’s Power to Perform Miracles vs. Satan’s Power to Practice Magic...

by Brian Shilhavy, Western culture, and in particular American culture, can trace its origins back to Europe and the time period known as the “Age of...

July 13, 2024 – Assassination Attempt on Trump – Sunday Morning...

July 13 2024 Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump Sunday Morning Quarterbacking By Rev. Kat Carroll By now, you have noticed the “shots heard round the world”,...

The Revelation of YOU: Unleashing Your Authentic Being into the World

What does it take to become the next best version of you? When you can find absolute authenticity, then you'll find the Universe progressively...

Lisa Renee : Emotional Intelligence

Source : https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/2534-emotional-intelligence   On the pathway of Spiritual Ascension, we are constantly challenged to address and heal our pain body in so that we can increase...

Sandra Walter : introduction to the awakening phenomenon for family,...

What is happening to my friend? A brief introduction to the awakening phenomenon for family, friends and colleagues of the awakened As an Ascension Guide, I...
Pleiadians return

Return of the Pleiadians Meditation ( May 2024)

According to Cobra, in the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System. As a result of...

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