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Yearly Archives: 2014

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More Government seizing Dormant Bank Accounts – check yours.

http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/australia-seizes-360m-from-dormant-bank-accounts-and-all-50-u-s-states-are-doing-this-tooAustralia Seizes 360M From Dormant Bank Accounts And All 50 U.S. States Are Doing This Too By Michael Snyder, on June 12th, 2014     Do you have...
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Daily/Weekly News Update

Dear PFC,I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a daily or weekly basis. I make no claim to the accuracy...
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MASS ANIMAL DEATHS – What is going on?

Something is going on with our planet. Maybe it's several things. Life on our world is perishing by the droves. What's causing it? Look...
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Four Horsemen – full movie

http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/money/four-horsemen---full-film.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fbvquHSPJU ForbiddenKnowledgeTV Alexandra Bruce June 15, 2014FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.23 international thinkers,...
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Matthew Ward – June 2, 2014

Passed along by Judi and as always, channeled by Suzy Ward.  Like the Pleiadian channeling posted directly underneath this one, the message is particularly...
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Dear Souls of Earth

(Passed along by Judi)http://firstcontactgroundcrewteam.com/blog1.php/dear-souls-of-earth
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PFC Technology needs your help

Hello Family,I have recently come across some drastic changes in my life and am needing some help. Any donations, heart warming messages, or open...
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Hawaii To Create Extraterrestrial Visitor Sanctuary

Thanks to Judi for passing this on!Here's a YouTube video from ExoNews.tv:Dr. Michael Salla, speaking in the video above, also wrote this piece for...
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Who Is Richard Gilder Rockefeller?

This is death is more than a bit confusing.  Small-plane and/or helicopter crashes are a commonly-used tool of the Cabal to take out those...
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Archbishop claims he didn’t know it was illegal for priests to...

To be fair, he didn't know that during the 1980's...but he knows better now!http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2654529/Archbishop-quizzed-sexual-abuse-lawsuit-claims-didnt-know-illegal-priests-sex-children-1980s.html#ixzz34R6dwzJ7

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