A final clearing of the old 3D energies is now taking place on Gaia. Any remnants of the old outworn negative 3D energies that might then still remain will be wiped away in one go by the Event Flash / Galactic Love Wave energies on the day of The Event.
We just learned from Cobra to-day Aug 17th 2016 that “since mid-July the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the veil to appear”! Great stuff! This also means that communication between Lightworkers and higher dimensional nonphysical Spiritual Beings / Guides will be clearer. They will also now be making contact with more of the awakened population at this time. When The Event has taken place this practice of direct communication between human beings and spiritual guides will quickly become the norm as more and more people discover that they do not require a go between in the form of a teacher, master etc. to be in direct contact with Source.
Feminine Masculine Energies
Finding balance in our use of our masculine and feminine energies seems to be what Love is all about! So many of the women on this planet have been unbalanced in their giving and taking. Sadly, by having to be engaged in the active masculine doing and giving they have simply not had the time, or eventually lost the ability to allow their feminine energies to be on the receiving end of things. Just think of all of the women you know either in the richer or poorer income levels and how much that they actually juggle endlessly these days to work outside the home, run a home and raise children and a hundred other demands. How could anyone even wonder at all why there are so many divorces in the world today? This mad crazy rat-race hyped up existence brings everyone to their knees one way or another eventually.
A loving relationship needs time and space for alone time, for mutual nourishment and people today, and this includes both men and women, have extremely limited time for their own alone time to ‘fill up’, have time to ponder, to know themselves etc. Without having time to experience the renewal of our energies – without the experiences of the feminine receptive side of our nature being nourished, how on earth is a woman (especially) to be expected to continue giving of herself and her love in a relationship? I live in Sweden. Here as elsewhere there are now so many men that exist in the same dilemma that most women experience. So many fathers are now also responsible for juggling work and a home and children.
This madness has to change! This madness is changing! This madness will end because people are seeking other values now. We the light workers of Gaia have chosen at this time to be among the many who are anchoring balanced Goddess energy through our actively / physically living our lives as truthfully and lovingly as possible.
We will all have a ‘citizen’ wage to cover our basic needs after The Event and this will end this madness. Then people will work maximum 3-4 hours a day and there will be time to nourish ourselves and one another again. Family life will have priority and we will all learn again how to give and take in balance.
Allow Spirit to renew your feminine energy now. Ask Spirit how you best can balance your feminine masculine energies and to teach you how to renew your energy your unique way.
The Goddess Feminine aspect of creation has now returned to Her rightful place on Gaia. This is awakening everyone to the truth of how our lives can be balanced through the acceptance of the truth of who we are. We are Divine at our core and if we surrender and allow our Divine Mother to take over the wheel we will be shown how we once again can give (masculine) and receive (feminine) in balance. Like Cobra has often said ‘Goddess wants peace and peace She will have’. Peace comes to our souls when we learn to give and take in balance. Let Her and Her legions of Light assist you now as that is what they are here to do. They are here to assist our return to as much balance as possible in readiness for The Event.
Also each and every step forward that we take in bringing balanced give and take into our lives is affecting the entire field of unified consciousness worldwide. The readier we are the easier our transition will be at the time. Let’s each of us prepare for this Event now.
Therese Zumi
First published on PFC 21st August 2016 at 2148 PM CEST
“The Goddess Feminine aspect of creation has now returned to Her rightful place on Gaia. This is awakening everyone to the truth of how our lives can be balanced through the acceptance of the truth of who we are. We are Divine at our core and if we surrender and allow our Divine Mother to take over the wheel we will be shown how we once again can give (masculine) and receive (feminine) in balance. Like Cobra has often said ‘Goddess wants peace and peace She will have’. Peace comes to our souls when we learn to give and take in balance. Let Her and Her legions of Light assist you now as that is what they are here to do. They are here to assist our return to as much balance as possible in readiness for The Event.
Also each and every step forward that we take in bringing balanced give and take into our lives is affecting the entire field of unified consciousness worldwide. The readier we are the easier our transition will be at the time.”
WONDERFUL and full of LOVE
Thank you All, Sisters, and Brothers.
Thank you very much, Therese, this is so welcome to me, in between the more dramatic and often disturbing articles here. I’m beginning to feel that many of us could benefit from focussing on creating a balanced new world, our unique purposeful vision, starting close to HOME where the HEART is. Some of us do this already.
I can’t see another way to achieve and create that new world, within the space given to us as a one time opportunity, as a joyful invitation, at this moment in time. In closer encounter with our spirit-guides, present more in our awareness, working with us towards harmony and peace. I’m convinced from experience, that whenever energy gets stuck, stepping into motion and change is the bridge over troubled water.
Let this comfort you, reading this and feeling a bit low:
Although I am having difficulty with this task right now and struggling to stay focused with the balance aspect at this particular time, the article is very welcome and written.