David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock. I’m here with Corey Goode. And in this episode, we are going to get into the social and global implications of this virtually civilization-defining disclosure that apparently is coming our way after all this time.
It finally looks like we’re going to get at least some of the truth, and the effect is almost unimaginable.
So, Corey, welcome back to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: What the heck is going on with Senator John Kerry going to Antarctica on Election Day? What the heck was going on there? Why was he down there?
Corey: A lot of big names are going down there. Apparently, these people are being given tours of a city that was discovered under the ice a couple of miles, as well as technology, including spacecraft.
David: I heard from [Pete] Peterson independently that there are a bunch of names that have gone down there that are not public, and I’m wondering if you also heard that.
Corey: Yes.
David: So this is basically like the big tour that everybody’s getting – everybody who’s on a sufficient level of “need to know” or importance to this group is going down there.
Corey: Yes.
David: What kind of stuff is happening when they go down there? What are they seeing?

Corey: I don’t know exactly what each individual is being shown, but I know that some of them have been shown these cities that they’ve excavated under the ice.
They’ve also been given a ride in spacecraft that have been recovered under the ice.
David: Actual recovered spacecraft?
Corey: Right.
David: Well, that’s very interesting because that ties in with something that I heard from Pete Peterson regarding Buzz Aldrin.

So why do you think he might wear that shirt, where it’s describing traveling to Mars as an astronaut, while he’s going down to Antarctica?
Corey: Well, maybe he’s looking for a climate change on Mars. You now, that is a strange thing, especially now that we know that the ruins under the ice originate from beings that came from Mars.
David: And you said before that we can trace that all the way back. These people have a full unbroken historical lineage to Mars.
Corey: Right. They trace their lineage back extremely far and off of this planet.
David: So the interesting thing here is, based on what you just said, Pete’s independent testimony to me when I called him and talked to him about what you were saying corroborated so many things, but then there was other stuff that you hadn’t said.
And one of them was Buzz Aldrin reached a 200,000-mile altitude and said the impolite equivalent of “holy crap” seven times as he accelerated to that altitude because it was so fast.
Then he said that Buzz was taken around the back side of the Moon, got to see all of the Manhattan-type of lights that are there, all the structures, and then passed by a base that was over Antarctica as they came back in, and they gave it what he called a wing wave.

And that this apparently was what . . . The whole experience was so shocking to him that this is what caused him to have a heart attack.
I’m wondering if – since Pete said that so many of the assets of the space program that he’s aware of are now over Antarctica – does this whole situation sound plausible to you that this could have happened?
Corey: It does sound plausible. I don’t know the positions of the different MIC-SSP assets.
David: But this idea that the acceleration is so quick that somebody who is used to rocket-based travel might be really shocked. Does that make sense?
Corey: Oh, yes. And they most likely were on their lowest setting because normally it’s so quick you don’t . . . It’s just kind of a blur.
David: So we’re also hearing from Pete that there is a steam excavation method. You had mentioned steam excavation. But then Pete specifically said that they take large bags of water into these existing holes that are dug down in the ice. They drop the bag, and as the bag is about to hit where the ice is, they then hit it with these very high-powered microwave beams, and it all turns to steam and then, whoosh, it melts more of the ice.
Corey: That’s how they open up a tunnel down . . . or open up a corridor down to an area. The rest, they do by hand with hoses with pressurized steam. They couldn’t do that around the artifacts or it would destroy it.
A lot of what is being discovered under the ice are . . . They are finding palm trees still in the ground. They’re finding all sorts of prehistoric animals under the ice still preserved.
David: Wow!
Corey: And they’ve been bringing those back to the United States and Europe for study.
David: So you also mentioned to me in briefings that you got that this is a disclosure that is planned for a specific purpose at a specific time.
And that’s a very important subject. And I think it’s going to become the meat of this episode.
So we’ve been talking about the idea that this is going to come out, but we haven’t gotten really into why or when or what is the agenda. So could you give us the overview?
I know some of what you got were no-questions briefings and things like this. What is the overview of – why is all this being done, and how is it going to be used?
Corey: Well, the plan that the Cabal, and I guess the Earth Alliance, have agreed to is that they are going to release bits and pieces of the Antarctic information once there is a catalyzing event – that being they start arresting the Cabal or they start setting up tribunals.
David: ‘They’ meaning the Alliance?
Corey: The Alliance.
David: Because people might think it’s extraterrestrials if they don’t know any better.
Corey: No, the Alliance.
David: Okay.
Corey: But the Alliance is also kind of working with members of the Cabal. They’re trying to come together to find a way to ‘responsibly’ disclose information.
David: So what we have is a situation in which the Alliance does want disclosure to occur, but they feel that if we were to get all of this at once, it would overwhelm us? And so they’re picking something maybe more local, more associated with less of a leap in belief systems than UFOs and aliens?
Corey: Right. What they plan on disclosing first is that maybe, “We found a bunch of prehistoric animals. It’s amazing.” Then, “Oh, we found remnants of a civilization,” and then only report that it was a human civilization that was very ancient.
That alone is going to blow the minds of most people.
They’re going to unroll over decades . . . is what they plan.
Then they plan on announcing that we have a secret space program, and that, “By the way, the secret space program have found similar ruins around the Solar System.”
Once that occurs, then they’re going to start getting into the nonterrestrial aspect of the discoveries in Antarctica.
David: So only after they’ve done the SSP and other ruins like this in the solar system will they then talk about what you said they are calling the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria – these three 30-mile-wide motherships they found under 3½ miles of ice?
Corey: Correct.
David: So that’s pretty late in the game.
Corey: Yes. And the SSP Alliance does not want it to unfold this slowly. They want to rip the Band-Aid off and have a Full Disclosure immediately to everyone.
David: What do you personally think is the right move?
Corey: I think that we need to just get it over with and have a Full Disclosure. I understand that it’s going to cost lives. It’s going to cost people their sanity in some cases, but we’ve got to get on with it.
If you do it in a controlled way, the key word is ‘control’. There’s always a way for someone to come in and corrupt the process.
David: In order to keep going on this thread, I want to just really clarify something else, which is part of what you just described – the tribunals. We only really briefly touched on that, but I think that’s really important.
Is there a plan for the Cabal to be brought up on public charges? And will there be some sort of remediation of our financial system and the damages they’ve done to us in that process?
Corey: What I was told is that they were going to attempt to do tribunals in secret, but that was not going to be allowed to happen. It would be leaked immediately.
David: So if it’s going to be something that can’t be done in secret, that’s going to be leaked, what have you been told? Or what do you think this is going to end up turning into?
Are we going to see this on all the major cable news channels?
Corey: Yes. Yes.
David: There will be big broadcasts, which we did have with Nuremberg after World War II.
Corey: Right. They want it to be televised, even though very disturbing things are going to be covered.
But the plan is to do tribunals in secret, because the tribunals are not only going to be on the Cabal, they’re going to be on certain members of the Earth Alliance as well.
David: So do you think that there are going to be some people who – perhaps major politicians – will be having public tribunals and others who are so deeply involved in the off-the-books side of this stuff that they will not be televised?
Corey: It just depends on how things break after the tribunals are leaked. It’s going to be very dynamic.
David: Okay. Now, we’re also dealing with crimes against humanity that are staggering in scope. And it seems rather hard to believe that we could have tribunals in which such staggering and multiplicitous crimes are being pinned on to multiple individuals.
It seems like even the minimum of due process that someone would be owed, in terms of the right to a fair trial, and then the number of people who might be implicated, that we could be looking at something that could take years to unfold.
Corey: Oh, yeah.
David: Do you have any sense of who they might try to do first in this kind of a process? Who would they go after first?
Would they go after major political figures, people that are the most recognizable, people who are the highest level criminals?
Corey: You can’t go after a piece at a time. You have to decapitate them, and you have to bring them all shoulder to shoulder in front of the magistrate at once. You can’t do it in bits and pieces, or it’ll just fall apart.
David: Do you think that there might be some sort of mass arrest that precedes this in which all of the people who will be on trial are then brought into some sort of holding facility where they’re kept under guard and could not easily escape, if at all?
Corey: It’s possible. A good number of them are already under house arrest.
David: But what does house arrest mean for those who don’t already know that term?
Corey: They get to sit in their mansions, sipping tea, with armed guards outside not allowing them to leave.
David: Now, you’ve also said before that there’s been a lot of these Cabal folks that if they feel the heat is on, they’re going to try to flee to maybe Argentina, South America or Antarctica, and that there may be a sudden number of people who all want to resign at the same time or something like that.
Will they be able to evade justice?
Corey: I’ve received reports of bases that were controlled by FEMA . . . that they were supposed to turn the bases over after this election. They were ordered to turn them over, and they refused.
So they sent in Marines. The Marines cut through the concrete, the rebar, the reinforced steel, and gave everyone in the complex one chance to surrender.
If they don’t, they’re ordered to wipe them out. I heard this from one source, and another source told me that it wasn’t true, but it seems that you’ve independently . . .
David: [Pete] Peterson confirmed the same thing. And it was another one of these very shocking correspondences that led me to understand that the MIC-SSP we’ve been talking about – the Military-Industrial Complex Secret Space Program – is actually working with Pete and with you at the same time.
Corey: Right.
David: There were way too many things that Pete knew that you told me off the record.
Corey: The Marines that breached this one base I was told about and were in the middle of wiping out all of the inhabitants, they were shocked. They were not briefed that nonterrestrials exist or that they may run into them.
And these were like Special Forces Marines guys. All of a sudden they’re in front of Reptilians, and they’re doing battle with Reptilians.
And their psyches couldn’t handle it. They had a huge problem.
David: This is also something that was exactly confirmed by Pete. And about the only difference is that you just mentioned Marines, and he said that some of the people that were used were Canadian Marines as well – Marines who were trained and based in Canada that were then tasked with this.
So we’re talking about something that we’ve thought was going on for a long time. We see these strange earthquakes underneath Italy, strange earthquakes off the coast of Argentina, strange earthquakes off the coast of Malibu right actually directly around where people think there is a base off the coast of California.
So are these strange earthquakes, like in Italy, in South America, and so forth, all a part of this massive purging of underground bases?
In other words, what’s the scope of this that’s being done?
Corey: There has been quite an underground battle going on. Both sides are fighting as hard as they can right now.
David: It kind of shocks me to have heard from Pete that he got a call about how to dispose of 15,000 bodies, and they didn’t really know how to do it.
It kind of shocks me that actions are being taken where the Cabal is either being given the choice to surrender, they have one chance, or everyone in the base is eradicated.
It’s going to lead to people in the Comments Section saying, “If this is the Alliance, then what the heck is the Alliance?”
I will just tell you – before you answer the question – that as I’ve wrestled with this in my own mind and heart over the course of days – because I don’t want to support killing innocent people at all – the only rationale that I can come up with maybe for why the Alliance is doing this is that they feel as if this is an absolutely necessary thing to save the planet from total destruction, and that therefore these are casualties that are necessary in a very serious World War III that’s just a shadow World War III that we’re not aware of.
Corey: Well, if people out there are under the impression that angelic humans are going to come down and save us, they’re wrong. These are very damaged human beings that are a part of the Alliance.
Most of the time they were forced to work for the Cabal, and they resent it. They know that the Cabal would give them zero quarter if the tables were turned.
David: Right.
Corey: They’re not giving them quarter as well.
David: So would you say that there is some kind of decision that has been made that these people are so dangerous if they’re not neutralized that they would try to, for example, nuke the planet or give everyone a virus or give everyone a catastrophe, like a volcano or a tidal wave or something like this?
Would they try to destroy all human life if they weren’t wiped out like this?
Corey: Well, these are military-minded people, and the point is to complete an objective with as few casualties as possible. So that is the way they head in to all of these situations.
They are not going in looking to take prisoners or to ferret out who is innocent or not innocent in a base.
They’re ordered to go in and clean out the nest, and that’s what they do.
David: So let’s also just briefly touch on this idea that you can confirm that this is a multi-year operation that just happens to be coming to a head around the time of a presidential election, but it is not determined by the outcome of the election itself. It was already underway. It just happens to have converged.
Corey: Right. No matter who would have won the presidency, there would have been . . . things were already occurring underground.
David: And it would have led to tribunals on the surface.
Corey: Right.
David: Which gets into things that we saw in WikiLeaks and all this kind of stuff, all paving the way for that.
Corey: Correct.
David: Another one of the things that you said to me, or kind of said to me, that also was in Benjamin Fulford’s intel that I then got even more specifics from with Pete Peterson, was this idea of all of the – or at least the great majority – of the aircraft carriers from the US defense community have been brought back to port.
So I want to hear what you had to say on that, and then we’ll compare what Pete told me and try to make some sense out of what’s going on here.
Why would all of the aircraft carriers have been brought back to port? Fulford reported this. I asked Pete, and he confirmed it.
Corey: Well, there’s a number of reasons. You’re going to bring back all of your craft when there’s going to be a reshuffling of the DOD [Department of Defense].
David: Right.
Corey: So there are things going on in multiple levels.
David: So you’re going to have different people in command?
Corey: Right.
David: Okay.
Corey: So there are probably captains being swapped out, all kinds of stuff. I haven’t heard a whole lot of details about why they were back, except that they were back.
David: What Pete said to me was that these ships take six months of people working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to be restocked.
And he said that they were being restocked with technology that we were not “supposed to” find out about for 100 years.
You had mentioned drones, and you had mentioned that there are certain drones that we might see.
So before I say what Pete said, could you talk to us about the information you were given in these briefings regarding drone aircraft?

Corey: Sure. That we are going to start seeing more and more quadcopter-type vehicles around. They look like passenger cars with four propellers on them – four sets of propellers – that give them lift.
And they use a type of artificial intelligence – believe it or not – in the craft to allow it to have automatic air traffic control, landing. The people don’t fly them.
They get in, put in a destination, and it will fly itself.
And what I was told was that this technology would be very prolific. You will see it everywhere. They will be flying all over the place.
And they were planning on a number of years after this was commonplace – this technology was commonplace – they were going to replace the rotors on the drones with this technology that is antigravity.
And what I was told is that the antigravity craft fly in much the same way as drones with yaw, pitch. They’re controlled in very similar ways.
David: Isn’t it interesting that the sequel to the movie “Independence Day” has what looks sort of like conventional military aircraft, but with these disc-like gravity generators on them?

Corey: Uh-hm.
David: Do you think that is a premonition of what this is actually going to look like once they do it?
Corey: Yep. They’re going to be flat, disc-shaped.
David: Okay. Interesting.
So Pete had said that we’re going to see some of the same military hardware that we’re already familiar with in there, but that there’s so much of a redesign with all this new stuff that they weren’t going to show us for 100 years. It’s all being put in.
It’s not like we might see it all immediately after they go back out from port, but the point is they’re now going to be on the ships and that it includes these three different sizes of drones that we see in these Hollywood films.
So what do you think is going to be the purpose of having three different sizes? I’m wondering if you actually heard about the three sizes?
Corey: Well, they’ve got all different types of these – what we’re calling drones. And they have different purposes like you have different sized aircraft for different purposes – delivering weapons, delivering personnel. Some of them are very large and deliver large numbers of personnel.
What I’ve also been told is that they’re retrofitting certain types of helicopters, certain types of aircraft, with this technology that we’re talking about, and that we’re going to be seeing a lot of retrofitted already conventional craft that we’re used to.
David: I want to say this because people are going to say in the comments – and I want to give voice to that because it will obviously happen; we can anticipate this – you look at movies like “The Terminator”. You look at movies like “Oblivion” with Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman, in which drone aircraft are under control of malevolent AI, and the drones become a critical element of humanity being completely subjugated by nasty AI.
You’ve mentioned an AI problem. If these are computer-controlled drones, how do we stop this AI menace from actually taking control of all of these drones if they are deployed and trying to subjugate humanity?
Corey: I don’t know the answer to that. That’s a danger. It’s a current danger.
I still get screened for AI when I go certain places. So it is still a concern.
David: So there’s a couple of things that happened around the time of the presidential inauguration that were very anomalous, and they both happened almost simultaneously.

One was that we have the Mexican drug lord of the Sinaloa Cartel – this guy who they call El Chapo – actually being extradited to the U.S.
So let’s talk about that one first. And the reason why I bring it up is that multiple Benjamin Fulford updates said that if he could be brought to the U.S., which the Cabal was staunchly resisting, that he would sing like a songbird.
So what do you think is the reason why El Chapo was brought to the U.S. at that time?
Corey: I believe he’s here to talk about all of the intelligence operations that involve the drug trade and name names.
David: And I want to point out in one of the episodes of my show “Wisdom Teachings”, we have a news story of guys being caught smuggling cocaine into the U.S. with the Sinaloa scorpion logo on them. And it was a massive amount.
And then when they were asked to produce ID, they had CIA identification. And they were caught by this group of 1,500 minutemen who are working . . . they’re like former military, but they’re not really part of a regular government operation.
So what do you think is the relationship between that story and this El Chapo story?
Corey: I believe that they’re ramping up for tribunals. I believe that – as I’ve reported – they’ve had Cabal people that have turned state’s evidence, that have been singing like birds for a long time.
They’ve been sitting them in front of cameras, asking them all the questions, and they’ve been spitting out ALL the deep dark secrets.
David: Another thing that happened right before the inauguration is that both George Bush, Sr. and his wife, become hospitalized in critical condition with what appears to have been either heart attacks or stroke-type of stuff, which, of course, would be due to high stress.
Corey: I think the election was more than most of us could bear.
David: Ha, ha. Do you think that they are fearing some sort of tribunal, and that once they saw this result that that caused their health to collapse?
Corey: All of these people are in great disarray and have a lot of anxiety right now – the people that were involved in these Cabal operations.
There is a lot of movement going on in the background to close bases, to clean up their active operations – the active operations of the Cabal.
So they see all of their assets disappearing around them, and that’s what made them feel so secure in the past.
David: As you were giving me these stunning briefings, and as I was getting confirmation independently from Pete, I was living through what’s now being called the biggest amount of rainfall and flooding to hit California since 1986.
We go from no rain at all – hardly – for six years, absolutely devastating drought that they say is never going to go away, and at the time of this taping already, the drought has been completely eliminated in Northern California. It’s gone. It’s totally over.
And they were saying, “Well, there’s still kind of an extreme condition in Southern California,” but then more storms are coming in that have totally saturated Southern California. So we’re probably going to see Southern California drought-free as well.
And there’s so much water that they’re calling it “an atmospheric river”. So what do you think is going on here?

Corey: The information I was given is that while the Alliance has been going and taking over a lot of these bases, they have taken over these HAARP facilities [High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ].
And what I was told was that when they shut off all of the HAARP facilities, there was an elastic snapback reaction of the atmosphere.
David: That would dovetail very interestingly with this weird arctic vortex that popped over the entire North America.
Corey: Right.
David: So do you think that’s part of what they’re talking about – the snapback?
Corey: Yes.
David: Okay.
Corey: Yeah, that it’s the Earth naturally snapping back after the weather patterns had been augmented for so long.
David: Now, that’s similar to what Pete said except that his intel was that the actual HAARP is being used benevolently now to directly steer this atmospheric river to California.
What would be the reason for why the Cabal might have been trying to eliminate water to California?
People think, “Oh, those hippies just don’t get to flush the toilet as much.” But there’s something going on here. What do you think was the objective for this drought?
Corey: The Cabal had been using HAARP and other technologies to control weather all over the planet. And when they control the weather or cause droughts or cause deluges, they are also, at the same time, sending their people in to talk to the people that control politically that region and have them manage policy based on getting the weather that they want to be able to grow crops.
David: So do you think that California being thrown into a drought is an attack against all of America and its food security?
Corey: Yes. Yeah, that’s the breadbasket.
David: Right. So this is not just something about people not being able to water their lawns in California, it’s an attack against America itself.
Corey: Right.
David: To me, this rain – because I live in Los Angeles – I have been saying for years, we will know when the Cabal is defeated when it starts pouring rain for days and days at a time.
And right in my little hometown, we’ve had so much rain that Topanga Canyon Boulevard has been shut down for like a week.
Corey: Yeah, I saw a giant boulder blocking the road.
David: That’s right.
Corey: Yeah.
David: So the last thing that was in these briefings that I want to get to before we run out of time here, is you mentioned two other things that were very interesting that might come out along with Antarctica.
You mentioned rooms filled with gold, and you mentioned other ruins that might be seen on the seafloor.
Corey: Some unusual intel that was given to me, and it was somewhat out of place in the rest of the briefing, was that there was going to be a “discovery” of caches of ancient Mayan gold.
David: Wow!
Corey: And that this was going to be discovered and given back to the indigenous people.
David: Really?
Corey: Yeah.
David: And it was fascinating on that front, because I brought this up to Pete that you had mentioned that to me, and then he had a huge story about rooms filled with gold that were actually found by Bush, Sr., and, in that case, plundered. And so there’s a lot of corroboration.
Hopefully, we can get him back to talk more about that.
The other thing you’d mentioned was undersea anomalies or bases or ancient ruins of some kind that would be announced maybe at the same time as Antarctica. Could you say more about that?
Corey: Or maybe just before.
David: Oh, just before?
Corey: The various navies of different countries for many decades have been discovering all types of ruins at a certain level below the ocean, . . .
David: Okay.
Corey: . . . certain depth, that depth and above. [Corey separates his hands about one foot.] And they have been doing sonar sweeps of them, getting all types of information, sending vessels down there that can properly excavate. And they’ve been bringing out artifacts.
And this is . . . I’m told that this is also going to be a part of some announcement about a lost civilization.
David: So one last thing I want to close with here is, do you think that the Cabal had originally intended this Antarctic disclosure to be some sort of massive distraction, maybe more benevolent, but on the level of like a 9/11 level of distraction to throw people off if these war crimes tribunals were to ever begin?
Corey: No. Originally, they had planned to slowly release this information so that we would see these royal bloodlines the way they do and treat them like gods.
David: Wow! But now you’re saying the Alliance wants to use this as part of the beginning of the healing of how long people have been lied to as the Cabal is brought to justice.
Corey: Right, right. And the Cabal still wants to manage the release of the information, as do many of the Alliance.
David: So do you think that it’s possible that some of the things that we’ve said, or the order in which it’s done, could be changed around by the fact that we’ve already disclosed it now?
Corey: Yes. This is all very dynamic. Decisions are being made. They’re having all types of meetings to come to a consensus between the Cabal and the Alliance.
And they’re doing this to prevent open warfare. If they don’t come to a consensus and find a way to work together to disclose this information and to bring the worst of the worst to trial, then we’ll end up with a world war.
David: And can you confirm, lastly, what Pete has also said, which is that certain websites, like www.express.co.uk – new story, new story, ruins in Antarctica, lost civilization in Antarctica, professors down in Antarctica, Buzz Aldrin goes to Antarctica.
All of a sudden, it’s like there’s some crazy amount of correlation between what little old you and me said and all of this stuff coming out in the media. What do you think is going on there?
Corey: They’re trying to pepper the consciousness with seeds of information so they’re not so shocked when they hear it.
And they’re also trying to control the narrative.
David: All right. Well, you heard it here first. I really hope that this stuff comes true. Thank you, Corey. It’s very brave for you to be stepping out there and giving us this information. The war is getting hot.
Corey: Yeah.
David: It’s very contentious right now.
And I want to thank you out there for watching us, supporting us here at Gaia, and making sure that we are on a path towards Full Disclosure. Thanks for watching.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
“we are going to start seeing more and more quadcopter-type vehicles around. They look like passenger cars with four propellers on them – four sets of propellers”
These “SkyCars” have been in the works for at least 25 years, using electric vehicles at first and I think there was some pkans to incorporate hydrogen propulsion technology, at last I heard.. The original manufacturer was Mueller International (don’t quote my spelling on) based in California I believe now. These were supposed to be put into use in 2006 AFTER the FAA cleared the plan for “Highways in the Sky” which required all sir traffic to switch over from radar based to GPS based ground tracking but, the FAA has been to my knowledge dragging its heels – maybe in part due to the fact this would require expensive upgrades to every jet flying over, into,, or out if the United States.
Anyway the whole idea of these things was, owning one, you would drive it like an electric car, over to your local small airport, which would act as entry points to the Higheays on he Sky, punch in whatever destination, then sit back read your newspaper or whatever while the “SkyCar” did the flying, taking you to whatever small airport was neatest your destination. Once back on the ground, the “SkyCar” would act again as a normal electric car, and you drive to your final destnation.
There are actually several companies developing this type of technology at last I heard, some even producing small platforms with twin rotors, one person could stand upon and operate like a scooter, that flies, to get you a few blocks to your lical market or whatever but, I do not know the plans regarding these for flight safety, or sky-roadways like. Undoubtedly someone somewhere does, sorry thats all I know about.