Unity Meditation Report ~ Cobra ~ 08.23.2017


Our meditation was the turning point in the liberation process of our planet:

A few million people were informed about the meditation with more that a quarter million actually participating, so it was our strongest meditation ever.

The unity and the resonance we have achieved was remarkable and was a signal for the Central Race that the awakened part of the human population will be able to hold the Light in unity when the Event happens and that it is now time to put this planet through the Ascension process. This means that from now on, the energies from the Galactic Center will exponentially intensify until all darkness is purified and the planet is liberated.

During the meditation, the critical mass of the New Atlantis energy grid around the planet has been completed and from now on this grid is strong enough to handle the energies of the Event. From now on, the New Atlantis energy grid will be used by the Light forces to transmit mission activation codes in the form of revelatory dreams, impressions and visions to the awakened part of the human population.

More that half of the remaining plasma anomaly of the Yaldabaoth entity was transmuted, and the East Coast plasma anomaly vortex is virtually gone. What is remaining are smaller fragmentary decomposing plasma anomaly vortexes in Washington DC and New York. The Archons were occultly using the East Coast plasma vortex to protect the Cabal and with this protective cover now nearly gone, many actions of the Cabal, including their extensive child abuse networks, will be soon exposed to the general population.

The Light Forces were very active in the last few months to remove the Black Stone, and our Unity Meditation gave the needed energy support for the final push, and now the Black Stone is nearly gone. It will be completely cleared within a week, and all anomaly associated with it within a month. When that happens, the RHIC collider on Long Island will lose any meaning for the Chimera Group and they will stop using it. Thus it will become just one of many colliders around the world, incapable of doing serious harm to humanity.

All this has put around 80 remaining members of the Chimera Group into the panic mode. Two groups of them have already left Long Island, feeling that their location is now too notorious.

The first group is now concentrated around here:


The second group here:


And the third group remains at the cloning facility below this lab:


The main obstacle that still needs clearing before the Event happens are the remaining plasma toplet bombs.

EARTH EX exercise that is taking place today is now giving extremely valuable intel to the Resistance about how to maintain the infrastructure when the Event happens:


Certain Resistance agents are involved in this exercise in a certain way and this will bring us another step closer to the Event.

Victory of the Light!

Source: http://2012portal.blogspot.pt/2017/08/unity-meditation-report.html

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Please Cobra send an update on what this means more specifically and what time frame we are talking for the EVENT. Thanks light workers and SOURCE!!

  2. I always keep a months worth of food and water in the house, keep my car full of gas and a bit of cash for emergencies. Hopefully that will be enough, but I guess I could store more food and water, cash and gas for the car would be more of a problem. I’m sure there is a solution in place for those that aren’t prepared.

  3. So, I have a question….If Earth X is prepared for an energy/power outage and that’s what is going to happen, how will people (not the lightworkers) know what is going on? Shouldn’t some kind of information be given out to the peoples of the world before anything goes down? Can’t some kind of disclosure happen say, the day before maybe? If there is no way to communicate with each other I can see how people are going to panic. This could turn ugly very fast. Surely you all have considered this and have a solution?


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