Tachyon healing chambers enable tachyons, which are subatomic particles, to come into physical matter — you.
Tachyons travel faster than light and have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect on people. Tachyons enliven the energy matrix and affect positively our physical health and well being. Because they reverse entropy (which is cell breakdown), tachyons have an anti-aging effect on we the people!
Tachyons now can come into you by way of the tachyon chambers, developed by people in Europe associated with aerospace research programs there.
When you spend time inside a tachyon chamber, you realize these faster-than-light subatomic particles must be little workhorses. They are like the army of ants in the Bugs Life movie. They pick you up and carry you away with them!
Three Tachyon Chambers Have Embraced Me
With the late 2018 opening of the tachyon chamber in Petaluma, California, USA, I have had the pleasure of experiencing three different tachyon chambers in the past three years.
At my first visit, to a tachyon chamber in 2015, in Waynesboro, Virginia, USA, I had no expectations but I did arrive there a bit depressed.
My mom had died about two weeks earlier and I was going through a lot of emotional stuff. But I emerged after those sessions feeling like I would be okay, that my mom, now on the Other Side, would be okay, and that life is actually quite rosy.
And my energy really improved. Not long after that visit, I dreamt of my mom, shopping at a market and looking at me. (I’m sure she also telepathically told me to eat more veggies and stand up straight).

Psoriasis Spontaneously Disappeared
My spouse also experienced that first tachyon chamber in Virginia, and about three weeks later he remarked, “Oh, my, the psoriasis is gone.” He had been dealing with quite severe psoriasis that appeared out of nowhere several years before. His psoriasis was causing him pain, itching and awful skin sores. The steroid cream the doctors gave him wasn’t helping him heal. So, the spontaneous disappearance of his psoriasis was definitely terrific.
It has been three years since that visit to the Virginia tachyon chamber and he is still free from psoriasis.

Rather Stoned from That Tachyon Chamber
My second experience with a tachyon chamber was at the tachyon chamber in Scottsburg, Oregon. The Oregon tachyon chamber also helped me open up to other dimensions. I lay there, I spaced out, I wanted to conquer the world after those sessions in Oregon. As it happens, that chamber is right near the beautiful and powerful Umpqua River, which flows out to the ocean about 20 miles west of their location in Scottsburg. A power spot! In fact, I could feel the force field of that tachyon chamber the very first time I walked into the building where it lived.
My spouse got rather stoned in there — simply from that energy — and has little recollection of his exact experiences. “But it was wonderful,” he says, in a dreamy voice, when I ask him about it.
This time, at the new tachyon chamber in Petaluma, California, I fall asleep in the cozyness of it all. I notice that after a few visits, I have more energy, even though I’m a bit sleepless. (A side effect of these chambers is sleeplessness for a little while as the tachyons inject more energy into your system). Little aches in my shoulder and elbow seem to be subsiding but I will make a note this time of how I am progressing.

New Ideas Suddenly Emerging
Overall, my most recent experiences after spending time in the Petaluma tachyon chamber include the feelings of new energy and ideas coming into me. I sat in a meeting yesterday and felt quite powered up and confident (and it wasn’t from coffee), which is a different feeling than I have had for
quite some time.
I’m watching others experience the tachyon chamber and I’ve been tracking their comments. “Wow, I feel like I can conquer the world,” said one man the other day, after a session in the chamber. “I definitely went to another dimension,” said a woman right after her session.
So: Is complete rejuvenation too much to ask for from the tachyons?
May I please turn into a Pleiadian goddess? And: Can I go back to being 21 years old again?
The Pleiadians have done greater miracles than this — we know this from Cobra, who has written a lot about tachyons, such as the article Cobra points to in his blog post, HERE.

Visit the Tachyon Chamber Near San Francisco, California, USA
I recommend a visit to your local tachyon chamber today. The new one I mention above is in Petaluma, California, just north of San Francisco.
If you visit that one, you can cross the Golden Gate Bridge and cross a golden bridge of consciousness, all in one day.
With all the energy from a tachyon chamber, you might dive into projects that you have been avoiding. Those hall closets and that garage aren’t going to clean themselves!
Website for the Petaluma, California Tachyon Chamber
The Petaluma, California tachyon chamber is named for the anti-aging aspects of tachyons — and the fact that tachyons have been with us since the dawn of time: AgelessTachyonCenter.com
Tachyon Chambers Around the World
You can find more information about what tachyon chambers are and you can also find a continually updated list of chambers, HERE.
Below is a list of the tachyon chambers around the world, available to the public. The list is current as of July 13, 2019.
Waynesboro, Virginia, USA contact tachyoncounseling.wordpress.com/
Eagle Butte, South Dakota, USA contact leadercreekmercantile.com/about-tachyon/
Scottsburg, Oregon, USA contact thetachyonportal.com
Sedona, Arizona, USA contact [email protected]
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada contact [email protected]
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada contact goforwellness.mykajabi.com/
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada contact www.tachyontemple.com/
Stein am Rhein, Switzerland contact [email protected]
Kerepes, Hungary contact www.tachyonhungary.com
Glauchau, Germany contact [email protected]
Letschin, Germany contact [email protected]
Eifel, Germany contact [email protected]
Hsinchu, Taiwan contact [email protected]
Taichung City, Taiwan contact [email protected]
Tanzi District, Taiwan contact [email protected]
Huwei Township, Taiwan contact [email protected]
Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan contact [email protected]
Osaka, Japan contact [email protected]
Saitama, Japan contact [email protected]
Chigasaki, Kanagawa, Japan contact [email protected]
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan contact [email protected]
Ibara-shi, Okayama, Japan contact [email protected]
Yonago, Tottori, Japan contact [email protected]
Nonoichi, Ishikawa, Japan contact [email protected]
Nomi-shi, Ishikawa, Japan contact [email protected]
Chengdu, China contact [email protected]
Chengdu, China contact [email protected]
Shanghai, China contact [email protected]
Shenyang, China contact [email protected]
Huizhou, China contact [email protected]
One in Australia
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia contact [email protected]

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
I didn’t see any links about pricing.
The link to the Waynesboro location leads to a malware warning at this moment.
Good day
I checked the links for the Waynesboro, VA location and they all appear fine to me. Best wishes.
La dimension ‘commerciale’ de cette propagande étouffe la splendeur de cette aide phénoménale que nous envoient nos amis et guides des Pléiades…Je suis trop fatigué de ne pas réagir à tant de ces comportements égotiques de ceux-ci qui pourtant prétendent être de ‘l’élite spirituelle’ et être de nos enseignants.Désolé de la virulence de mes propos mais désormais pour moi: trop c’est trop.
Etrameliah: Can you suggest another way of circulating the information? Generally information, such as this, about new technologies, is circulated on the internet. We must all use discernment to figure out what is propaganda and what is not. And what is beneficial to us and what is not. Blessing to you and happy new year.
Most of these tachyon chamber operators list prices on their websites. I have included here links to each of the 3 tachyon chambers I have visited and also links to all the chambers worldwide.
Precisamos de algumas aqui no Brasil… não esqueçam de nós…
Brazil, we will not forget you. Thank you for opening your arms to the recent Cobra conference in Sao Paulo! <3