A GREAT Webinar This Sunday June 23! Listen to it Sunday or Later!
There will be a live webinar with Dr. Joe McNamara, M.D. on Sunday, June 23 at 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm, Pacific (California, USA) time.
Dr. Joe McNamara was the first to offer a tachyon chamber available to the public a few years ago. Dr. Joe is a western trained medical doctor with a wonderful healing mind and healing heart.

He will be interviewed by Colleen Marshall, the loving spouse and business partner of the astounding mystic, author and Sirius contactee Sheldan Nidle. And Colleen is pretty astounding herself.
Sheldan and Colleen have been coming for sessions at Ageless Tachyon Center in Petaluma, north of San Francisco, California. Both Sheldan and Colleen are getting healthier with each visit.
Sheldan had surgery recently and Colleen’s June 13 newsletter indicated it went very smoothly, with little bleeding and the doctors finished quickly and said it was less complicated and easier than they had expected.
Sheldan and Colleen chock this up to their pre-op visits to the tachyon chamber, the perfect surgeons and the wonderful power of prayer and loving support from so many people.

Go here to sign up for the Sunday, June 23 webinar: paoweb.com/eventsch.htm
Buy the webinar (It’s only $15.00) and you can listen to it later.
They’ll show you how to do this with a link that comes to you.
Read about Sheldan Nidle and get on the mailing list here: http://paoweb.com/
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These newsletters are superb.
If you’d like to know more about tachyons and where to find a tachyon chamber near you, check out this article from Prepare for Change a few months ago.
Here’s to Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit Healing !!

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Would love to know if these chambers will be in the Tampa Bay Area anytime soon. Thank you,
It is indeed the first one that was available in the USA out of, by now, ten… see the list available through this link:
http://tachyonis.org/Chamber.html (I had read it differently, as if it was the first, as in: first and only, one available in the USA at the moment, so maybe not publish my former comment on this topic)
Hello Hanneke,
Apologies! We have edited the article! Thanks for letting us know about the editorial error and we have fixed it.
Dr. Joseph McNamara * WAS * the first person to offer a tachyon chamber to the public in the US, but there are now 6 tachyon chambers in the USA, and 3 in Canada.