By Amy S.,

After the end of World War II, a covert plan to cull the world’s population was put into action. This plan intends to vastly reduce the number of humans on Earth down to as few as 500,000 people.

Throughout the last 15 years, we’ve learned about the global depopulation program. This program was established in the 1940s in an effort to get rid of as many people as possible. The reason for wanting to depopulate the Earth is not yet clear, but there is consensus among well-informed researchers that we are indeed being killed softly and without notice. While many researchers believe the elite’s decision was based on their assessment of future overcrowding and how this would endanger ourselves and the planet, equally in-depth independently gathered information points to a desire to use humanity as a commodity that could later be disposed of.

Since the depopulation program is widely known, one question that should concern us all is, what is the state of this program as we have entered the second decade of the 21st century?

The answer to this questions is that the depopulation program is running in very advanced stages. The West, led by the United States, has implemented a series of policies with the sole intent to drastically reducing human numbers in an attempt to curb what many believe is an out of control population growth. The fact that reproduction rates are out of control is still also debatable, but researchers are now giving more attention to educating the masses about the reality of global depopulation so that they can take matters into their own hands.

In a recent interview with Kevin Galalae, an author and historian who often contributes to this publication, he provided some insight about the progression of the global depopulation program. Mr. Galalae, who has been writing a series of articles on the topic for The Real Agenda News, has alerted us that the policies that govern the plan to reduce human numbers on Earth are progressing rapidly. According to him, the elite are using methods that are more and more invasive because the previous ones they adopted are no longer keeping up with their expectations. Mr. Galalae, believes that the elite understood overpopulation as a time bomb and decided to secretly get rid of us, as supposed to educate us about the urgent need to consciously keep our numbers under control.

The latest addition to the global depopulation program is planetary geo-engineering also known as climatic geo-engineering. This tool, originally begun to be used in the 1940s as a way to wage weather warfare. However, not too long after, governments realized that controlling the weather would be synonymous of controlling their enemies. Today, humanity is the main enemy of the elite, it has always been. We are all that stands between them and their goal of getting human numbers to as little as 500 million people.

A Change in Plans

While discussing about depopulation efforts conducted by the elite, I realized that perhaps the elite had miscalculated. Perhaps humanity has overcome their lies to learn the truth. So I decided to ask Mr. Galalae about the progress of their agenda.

Originally published: by Luis R. Miranda

Luis Miranda: According to your best knowledge, 68 years ago or so, the elite attempted to reduce human population by secretly using chemical and biological weapons. They projected that this plan would reduce population considerably.  By how much?

Kevin Galalae: At first, in the early fifties, the objective was to merely halt population growth and to do so they focused entirely on undermining human fertility to reduce the total fertility rate (TFR) of every country to replacement level.  The implications of this move were not foreseen.  It was not realized that this would set in motion a demographic transition that will result in population profiles characterized by inverted pyramids and therefore the burden the old would place on the productive members of society would become unbearable and collapse the social systems of developed countries, eating away at the affluence gained by previous generations. They did not realize that once you start engineering small families you end up having to kill the old before they bankrupt society. They did not realize the mindboggling economic, social, cultural, political, ethical, moral, and medical ramifications of interfering with the human reproductive system.  No one knew where it would all lead.  No one could foresee.

Luis Miranda: If the depopulation program has not had the results that the elite expected, when will it reach that point?

Kevin Galalae: There were no timetables at first. There was no long-term plan that glimpsed decades into the future. The knowledge for such a plan and the foresight, as well as the statistical data and computing power that enabled long-term projections were non-existent. At its inception and until the 1970s the international community led by the US and the USSR was merely engaged in a desperate attempt to deal with the devastating aftermath of World War II and to prevent a repeat of history, which would now end in assured mutual annihilation due to thedevelopment of nuclear weapons.

Until the Nixon administration the population control timetable has always been dictated by the need to stay ahead of the always impending famine and resource scarcity and to do so they realized they would have to globalize the economy to facilitate the transfer of goods and services across national frontiers so as to better respond to crises situations and to better spread the benefits of development.  That is when globalization began.  And that is when an aggressive depopulation program became inevitable.  Why?  Because once they crunched the numbers it became clear as daylight that the planet could only support at most one billion people at the standard of living North Americans had become accustomed to and America always insisted on protecting its way of life, as have all other affluent countries and people throughout history.

To this day, the optimal number of people the earth can support remains a political decision that is yet to be made and that is being and will continue to be dictated by the lifestyle we want to have as a species.  Peaceful coexistence dictates that to avoid armed conflict we must share the wealth globally without distinction of race or nationality or religion.  Globalization enables us to share the earth’s resources without prejudice and to attain global prosperity.  It forces us to move in tandem and in peace towards an affluent global civilization.  But to achieve this goal we have no choice but to arrest and reverse our numbers.  How many human beings will live on the planet will be dictated by how well we want to live, by how many resources we want to have at our disposal per capita, and on how much the earth can give us without destabilizing its ecosystems.  With the current technology, my estimate is that the earth cannot sustain more than one billion people.

Luis Miranda: How successful has the plan been? Are the efforts keeping up with the rate of reproduction? In other words, if the plan is kept up, will human population peak at 9 billion in 2040? If not, will it peak in 2050 or 2060?

Kevin Galalae: It has been an uphill battle, the greatest battle humanity has ever engaged in, as we have taken on the mightiest natural enemies, the urge to procreate and the instinct to survive.  Every target set in the past to lower the TFR of all countries on earth has been missed.  To this day, many countries have yet to get there, India being the most populous on this list.  The chemical, biological, psychosocial and economic methods, both covert and overt, employed thus far have been only partially successful.  That is why GMOs have been developed.  GMOs represent the last straw, the last hope of the international community to halt and reverse human population covertly.  Judging by the global resistance against GMOs and by the fact that I have exposed the Global Depopulation Policy, the plan will not succeed. That is why policy makers and world leaders need to show courage and stand united in front of the world to announce and implement a global and universal one-child policy for the next three generations or until our numbers are sufficiently low to reestablish balance with nature. Absent such leadership to bring the depopulation effort into the open we are facing disaster and global conflict.

Homesteading is the only (legal) way I know of to become almost completely self-reliant from the food corporations, the utilities companies, the Government and Big Pharma… by harvesting hundreds upon hundreds of dolars of organic food year-round, and collecting thousands of gallons of crystal-clear drinking water for free…

To take back your health by growing your own groceries, and making your own food out of basic ingredients, such as cheese, bread and even chocolate to name a few…

Then you could stockpile the excess produce for dark days… (The shelf life of ingredients is longer than that of the resulting foods, anyway…) So while other preppers pay thousands for overpriced, highly-processed “emergency food”, you’ll build your survival stockpile for free…

It’ll be like having your own personal supermarket just a few feet away from you… Though not the kind that sells processed meat full of hormones and steroids, veggies full of pesticides that have absolutely no taste at all, not to mention and all the other junk full of preservatives…

Luis Miranda: Why do you consider citing this projection made by the elite as a fallacy? Is it because it won’t happen or because people use it as if it will be the result of affluence and development?

Kevin Galalae: The latter.  What is a fallacy is the notion that low fertility rates and small families are the natural result of development and affluence.  This is a myth that was created to hide the fact that low fertility rates and small families are the result of covert population control methods: fluoride, BPA, vaccines, HIV/AIDS, artificial scarcity caused by deliberate economic manipulation, eugenic laws, and a battery of psychosocial methods designed to undermine the family.

Overpopulation deniers, however, use this myth to demonstrate that there is no need for population control because the global population is stabilizing on its own at 9 billion.  Overpopulation deniers do not realize that the reason the population will stabilize at 9 billion is because the international community employs a battery of covert methods to undermine human fertility and the family unit and that they have done so in strict secrecy since 1945.  The international community (UN, WHO, IMF, WB, etc.) and the military-industrial complex (especially that of the US, UK and Russia) – the brain and the arm of the globalization/depopulation policy – who have been in control of the secret depopulation program, are prevented from setting overpopulation denies straight by the continuing need to keep the myth alive, a myth which they have created to conceal the truth.

Luis Miranda: Many well-informed people who cite the figure of 9 billion are aware of the elite’s plan to exterminate many of us. They reference the data because they have read it in globalist white papers, speeches, etc.

Kevin Galalae: The data in globalist white papers is attributed to affluence/development so as to hide the true reason of low fertility rates, which are the covert methods I describe in my books and articles.  The need to proceed in secret with depopulation measures has begot deception to bypass democratic processes and the rule of law.  Government and the international community now exist primarily to hide the truth and break the law for that is the only way they can eliminate the vast majority of genetic lines alive today.

Luis Miranda: Knowledgeable people also cite the population peak of 9 billion to make people aware that despite the fact that the elite has planned to exterminate many of us and that the elite’s projection was to have a stable population by 2040, they still continue advancing stronger measures of depopulation.

Kevin Galalae: The reason they advance ever stronger methods of depopulation is because the methods they have employed so far have not been sufficient to reach the desperate goals previously set, goals that have only become more desperate. Desperate times call for desperate measure.   Now we are in do or die time. We no longer have a buffer time, which is why they are going for broke; hence the chemtrails, the GMOs and, soon, pandemic-causing viruses.

Luis Miranda: Could we say that these well informed people have failed to explain to the public that the elite are using more aggressive measures because their initial projection is not going to come to fruition?

Kevin Galalae: Yes, this is indeed the case.  In addition, the environmental impact has become critical.  Also critical are the social and economic strains, due to overcrowding and the need to share the same economic pie with an ever growing number of people, which means that each individual pie is shrinking from year to year, have compelled the authorities to unleash a new generation of population control methods; methods that are far more effective and far less subtle and that can only be forced on us by a police state and police state controls.

They do this not because they like or want tyranny but because we are facing collapse.  They reckon that a pre-emptive strike will prevent chaos.  They reckon that controlled population annihilation is preferable to the global disintegration of civilization into mayhem, which is what will happen if nothing is done.  And while they are right that doing something, however brutal, is better than doing nothing; they are wrong in choosing to go over our heads and against our will and at our cost only.

Humankind is better and smarter than they give us credit for.  We are capable of taking control of the depopulation effort.  We can do it legally and openly with the cooperation of the vast majority of people on earth, which will make the depopulation effort humane and far more effective and will preserve and strengthen the best traits of human nature, as well as our dignity, the intellectual and genetic endowment of humanity, and our rights and freedoms.  The OM Principles show how to protect our children, our planet, our dignity, and our humanity while at the same time accomplishing the hard targets imposed by the existential threats we face.

What stands in the way of the alternative I provide is a crisis of leadership at the top and a crisis of participation at the bottom.  What stands in the way is a general crisis of conscience.

Global Climate Geo-engineering

Once people understood that there was a real effort going on to drastically reduce population numbers, they had to cope with the latest weapon used by the elite to carry out mass depopulation. The Global Climate Geo-engineering Program that is being carried out by the elite is perhaps the most effective of all tools they have ever employed. Why? Because different from vaccines, GMOs and other methods used before, spraying the skies with toxic chemicals so people are sistematically poisoned, is something no one can escape from. We all need to breath, don’t we?

One man who has been in the search for answers about Global Climate Geo-engineering for at least two decades is Dane Wigington. Mr. Wigington is well-known in the alternative media movement for his in-depth presentations about what many people call ‘chemtrails’ or chemical trails, which in reality are a form of geo-engineering. The elite has been in the business -there are patents and people are making money of it- for decades and they are not about to stop spraying the skies with their heavy metals just because we’ve found out. For over 70 years, planetary geo-engineering has gone from being a dream of the elite to becoming a reality. The problem is that it has cost humanity more than anyone believed.

According to Mr. Wigington’s research, climate geo-engineering has caused and continues to cause climate related disruptions, many of which are intended to bring down whole nations or at times certain areas of the planet. Global Climate Geo-engineering is responsible for extreme drought, ozone depletion, excessive methane release, drastic reduction in arctic sea ice, global oxygen content reductions, oceans on the brink of collapse, massive fish die offs, the extinction of at least 200 different species a day, a drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia, the reduction of forests worldwide, the sterilization of soils, making it impossible for plants to grow without Monsanto’s aluminum resistant seeds, and yes global warming.

Mr. Wigington backs up his statements with solid data obtained from NOAA, NASA, patent documentation, which can be found on his website “The debate over whether geo-engineering programs are going on is now a moot point. We have more than enough data to confirm it. We have actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geo-engineering patents and documents,” says Wigington.

“Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to geo-engineering scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth.” Mr. Wigington recently explained in a conference in California that there is no such a thing as natural weather anymore. The elite behind the depopulation program are now capable of keeping large areas of the planet in drought while drowning the land across the continent by making it rain uncontrollably.

Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization

The government’s covert use of deadly and dangerous Geo-engineering practices, which supposedly attempt to reduce global warming by artificially modifying the Earth’s climate systems through the reduction of solar radiation and the removal of Carbon Dioxide is seriously threatening life on Earth. That is the conclusion Dane Wigington has come to after conducting deep research into the ways that the chemicals sprayed over us are changing the environment. Along with Mr. Wigington’s research, documentaries such as What in the World are they Spraying and Why in the World are They Spraying have shed even more light into the Global Geo-engineering Program.  These documentaries provide scientific commentary and evidence about the toxic effects of such  programs on human life and the negative impact on eco-systems and weather patterns.

Global geo-engineering programs are literally ripping the atmosphere apart and changing climate patterns more rapidly out of control. Earth’s life support systems is also being decimated. The lethally toxic fallout from these same programs is poisoning every breath we take, and the entire web of life. If you think this sounds absurd, or impossible, take the time to examine the evidence yourself. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

A tool for blowing the Global Climate Geo-engineering Cover up Open

A new initiative based documentary called Look up raises awareness about the current threat that Climate Geo-engineering  poses to planet Earth. Whether the elite began using geo-engineering to curb global warming or are doing solely to cull the global population is not important anymore. Either way, humanity and the rest of the species are being exterminated in the process. Look Up , the film directed by George Barnes, won the Hamptons Film Festival 2013, the AFI World Peace Best Environmental Short Film, the 2013 Action On Film Festival’s Best Documentary Short award, and the 2013 International Film Festival for Peace.

Perhaps part of its success is related to the fact the film comes accompanied by a mobile application called SyderAlert, which mobile phone users can download and use to document weather geo-engineering as it happens. The video captured by witnesses can then be sent to government representatives. The mobile application capture visual evidence of the potentially catastrophic activity, allows users to create petitions against it, and sends the evidence directly to the appropriate representative. Users can have their video automatically geo-located to ensure that the appropriate elected officials are selected.

The genocidal depopulation plan generally involves poisoning or sterilizing people through the use of chem. trails or water fluoridation. Agribusinesses transnational like Monsanto are often implicated in some sort of scheme to monopolize the world’s food supply so it can be easily tainted with deadly toxins. Just about anything that can be said to involve “chemicals” can be implicated in this nefarious scheme: vaccines, alleged covert geo-engineering schemes, genetically modified food, etc. Variants of the theory include those with an anti-abortion tinge who incorporate conspiracy theories about Planned Parenthood, and AIDS conspiracy theorists who believe AIDS was concocted in a laboratory for the purpose of reducing the population. Another variant, largely attributable to Lyndon La Roche, has worldwide nuclear war as part of the conspirators’ alleged plan along with a deliberate economic collapse and de-industrialization to force the world back into a “new dark age.”




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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Interesting to see that those who believe that the earth will be better able to support life with a lower population are not jumping at the opportunity to kill themselves for what they see as a good cause. Why is this? Who decides which one is more valuable than another? This arrogance will be addressed by the living God and the wicked will not escape.

  2. The Vaccines are not doing the job fast enough. Jesus how can they mess up crispr? They had every opportunitiy to at least sterilize the vaccine takers, instead they are messing with the weather destroying what wildlife is left. This plan needs to get into gear already. There are already too many rich people, and there isn't anything left for the actual working class producers. The situation has been unchecked for too long. How long exactly do you think this can continue? There is nothing left, and the boomer population is still sitting at their mahogany tables shoving their faces with BBQ.

  3. “What really are the powers to be going to do to survive themselves. They eat, breath, live in the same space?”
    In one short year, the answer to this question has become clear. They are going to try and force you and I to take a “warp speed” vaccine that they themselves will not take. Yeah, I know. It sounds crazy, but we are dealing with lunatics so keep that in mind. Nothing has made sense this year, and it’s getting worse.

  4. There are a lot of expensive protection products arriving on the market so if they can make the weapons they can surely make the protections better than anyone else. So they make money on the weapons and the protections. Win win for them. Lose lose for us, as so many other systems go

  5. I agree with this article completely.. Why don’t people know or don’t want to know is ,
    to me incredible.
    Statement by Richard von Koudenhoven-Kalergi, founder of the EU
    “The white races of Europe should be destroyed and replaced with a race of Eurasian-Negroids, who can be easily controlled by the ruling “Elite”.
    He was a member of the Bilderberg group. So was Kissinger who had the same if not worse idea”s. This was so long planned and started after the 2nd world war already, you should read the speeches of Kissinger on this matter, and after they have used the Eurasian/negroids, they will get rid of them.
    Never, never in my life I would have suspected that the human could be so bad and callous.
    One should get more information about that Bilderberg group, but be careful. They are very, very strong and secretive.

    A message to the dark, from Commander Ahshtar Sheran,Of the New Jerusalem.

    For those who continue to escape our grasp, it is simply a matter of time,
    lower Erath Orbit battling has been continuous for years and your resources are wearing thin.
    With your wrestling money from your Cabal resources, much of your funding has stopped. The people you have trained to work for money, are now asking where their paychchecks are; why has the payment stopped. Your “ingenious” evil scenes are working against you.
    Your people will not work for nothing. You are loosing power over them.

    We have now created a means to remove hostages from your bases upon the earth. Nothing you do will stop us.
    s time goes by in this war, our victory is more obvious, yet you persist in attempting to defend yourself, sealing your fate within th Galactic Sun. The Light will absorb you, and you will be no more. Good riddance. Those of you who are guilty of lesser crimes anyone day find the Light. We are happy to return to rehabilitate you.

    We have to many resources upon this Planet, now awake, who are helping us to fen you off, and provide to you the justice, that should have been vetted out to you long ago. The Light, with Creator at it’s Head, will prevail. It always does. Your time is over.

    You can go to your allies to get more supplies, more troops, but your credit is running thin with them. As we continue to dominate planet SHAN (Earth), there is no more reason for them to visit, to take advantage of all the spoils you have plundered of Planet Shan.
    Many of them look at this battle as a lost cause and no longer support you.
    We see this. Perhaps you do not, so I am pointing it out to you now.
    We have taken your greedy schemes and used them against you.
    There are many area’s upon planet Shan, that need to be reclaimed for the Light, given back to Gaya and freed for the use of its beneficiaries – the People – and we are doing this because we have the man poer and the technology to do so. We have you on all sides, upside, from within, and underneath.
    Yet you blatantly persist in attempting to defy us.

    We are closing your dark portals. They are being reported, and we are closing them. Your dark workers are being arrested and taken of Planet. Your resources are dwindling, your numbers are falling.

    Your Hollywood is being exposed for the den of deprivation that truly is;
    Few can turn a blind eye to reports of pedophilia, cloning, and abuse being reported daily. Your social influence is declining. The people are turning their backs on your systems and we stand by them as they walk away.

    Your Governments are largely GESARA compliant and battling with the few factions left of the Illuminati.
    Your influence is being challenged and with this comes your dis powerment..
    The only power you had was MONEY, which is draining away, lifestyle, which is being destroyed and dismantled.

    Rome is falling again. Your Pontiff, the fake purveyor of evil that he is:
    has seen his day. We are already infiltrating this system and will bring it to the Light, before we dismantle it forever.

    You have lost. It is only a question of time before those on planet Shan rejoice in the freedom they have never known under your rules.


    These are the ones of many of the creator that keep me going, because I know they are the truth and what he is writing here is already happening for a long time, not all at once, but gradually and I thank everybody who assist them so much to get a Terra Nova for Mankind, nature and the animals.

  6. I have heard this a few times. What really are the powers to be going to do to survive themselves. They eat, breath, live in the same space. Even if it is subterrainian.


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