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Slave Bible’ removed passages to instill obedience and uphold slavery (Video)
This article is stating that the bible was revised in order to control the blacks. The bible itself, in its so called “unrevised” form is geared towards controlling/enslaving the whole of humanity (the controlling elites, excluded, of course). There is nothing holy about it. Only the clueless thinks so. Of course, there are some truthful information in it. The controllers are adept at mixing a lot of lies with some truths so they can sell it better to the clueless. Just watch the clueless get up in arms when they hear anything negative said about the bible. Even their behavior has been so programmed to control the narrative. It functions like the ADL……if you know what I mean.
Hello Cecile, the true unedited & untainted teachings of Jesus Christ are not bad so don’t throw the baby out with the water, here is the true unedited story: ‘AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL – I AM SANANDA” http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/PJ_02.pdf